
The Washington Post: Japan sets aside $22 million to buff government’s global image amid pandemic struggles

By Simon Denyer April 15, 2020 at 11:30 p.m.

Failed Abeno Strategies such as :Abeno”mix,” Abeno”Mask,” Abeno”Risk” and

TOKYO — As Japan’s novel coronavirus infections surge and its health-care system stands on the brink of collapse, the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has an added concern: its image.

An emergency economic relief package unveiled last week earmarked $22 million for the foreign ministry “to dispel negative perceptions of Japan related to infectious diseases,” and to strengthen communications about the situation in Japan — over the Internet and through its embassies.

Artificial intelligence will also be harnessed to monitor social media and see what is being said about Japan abroad. This will give the Foreign Ministry a chance to respond to “wrong information,” the Mainichi newspaper reported. Many countries set aside money for international image-building, but Japan’s latest move strikes many critics as ill-timed, especially as part of an emergency economic relief package in the midst of a pandemic.

It’s a typically defensive reaction from an administration “obsessed with its international image,” said Nancy Snow, a professor of public diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

“This is a conservative government that does not take kindly to any dissent internally or externally,” she said. “Their solution is always this simple, ‘let’s put some money aside,’ because that seems less daunting than handling the real situation.”

Criticism initially centered on Japan’s handling of infections on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship in February.

Despite emotional appeals from the leaders of Japan’s medical community, from independent experts and regional leaders, Abe dithered for weeks before finally declaring a partial state of emergency over seven of the country’s 47 prefectures last week.

In newspaper headlines and tweets, Abe was compared to Louis XVI, an uncaring and out-of-touch leader with little understanding of the suffering of ordinary people outside his “palace.”

But the foreign criticism seems to have particularly stung.

Japan’s global public relations budget has risen sharply since Abe took over as prime minister in 2012, in an attempt to bolster Japan’s reputation as a reliable ally of the United States and as a democratic leader in Asia to counter authoritarian China. But money is also spent on attempts to whitewash Japan’s wartime past, critics say.

5/8 追加
A new pandemic?
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何とも言えない不気味な何かの接近。何をもたらすのか、いつ去っていくのか? 2年前バルト3国のどこかで見たペストの歴史、ヘルシンキか?あの街角に立っていた黒衣の長身の「悪魔」を思い出した。<Trip to the Baltics (Tallinn)

WHO Special Site

ヒトに感染するコロナウイルスとは;ヒトに蔓延している風邪のウイルス4種類と、動物から感染する重症肺炎ウイルス2種類が知られている。 :(新型コロナウイルス(2019-nCoV)関連情報ページ :国立感染症研究所)



Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Japan Tracker

NYT Motoko Richさん

Diamond Princess号に関するNYT記事 (こちら)

More than three days passed before Japan imposed a quarantine. That delay and other missteps helped produce the largest outbreak of the virus beyond China. By Motoko Rich   Published Feb. 22, 2020  Updated Feb. 23, 2020, 5:37 a.m. ET

YOKOHAMA, Japan — The captain came over the intercom early in the evening: A passenger who had left the ship nine days earlier had tested positive for the new coronavirus sweeping through China. While the guests on board were unnerved, it was the final night of their two-week luxury cruise aboard the Diamond Princess. The revelry continued as the ship headed toward the port in Yokohama, Japan’s second-largest city. Passengers dined on filet mignon, attended shows in the 700-seat theater and crowded the bars and dance floors into the night. (つづく



(2020.4.6)全世界がパニックに陥る深刻な事態だ。密かに好きなwarugaki Boris Johnsonが10日ほどの自宅隔離の後、入院措置となり心配だ。志村けんさんが死亡したのも痛ましかった。

Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives@BorisJohnson·4月3日Another quick update from me on our campaign against #coronavirus. You are saving lives by staying at home, so I urge you to stick with it this weekend, even if we do have some fine weather.

Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives@BorisJohnson·3時間I’d like to say thank you to all the brilliant NHS staff taking care of me and others in this difficult time. You are the best of Britain. Stay safe everyone, and please remember to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

(4/6)Last night, on the advice of my doctor, I went into hospital for some routine tests as I’m still experiencing coronavirus symptoms. I’m in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team, as we work together to fight this virus and keep everyone safe.




