“Grow old along with me” from MILK and HONEY

Today is John’s birthday. Would have become 79 years old! I was very impressed by Ringo’s voice, so good.

Ringo Starr, using John Lennon’s handwritten lyrics

Grow Old With Me (Remastered 2010)

The Beatles – Grow Old With Me (2019 Fan Mix)

The Beatles are forever. Always new and moving.

Grow Old With Me


Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be
When our time has come
We will be as one
God bless our love
God bless our love

Grow old along with me
Two branches of one tree
Face the setting sun
When the day is done
God bless our love
God bless our love

Spending our lives together
Man and wife together
World without end World without end

Grow old along with me/ Whatever fate decrees/ We will see it through/ For our love is true/ God bless our love/ God bless our love

It seams Yoko became weak, worrying about it, as she always said that we did not get old, always young and new.

2014年、Yoko 81歳の「私たちは本来みな若いのよ」の発言(大好き!)


How We Retain the Memory of Japan’s Atomic Bombings: Books

Literature is a refuge we turn to when we are forced to confront/ contradictions that lie beyond reason, writes the Japanese novelist Yoko Ogawa.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima occurred on Aug. 6. The bombing of Nagasaki on Aug. 9. The announcement of surrender came on the 15th. In Japan, August is the time when we remember the dead.

This year, the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings would have been observed during the Tokyo Olympics. But the Games were postponed because of the spread of the novel coronavirus, and we will be left instead to offer our prayers for the dead in an atmosphere of unexpected calm.

But, in fact, this tiny box contained something more important: the innocence of a young boy who had been full of anticipation for his simple lunch, and his mother’s love. Even when the last victim of the atomic bomb has passed away and this lunchbox is no more than a petrified relic, as long as there is still someone to hear the voice concealed within it, this memory will survive. The voices of the dead are eternal, because human beings possess the small boat — the language of literature — to carry them to the future.



今、私の手元に、広島平和記念資料館の収蔵品を撮影した写真集『Hiroshima Collection』(撮影土田ヒロミ)がある。中学1年生、折免滋(おりめんしげる)君の弁当箱と水筒の写真を見つめている。滋君は動員学徒として作業中に、爆心地から500メートルで被爆。川の土手に積み重ねられた遺体のカバンから、お母さんがこれを発見した。「今日は大豆ご飯だから、昼飯が楽しみだ」と言って出かけたという。弁当箱は歪み、蓋には穴が開き、中身は真っ黒に炭化している。



in 2018

The full text of Nobel Prize-winning British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro’s message for Sunday’s 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing in Nagasaki (2020/8/9)

This is the anniversary of a terrible event. But this milestone also marks seventy five years during which time there has been no repeat of what was inflicted on the people of Nagasaki that day. My mother, then a teenager in the city, was able to go on to enjoy a long peaceful life. So this is an anniversary that brings triumph and hope, as well as horror and sadness.

Let us not forget how fragile our civilization remains. And in our current, troubled times, let us not forget the importance of the international cooperation and understanding that has brought us safely through these years. Let us remember the huge dangers that continue to threaten us, and the supreme value of human life.

Experts suspect cross immunity explains Japan’s low coronavirus death rate

June 14, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)

This supplied electron micrograph shows the new coronavirus that was first identified in the city of Wuhan in central China. (Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan)

TOKYO — Some experts say cross immunity is the reason for the low death rate among novel coronavirus patients in Japan and other parts of Asia compared to that in Europe and North America.

When viruses that an individual has never been infected with enter the human body, the body makes antibodies, or proteins that combat the foreign substances. The first antibody to appear is Immunoglobulin M (IgM), while Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is produced later. While IgM antibodies disappear fairly quickly, IgG antibodies remain for a prolonged period and continue to protect the body from the same viruses.

When a team of researchers including Tatsuhiko Kodama, leader of the cancer metabolism project at the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, studied the blood samples of coronavirus patients, IgG antibodies had increased in volume faster than IgM antibodies for some.

Kodama says this proves such people have immunity, since they were infected with a virus similar to the novel coronavirus that may have spread across Asia before. “Cross immunity may have worked when those people got infected with the new coronavirus,” he commented.

A team of researchers at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in the United States has also pointed out that cross immunity may have worked for some people. According to a paper released by the American scientific journal Cell, researchers found immune cells that reacted to the new coronavirus from about a half of the blood samples collected from 20 people in the United States between 2015 and 2018.

Meanwhile, a separate research team including Yasuhiko Kamikubo, a program-specific professor at Kyoto University, provided a different explanation. They say because Japan was slow in closing its borders, a type of novel coronavirus with weak pathogen spread, and some people were already immune when the virus with strong pathogen spread later — which was why the damage is smaller compared to other countries.

Atsuo Hamada, professor of infectious diseases at the Tokyo Medical University, said, “If we have a clear understanding of the reason why there are gaps in the number of deaths in different countries and areas, we can understand how to respond to this infectious disease. Cross immunity due to the spread of a similar virus, mutation of the novel coronavirus and other factors to do with the virus itself are worth considering.”




