世の中に怒ることは多々あれど、笑っちゃうこともある。Boris Johnson. ヒジャブやブルカを着用する女性を「郵便ポストみたいだ」、「銀行強盗みたいだ」と言い放ち顰蹙を買い、メディアに追いかけられ、ユーモアなのか皮肉なのか、天然のままなのか、Oxfordshierの自宅に押し掛ける記者さんたちに、でっかい、上品とはいい難いマグカップにドバっと紅茶を入れて、「まぁ、まぁ、お茶でもどうぞ!」という。批判を浴びるのは承知の上だと思うけど、そのユーモアに思わず大笑い、Boris。 君はおかしすぎる!

“I have nothing to say about this matter except to offer you some tea…

Steve Bannon claimed Boris Johnson had "nothing to apologise for" over burka comments
Eaton-Oxford Statesman

Tory investigation into Boris Johnson burka comments must not be ‘whitewash’

The row over Boris Johnson’s burka comments is rumbling on. Credit: PA
The Conservative Party’s investigation into Boris Johnson’s controversial comments over the burka cannot be a “whitewash” the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has said.

Following the former foreign secretary’s comments that Muslim women who wear the burka look like “letter-boxes” or “bank robbers”, the MCB’s letter to Theresa May is expected to state that “no-one should be allowed to victimise minorities with impunity”.
Miqdaad Versi, the Assistant Secretary General of the MCB, told ITV News that there must be “transparency” around the investigation into the comments, which were a “a deliberate action to stoke tensions”.
「ブルカ」発言で非難されるジョンソン前英外相 質問答えず記者にお茶を

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Mandela lecture: Five things Barack Obama said

Barack Obama has used his first high-profile speech since stepping down as US president to take swipes at “strongman politics” and politicians’ disregard for the facts. His comments are seen as thinly veiled criticism of the current US administration’s use of what has been described as “alternative facts”.
Here are five key points from his Nelson Mandela lecture, made to the world’s media and an audience of some 15,000 people in South Africa’s main city, Johannesburg.

Mandela Day is about taking action to change the world for the better. In these young people, I see Madiba’s example of persistence and hope. They are poised to make this world more peaceful, more prosperous, and more just.

4. Viva democracy!

Politicians using “politics of fear, resentment, retrenchment” were rising “at a pace unimaginable just a few years ago,” Barack Obama warned.

Democracy is messy, he said, “but the efficiency of an autocrat is a false promise”.

“It is time for us to stop paying all of our attention to the world’s capitals… and focus on the world’s grassroots. That is where democracy comes from,” he added.

Warning against creeping populism and “strongman politics”, he made the case for liberal democracy, saying that he believed it offered the better future for humanity.

“I believe in Nelson Mandela’s vision” for the world’s future, he said, “I believe that a world governed by such principles is possible”.

“It can achieve more peace and more cooperation in pursuit of a common good,” he added.

“I believe we have no choice but to move forward… I believe it is based on hard evidence. The fact that the world’s most prosperous and successful societies happen to be those which have most closely approximated the liberal progressive ideal that we talk about.”

Things may go backwards for a while, but – ultimately – right makes might,” Mr Obama said. “Not the other way around.”

Full Text

Sammary by BBC

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The Telegraphより(7/15)
France win World Cup 2018 final in breathless six-goal thriller against Croatia

Truly, madly, deeply. We will miss this World Cup like no other. The day after Bastille Day France are champions and deservedly so. But only after the most remarkable, crazy and controversial encounter against a courageous Croatia in which there was a VAR storm, and an actual storm in the skies above Moscow, a first-ever own goal in a World Cup Final, a cool strike from a new global superstar, an horrific goalkeeping blunder by the man who lifted the trophy – and a Pussy Riot pitch invasion.
To secure its status as the best ever World Cup the tournament needed a memorable final. It got it. What a finale it was to this 31-day festival of football, as Gareth Southgate called it, and it was the highest-scoring final since England beat West Germany 4-2 in 1966. Well, they sang football’s coming home. At least the score was the same and while England and their fans will never stop dreaming of what might have been – just 22 minutes from the final, if anyone needed reminding – France have the 18-carat gold, 14-inch, 11lb trophy for the second time ever and the second time in 20 years.


Kylian Mbappe: The making of a global sensationKylian Mbappe pictured in 2012

Kylian Mbappe pictured in 2012
As the rest of his body flowed, that left arm extended and locked into position. It would jut out like a sail, hanging away from his torso, and whip across his chest with each stride.
Watch him now, five years later, and the kink is harder to spot. Those arms have become swollen with muscle, and the legs pump with such speed that you would…(stop)
★ 試合経過


Pussy RiotメンバーとハイタッチIntruder high-fiving Mbappé

Junko MasudaさんのFBより(Sept. 12、2018)


[b]も[p]も口を閉じて発音。その直前には口を開けて発音する[n]でなく口を閉じて発音する[m]を置く。(次の音の準備)。number, remember, camp, jump・・・。rainbowはrainとbowの意味を崩さないため発音より意味重視!?(このセンテンスはJunkoさんのママ)

   Kylian Mbappé#29  Kylian Mbappé


日本の西野さん 西野さんの左にいた審判さんのBodyにクギづけ



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今、日本各地で影響力を広げている。Abe は「日程の都合」とか理由をつけて会わないようで、Fihnさんにズバリ「世界から見放される危険を冒している」と指摘した!ここまではっきり言う人・団体が今の日本にはあまりいない、少ないのがとても残念だ。


On Twitter: It was really special to visit the memorial sites of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So much suffering and pain, yet today these are two cities of hope, devoted to working for nuclear disarmament. They are an inspiration to all of us.

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Everyone in Trumpworld Knows He’s an Idiot

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「DPRK」という表現は2004年にPeace Depotで働き始めて初めて聞いた表現だった。「北朝鮮」ではなく正式国名を使おう、でもできるだけ簡単な字数の少ない表現で、しかもそこに親しみと尊敬を込めて。









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  • Obama calls President Trump’s decision to end DACA ‘wrong,’ ‘self-defeating’ and ‘cruel’

    By Jenna Johnson

September 5
On Jan. 20, President Barack Obama, right, poses with President-elect Donald Trump at the White House. (Evan Vucci/AP)
Former president Barack Obama said Tuesday that it is “wrong,” “self-defeating” and “cruel” for the Trump administration to end an Obama-era program that allowed younger undocumented immigrants to continue to live in the United States without fear of deportation.
“Let’s be clear: The action taken today isn’t required legally. It’s a political decision, and a moral question,” Obama said in a lengthy statement posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday afternoon, following an announcement earlier in the day that the Trump administration will unwind the program, pending action from Congress in the next six months.
“Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn’t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us. … Kicking them out won’t lower the unemployment rate, or lighten anyone’s taxes, or raise anybody’s wages.”Read More →