寄稿 青山学院大学教授・生物学者の福岡伸一さん 2 (2020/6/17)

連載コロナ後の世界を語る 現代の知性たちの視線

生命の必然、ロゴスでは抵抗できない 福岡伸一さん寄稿



The Spanish Flu of 1918: the history of a deadly pandemic and lessons for coronavirus 69,615 回視聴• 2020/04/091027108共有保存 とても分かりやすい解説

What was the Spanish Flu, why was it so deadly – and are there any lessons for today’s world as countries try to stem the spread of Covid-19? (Subscribe: 100 years ago, the world was hit by a deadly pandemic during the last months of WWI: the Spanish Flu went on to kill millions of people around the globe. Channel 4 News speaks to Professor Howard Phillip, Professor Nancy Bristow and the writer Laura Spinney – all of whom have studied and written about the Spanish Flu crisis.


WHO上級顧問・渋谷健司さんが警鐘 「手遅れに近い」状態を招いた専門家会議の問題点 小田健司2020.4.18 08:00AERA#AERAオンライン限定#新型コロナウイルス


4/24 神戸大岩田教授のセッションが面白かったので。

<これぞジャーナリスト神保哲生の首相質問>  2020/05/06




 インターネット放送局「ビデオニュース・ドットコム」を運営する日本ビデオニュース社の神保哲生代表は、この日も安倍首相を当惑させている質問を素早く投げかけた。「(安倍首相は)PCR検査のことを国会で聞かれても、(検査数のキャパシティーを)一日2万件に増やすといったお答えをされる。でもまだ1万件に行ったことがない。つまり、どこか人ごとのようなお答えをされるけど、それはそれほど本気でこれまで増やそうとしていなかったのか、それとも本気で増やそうとしたが、本当に増えなかったのか。」神保氏は「本気」という言葉を何度も使って、速射砲のように質問を投げかけた。これはまるで今年3月28日の記者会見のデジャビュ(既視感)のようだった。当時も神保氏は記者会見が終わるころ、最後に質問する機会を得た。「総理自身のお考えを是非聞きたい。海外などでは、日本は水面下で実際には感染が広がっているのではないかという疑いの声がいろんな所で聞かれる」とストレートに質問した。中国からの入国制限も遅かったと「しっ責」した。日本の一般市民が持っている不満や懸念を率直に代弁した質問だった。予期せぬ質問に安倍首相は慌てたように、これについて異例の長く詳しい弁明を余儀なくされた。東京=李河遠(イ・ハウォン)特派員 チョソン・ドットコム/朝鮮日報日本語版 <神保氏自身の記事こちら

5/9(土)…朝日新聞土曜のお楽しみ「クイズ」のあるbe版がお休みだったx x x 。新聞もTVもネットもコロナだらけで嫌になるけど、見るべき記事もある。


How to ware or use masks? 2020/11/25

2021/1/8 新しい年になり急激に感染者数が増加している!


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Winterreisse 第23曲に出てくる Nebensonnen 遠藤先生の名調子解説が懐かしい。

2021/2/15 江の島付近の幻日!


シューベルト :冬の旅 第23番 幻の太陽 D 911/23 Op. 89-23

Schubert, Franz:Winterreise No.23 Die Nebensonnen D 911/23 Op. 89-23  23. 幻の太陽 Die Nebensonnen

Die Nebensonnen
Wilhelm Müller
Drei Sonnen sah ich am Himmel stehen, 
Hab’ lang’ und fest sie angesehn;
Und sie auch standen da so stier,
Als wollten sie nicht weg von mir.
Ach, meine Sonnen seid ihr nicht! 
Schaut Andren doch in’s Angesicht!
Ja, neulich hatt’ ich auch wohl drei: 
Nun sind hinab die besten zwei.
Ging’ nur die dritt’ erst hinterdrein!
Im Dunkeln wird mir wohler sein.
The Mock Suns
English Translation
© Richard Wigmore
I saw three suns in the sky;
I gazed at them long and intently.
And they, too, stood there so fixedly,
as if unwilling to leave me.
Alas, you are not my suns!
Gaze into other people’s faces!
Yes, not long ago I, too, had three suns; 
now the two best have set.
If only the third would follow,
I should feel happier in the dark.