今から実行すべき「6 つの施策」


  1. 行政検査(保健所等の調査としての位置づけ)による調査の枠を外し、医師の判断のみで保険適
  2. 医療機関、介護施設等については、全てのスタッフが例えば 2 週間に 1 度 PCR 検査を受ける
  3. 経団連等の経済団体に、感染状況の的確なモニタリングにも資することを踏まえ、企業の社員に
    ついて定期的に PCR 検査を実施することを要請する。
  4. 医療機関が PCR 検査機器などを購入する際には 100%補助する。
  5. 国産の PCR などの検査試薬と自動機器の開発製造基盤構築に対して、国が積極的な投資を行
  6. 検査データの品質評価機関の設立と早期稼働により、信頼出来る検査データを公表し、世界の


ドイツ関連の音楽が多いのとオペラなどは少ないのがちょっと困るのと、私の好きなIan Bostridge とKraus Florian Vogt のコンサートがないのは大いに不満だけど、カラヤンの名演とか見どころがいっぱいだ。




朝 🌹 Jo**からメール
午前 🌷 Co**先生とメールでお話<日本語で>
昼 🌹 Gh*****先生とランチ
午後 🌹 Sa***とイタリアからの帰国便についてメールで話
夜 🌹David Joly に誕生日メッセージ、Squash談義


Covid-19 cases in South Sudan is alarming.

(2020.7.3) Covid-19 cases in South Sudan is alarming. People refuse to adhere to the rules laid down by the Ministry of Health. It stands at around 2007 confirmed positive cases, 38 deaths, 332 recovery, 1 in critical situation. 
The Government of Japan is building a bridge for us across the river Nile. We thank the kindness of the people and government of Japan towards us in South Sudan.

South Sudan speaker steps down

Makana resigns under pressure from fellow MPs for blocking efforts to fight corruption and mismanagement.Monday 09/12/2019

Anthony Lino Makana

Corruption is rampant in South Sudan

JUBA – South Sudan’s parliamentary speaker has resigned after lawmakers threatened to impeach him for blocking efforts to fight corruption and mismanagement, local media reported Monday.

Anthony Lino Makana was accused by fellow MPs of failing to present auditor-general and anti-corruption reports to parliament and blocking lawmakers from summing ministers for questioning. He was also accused of approving a loan of $400 million (361 million euros) from Afrexim Bank without bringing it first to the house as recommended by law, in a motion tabled by lawmakers who demanded he resign. “The reason for tendering my resignation is an act of deep and sincere respect to your leadership (of the ruling SPLM party) for you requested me to do so,” Makana said in comments carried by South Sudan Broadcasting Radio on Monday. Corruption is rampant in South Sudan, which achieved independence in 2011 and plunged into civil war two years later.

World Cannot Choose Between Economy and Saving Lives, Fauci Says

1日で5か国の友人と・・(2)  a friend from Canada

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Coronavirus: la folle charge d’Emmanuel Todd contre Macron

Par Maurice Szafran le 04.05.2020 à 16h00

EDITO – Un entretien d’une virulence extrême d’Emmanuel Todd accordé à L’Express est passé sous les radars ce week-end. Le démographe y défend notamment la nécessité de punir violemment nos dirigeants actuels -par la prison et les sanctions financières- pour leur gestion de la crise épidémique. Une interview glaçante qui rappelle les pires heures idéologiques du stalinisme.

Emmanuel Todd

Emmanuel Todd


「中世ペストのもたらしたもの」by 大貫敏夫


A new pandemic?

Covid-19後の世界(4) and Olympics



Here Comes The Sun – Camden Voices (self-isolation/virtual choir cover)

True Colors – Camden Voices (self-isolation/virtual choir cover)

Longest Time – Quarantine Edition

民衆の歌 / Do You Hear The People Sing ? – Les Miserables –

(笑える)Coronavirus Rhapsody

Ave verum corpus (a capella) バリトン:加耒徹が1人で4声

Image: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter via Gizmodo US

Image: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter via Gizmodo US


これまでに見つかった系外惑星の中でもっとも地球っぽい星が見つかりました。Astrophysical Journal Lettersに発表された新たな論文。地球から300光年離れたところにある赤色矮星「ケプラー1649」の惑星「ケプラー1649c」サイズは地球の1.06倍ほど、つまりほとんど同じ。しかもこの惑星はハビタブルゾーン内、つまり岩石惑星であれば地表に液体の水が存在しうる領域にあり、地球外生命体発見も遠くないか?

Image: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter via Gizmodo US

「サイズと予想される温度に関しては、ケプラーに関連して発見された中でもっとも地球と似ている惑星」(論文の共著者、Jeff Coughlin氏: SETI Instituteのプレスリリース)

他の主要な系外惑星には、サイズ的に地球に似ているTRAPPIST-1fとか、温度的に近いTRAPPIST – 1dとTOI 700dなどがある。ただし、ケプラー1649cのようにサイズと温度の両方が似ている星は初めてとか。

Source: IOP (1, 2), SETI, NASA (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Caltech

April 16, 2020

Kepler-1649c: Earth-Size, Habitable Zone Planet Hides in Plain Sight

Scientists discovered this planet, called Kepler-1649c, when looking through old observations from Kepler, which the agency retired in 2018. While previous searches with a computer algorithm misidentified it, researchers reviewing Kepler data took a second look at the signature and recognized it as a planet. Out of all the exoplanets found by Kepler, this distant world – located 300 light-years from Earth – is most similar to Earth in size and estimated temperature.

This artist’s illustration shows what Kepler-1649c could look like from its surface.

Learn more, go to: https://www.reddit.com/r/space/