空に太陽が三つあるのが見えて、 長い時間、じいっと見つめていた。 太陽たちも無表情で身じろぎもしなかった、 * ミュラーの詩では Ja(そうだ) まるで俺から離れたくないかのように。 ああ、おまえたちは俺の太陽じゃない、 他の奴の顔でも見ててくれ! ああ、最近まで俺も確かに三つ持っていたんだ、 今や、いいほうの二つが沈んじまった。 三つめのも続いて行ってくれればいいのに、 俺には暗闇の中のほうがより快適なんだ。


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Felipe Camargo, Regional Representative for Southern Europe, UNHCR

English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France)United Nationsで新しい仕事をスタート1994年3月6日ニューヨークカーブルに引っ越しました2001年12月21日

11/17 Hello Felipe. Time flies, Dushmanthee said that the baby I held in my arms when we visited Indika’s house, was now 16yo! What I remember you at that occasion was you took a long shower!

11/20 Dear Akemi, good to hear from you! Time flies and we get wiser…! I hope you are doing well. I am coming to Japan next year and would love to visit you in Yokohama or wherever you might be! as time approaches I will let you know. Stay well !!!

11/20 I am so glad to know that you will come to Japan soon. Please let me know when you are here. I would very much like to see you again. I also remember you when I heard Madam Ogata passed away.

Felipe Camargo

9月21日 · 

Are we accompanied or simply surrounded? Sometimes those that are friends or believe to be friends choose friendships at their own measure. To differentiate between friends and acquaintances is not easy. One can be surrounded by thousands of acquaintances but the real friends are to be counted with the fingers of one hand. Those that sense, share, listen, advice and suggest are the ones to be considered friends. Acquaintances are in general present at their own convenience. Acquaintances are not bad but one cannot always count with them. Friends are there, present, sensing and aware. They are the ones that you have telepathy with; those that know when, how and what to say and how to support. Friends are not to be underestimated. They will cross the world or simply call when they need you or you need them. Friends are not interested in celebrating one day of friendship, they are always there even when you are dead. They will carry you with them and you will carry them forever. So on this day of love and friendship in Colombia, I think about both friends and acquaintances and wish them all the happiness and the love that we all deserve.


Yesterday was World Humanitarian Day #WHD. I reflected on my past 28 years working as a humanitarian. The reward of helping hundreds or thousands of persons, families, communities or countries to overcome the impact of war, man-made or natural disasters... and then I thought of us… humanitarians…that carry a heavy weight for years without adequate support, losing family, friends, colleagues along the way, becoming displaced, uprooted, emotionally weak and desperately lonely! I only hope that those that continue this fascinating and challenging path take care of themselves… as it is essential to do so in order to be able to take care of others.

9月4日 · 

Guido – present! GG l only know that the world would be a better place with you… but certainly you are not missing much: Italy is in serious trouble not to say in deep s…t, Colombia’s peace negotiations going down the drain, your dream of a solid European Union is becoming a nightmare, the number of refugees and victims of war has tripled in the last 10 years; the Amazon forest is disappearing at a rate that you won’t believe it; the earth is crying as pollution and abuse increases climate change and lost of species and habitats; abuse of power is the new democracy; Trump will most probably win a second term, Putin and Erdogan are Trump’s teachers, Venezuela is simply sad, and last but not least inequality is bigger than ever! So stay where you are! in the meantime, I will do my best to stay strong, calm and enjoy life in the county side.

8月21日 · 

Yesterday was World Humanitarian Day #WHD. I reflected on my past 28 years working as a humanitarian. The reward of helping hundreds or thousands of persons, families, communities or countries to overcome the impact of war, man-made or natural disasters… and then I thought of us… humanitarians…that carry a heavy weight for years without adequate support, losing family, friends, colleagues along the way, becoming displaced, uprooted, emotionally weak and desperately lonely! I only hope that those that continue this fascinating and challenging path take care of themselves… as it is essential to do so in order to be able to take care of others.

Felipe Camargo has worked for the United Nations for over 20 years, leading teams in Somalia, Afghanistan, Tanzania and many other emergencies. Since the early 1990s over a million Rohingya refugees have fled violence in Myanmar, and Felipe has returned to the region multiple times as part of the humanitarian response. He also suffered personal tragedy that affected him greatly. To listen to more episodes of “Awake at Night” visit: Information for media: If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact

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Talking Points for Felipe Camargo, UNHCR Regional Representative Southern Europe

18 September 2018

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Boris Johnson outside 10 Downing Street.
Boris Johnson outside 10 Downing Street. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA Wire/PA Images
UK will still owe money to EU even if it leaves with no deal, says budget commissioner

Britain would still have to pay into the EU budget until the end of next year even if it leaves without a deal on 31 October, Günther Oettinger, the EU budget commissioner, has said. Speaking at a news conference in Brussels he said the UK was fully signed up to the EU budget for 2020 – its final year of EU contributions.

Even if the UK refused to pay up immediately, the EU would recover its money “at a later stage”, he said. He explained:

In the 2020 draft budget, the UK is a full partner with all rights and obligations in terms of monies paid and monies received and that is how we understand the law.

If the British are not prepared to pay, we are sure we will get the money at a later stage but not immediately.

Boris Johnson has often said that if the UK were to leave the EU without a deal, it would no longer have to pay the £39bn owed under the withdrawal agreement. But even though the exact formula used to decide the UK’s legal obligations in that agreement would no longer be agreed between the two parties, British government officials admit that the UK would still owe a very considerable sum to the EU.

Pro and anti-Brexit banners outside the Houses of Parliament
 Pro and anti-Brexit banners outside the Houses of Parliament Photograph: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/


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from The Guardian 15, July

‘Do not take the bait’: congresswomen denounce Trump’s racist attack

Four Democratic women targeted by Trump accuse him of following an ‘agenda of white nationalists’ at a press conference Lauren Gambino,Ed Pilkington @laurenegambinoMon 15 Jul 2019 23.47 BST

Four Democratic congresswomen of color targeted by Donald Trump’s racist attacks have accused the US president of following an “agenda of white nationalists” and asked that Americans “do not take the bait” of his divisive rhetoric. The women – Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts – called Trump’s remarks a “blatantly racist” attack on elected leaders, and an attempt to distract from the corrupt and inhuman practices of his administration.‘You can leave’: Trump unrepentant over racist attack on congresswomen

Of the four, all are non-white and all except Ilhan Omar of Minnesota were born US citizens. Omar came to the US aged 12 as a refugee and took up American citizenship five years later. All are progressives within the Democratic party, and advocate for left-leaning policies. “This is the agenda of white nationalists, whether it is happening in chat rooms, or it is happening on national TV, and now it is reached the White House garden,” said Omar, who called this a “pivotal moment in our country “ with the “eyes of history” watching.

In his Twitter storm, Trump called on the four – who he did not name directly but clearly invoked – to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”.

トランプのTwitterの中味は書くのも嫌だが。So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements! …. ……8:27 PM – 14 Jul 2019

Our Country is Free, Beautiful and Very Successful. If you hate our Country, or if you are not happy here, you can leave! 8:17 PM – 16 Jul 2019

“It is time for us to stop allowing this president to make a mockery of our Constitution,” she (Ilhan Omar) said. “It is time to impeach this president.” Ocasio-Cortez, who was born in the Bronx and is of Puerto Rican descent, said she was “not surprised” by Trump’s comments. “This president … does not know how to defend his policies and so what he does is attack us personally,” Ocasio-Cortez said. The president’s use of the “go back home” racist trope led to an immediate and explosive response, with condemnation erupting across the US and around the world. World leaders also made a rare foray into domestic US politics. “Sadly, this is not the first nor will it be the last time we hear disgusting, bigoted language from the president,” Tlaib said. “We know this is who he is.”

The out-going British prime minister Theresa May let it be known through a spokesman that she found Trump’s language with regard to the four congresswomen “completely unacceptable”. “Where are you when something this serious, this bigoted, this un-American happens?”In her remarks, Ocasio-Cortez recalled the first time she visited Washington with her father as a little girl. Sitting on the edge of the Reflecting Pool that stretched along the National Mall between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, her father told her: “All of this belongs to you.”
“I want to tell children across this country … that no matter what the president says, this country belongs to you,” she said. “Today, that notion – that very notion – was challenged.”

Facing their toughest challenge, members of ‘the Squad’ turned to Pressley for her ‘positive, loving tone’ 20190717  全文Pdf

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Theresa May resignation speech – PM announces June 7 departure

Theresa May’s legacy by Michael Cockerell – BBC Newsnight

Theresa May resigns: new PM by end of July



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Theresa Mayの道筋が見えない強気と、アイルランド・北アイルランドの国境問題が思いのほか大問題でにっちもさっちも行かなくなり、政府のEU離脱案がHouse of Commonsで大差で否決されてしまった。考えれば考えるほど、EU離脱の代償は大きいように思われる。

Brexit: Theresa May’s deal is voted down in historic Commons defeat

MPs voted by 432 votes to 202 to reject the deal, which sets out the terms of Britain’s exit from the EU on 29 March.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has now tabled a vote of no confidence in the government, which could trigger a general election.

The confidence vote is expected to be held at about 1900 GMT on Wednesday.

The defeat is a huge blow for Mrs May, who has spent more than two years hammering out a deal with the EU.

The plan was aimed at bringing about an orderly departure from the EU on 29 March, and setting up a 21-month transition period to negotiate a free trade deal.

The UK is still on course to leave on 29 March but the defeat throws the manner of that departure – and the timing of it – into further doubt.

MPs who want either a further referendum, a softer version of the Brexit proposed by Mrs May, to stop Brexit altogether or to leave without a deal, will ramp up their efforts to get what they want, as a weakened PM offered to listen to their arguments.

Pro- and anti-Brexit protesters outside Parliament in London on Tuesday. Lawmakers debated for six hours ahead of the vote on Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan.CreditDaniel Leal-Olivas/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

By Stephen Castle and Ellen Barry   NYT Jan. 15, 2019

LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday suffered a humiliating defeat over her plan to withdraw Britain from the European Union, thrusting the country further into political chaos with only 10 weeks to go until it is scheduled to leave the bloc.

The 432-to-202 vote to reject her proposal was the biggest defeat in the House of Commons for a prime minister in recent British history. And it underscores how comprehensively Mrs. May has failed to build consensus behind any single vision of how to exit the European Union.

Now factions in Parliament will offer their own proposals — setting off a new, unpredictable stage in Brexit, the process of withdrawing from the bloc.

“She has completely lost control of the process, and her version of Brexit must now be dead, if she loses by 230 votes,” said John Springford, deputy director of the Center for European Reform, a London-based research institute.

Negotiating the withdrawal from the European Union — which 52 percent of British voters, or 17.4 million people, supported in a referendum in 2016 — has been Mrs. May’s single focus since she became prime minister, displacing social problems like housing and health care.

But her failure to convey any convincing vision of Britain’s future outside the European Union has allowed painful divisions in the country to deepen.

Prime Minister Theresa May called the vote “a historic decision that will set the future of our country for generations.”CreditJessica Taylor/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
And it has created a risk that Britain will exit the 28-nation European bloc with no deal, which analysts have warned could tip Britain into recession and trigger shortages of food, medicine and electricity because of constraints on trade.

Mrs. May’s plan would ultimately have given Britain’s government power over immigration from Europe, and would have kept Britain in the European Union’s customs and trade system until at least the end of 2020 while a long-term pact is negotiated.

Immediately after the vote against her proposal, the Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, citing the “sheer incompetence of this government,” called for a vote of no confidence in Mrs. May, which will be debated on Wednesday.

That could in theory lead to a general election, but few analysts said they thought he could muster the necessary votes.

European Union officials, who have been waiting for Britain to resolve its plan, were muted in an official statement, though exasperated on Twitter.

“If a deal is impossible, and no one wants no deal, then who will finally have the courage to say what the only positive solution is?” Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, wrote in a Twitter post.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, said on Twitter: “I urge the U.K. to clarify its intentions as soon as possible. Time is almost up.”

May’s Brexit Deal Just Failed. What Happens Now?Nobody knows, really. But these are the likeliest scenarios.Jan. 15, 2019

Before the vote, Mrs. May and her supporters were urging lawmakers in both the Conservative and Labour Parties to resolve the stalemate and back her plan, saying that a vote in favor would put country before party.

In her final appeal in Parliament, Mrs. May, a Conservative, impressed on lawmakers the importance of the vote facing them.

“The responsibility on each and every one of us at this moment is profound,” she said, “for this is a historic decision that will set the future of our country for generations.”

Like most others, though, the prime minister had no easy answers about the way forward. She has signaled that she will appeal to the European Union in Brussels for more concessions and try again to win parliamentary approval, but the bloc is unlikely to grant her any concessions unless she has a convincing new plan.

After the vote, Mrs. May said she would allow members of Parliament to debate the various Brexit plans being bandied about.

Mr. Springford of the Center for European Reform said that if Parliament coalesced around a clear proposal for the future, Mrs. May could try to negotiate such a result with the European Union.

But to win Labour Party support, any new proposal would likely be a so-called softer Brexit that would keep closer economic ties to the European Union.

Mr. Corbyn would then be on the spot, forced to decide whether to work with Mrs. May on Brexit or bow to pressure from within his party for a second referendum.

“I think it’s now between a softer Brexit and a second referendum,” Mr. Springford said.

Still, with no consensus behind any one path, and a vanishing window for further negotiation, more radical solutions are rising to the fore.

One group of lawmakers is campaigning for a repeat referendum, which could potentially reverse the decision to leave the European Union. Another favors leaving the bloc as planned on March 29 without a withdrawal agreement, a so-called hard Brexit.

Mrs. May had expected to lose Tuesday’s critical vote, having lost the support of many of her own lawmakers. But her surrogates scrambled up to the moment of the vote to rally lawmakers to her side in hopes of keeping the margin of loss narrow enough. That would have allowed her to try again for parliamentary approval.

Before the vote, the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, raked his eyes over the backbenches of the Commons and rebuked Parliament, in a booming voice, for contemplating a sudden and unregulated end to 45 years of integration with Europe.

Exhorting his fellow Conservatives to get behind Mrs. May’s plan, Mr. Cox asked: “What are you playing at? What are you doing? You are not children in the playground. You are legislators, and it is your job. We are playing with people’s lives.”

He continued, rolling his Rs in theatrical fashion, “Do we opt for order? Or do we choose chaos?”

The environment secretary, Michael Gove, was equally dramatic in a morning radio interview, warning lawmakers that “if we don’t vote for this deal tonight, in the words of Jon Snow, winter is coming,” a reference to “Game of Thrones.”

No Heat for 10 Years, and the City Is Their Landlord

Watching the Brexit vote at a pub in London.CreditAndy Rain/EPA, via Shutterstock

But critics of the deal were equally adamant, saying Mrs. May had emerged from two years of negotiations with an agreement that satisfied no one.

Dominic Raab, who stepped down as Mrs. May’s Brexit secretary in November, described her agreement as “wracked with self-doubt, defeatism and fear.”

“This deal before us can’t end the grinding process — it can only prolong it,” Mr. Raab said. “It would torment us and our European neighbors for the foreseeable future.”

Under normal circumstances, a British prime minister would be expected to resign after losing a vote on a flagship policy. But the Brexit process has so unsettled political conventions that Mrs. May could survive to make revisions and pitch her deal again.

In December, Mrs. May survived a leadership challenge in her own Conservative Party and, under its rules, is safe from another until the end of the year.

“We have been in extraordinary circumstances,” said Nikki da Costa, a former director of legal affairs at 10 Downing Street. “Things that in normal times would not be considered survivable have become normalized. What the government would be looking for is a pathway through this.”

Ms. Da Costa predicted: “We will be doing this again in a couple of weeks’ time.”

Philip Cowley, a professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London, said he was struggling to identify a comparable defeat in the history of British politics.

“When you ask me for a historical benchmark, I can’t find any example,” Mr. Cowley said.

1/31 Asahi 女王もたまらず・・・

Brexit 1

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