‘This is it, folks’ – Boris Johnson ‘hands over baton in unexpected relay race’

変な人だったけど(だから!)結構好きだったBoris Johnsonがあっけなく(潔く!?orもう飽きちゃったから?)10th of Downing Streetから去っていった。問題・課題を山のように積み上げたまま。

Placeholder image for youtube video: -ym_x2cXVB8
Boris Johnson’s final farewell speech in full as he leaves Downing Street

6 SEPTEMBER 2022 • 8:24AM

Boris Johnson has left Downing Street for the final time as Prime Minister as he told the nation “the baton will be handed over” to Liz Truss after the Tory leadership “unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race”. 

Speaking in Downing Street, Mr Johnson bemoaned the manner in which he has been forced out of No 10 as he accused Tory MPs who ousted him of having “changed the rules halfway through”. 

He said: “This is it folks. Thank you everybody for coming out so early this morning. In only a couple of hours I will be in Balmoral to see Her Majesty the Queen and the torch will finally be passed to a new Conservative leader, the baton will be handed over in what has unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race, they changed the rules half way through but never mind that now.”

Mr Johnson pledged his “fervent support” for Ms Truss’s new government and urged the Conservative Party to unite behind her. 

He said that if his dog, Dilyn, and Larry, the No 10 cat, can “put behind them their occasional difficulties then so can the Conservative Party”. 


Queen Elizabeth dies: Boris Johnson makes Parliament laugh with speech remembering Her Majesty

2022/09/09 Queen Elizabeth dies: Boris Johnson makes Parliament laugh remembering Her Majesty | Boris Johnson joined parliament to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.
King Charles maintains a clear sense of duty and service even as he mourns the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, British Prime Minister Liz Truss said on Friday, having spoken to the nation’s new monarch on Thursday evening.


Liz Truss and Hugh O’Leary, her husband, after the announcement of her victory in the Tory leadership race CREDIT: Stefan Rousseau/Shutterstock


Liz Truss, an unpopular leader for a troubled Britain

Analysis by Ishaan Tharoor  

September 6, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. EDT

On Tuesday, Liz Truss heads to a Scottish castle to call on Queen Elizabeth II and “kiss” the royal hand. The current British foreign secretary will thus become her country’s next prime minister. With Truss’s appointment, the queen will have presided over this traditional rite 15 times in her many decades as sovereign. It’s possible, no matter reports of her ailing health, that she may do it all over again soon.

Truss comes to power not via general election but after winning the majority of votes in a Conservative Party leadership election decided by fewer than 200,000 dues-paying Tory activists. Her main rival, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, was more popular among sitting Conservative lawmakers in Parliament. Broader public opinion polls show the opposition Labour Party with its strongest lead in a decade. A majority of Britons, meanwhile, believe Truss will make a “poor” or “terrible” prime minister, and only a quarter consider her an improvement from Boris Johnson, her controversial and polarizing predecessor.

Truss will struggle to muster Johnson’s irrepressible — or delusional, critics would contend — optimism. Darkened skies already hang low over her nascent premiership. “In addition to the war in Ukraine and the fallout of Brexit, the new prime minister will inherit a vast range of economic and political problems,” my colleagues explained. “The Bank of England predicts Britain will suffer through protracted recession, beginning as early as October. Inflation already stands at 10 percent, with economists warning that 15 percent is possible.”

There’s an impending cascade of woes: A mammoth cost-of-living crisis is driving a historic drop in living standards. According to some estimates, two-thirds of British households may face “fuel poverty” by the end of the year, struggling to pay for the surging costs of heating their homes. Across various sectors of the economy, industrial action is picking up, with strikes shutting down train services, garbage collection and the operation of ports.

The country that Truss will now lead is unquestionably diminished. Most analyses of the impact of Brexit find that Britain’s departure from the European Union has dented its economy, added to its supply chain headaches and hurt its trading prospects. An analysis published last month by Saxo Bank warned investors that Britain is “more and more looking like an emerging market country” and won’t have the ability to manage “an easy escape” from a deep recession.

Truss campaigned for her party’s leadership on a platform pandering to the Tory’s hard core. She sees a path out of Britain’s problems by slashing taxes and boosting fracking and nuclear energy. “We will break with the same old tax and spend approach by focusing on growth and investment,” she wrote for the Telegraph. While likely welcomed by many Tories who internally elected her, such rhetoric is less convincing to the general public that has seen the Conservatives in power for 12 years.

“Truss’s Britain will be governed by policies lifted from cliched Daily Mail headlines,” wrote leftist commentator Owen Jones in the Guardian. “All the bêtes noires of saloon-bar reactionaries from the past 20 years will be slaughtered, and the resulting anguish from those effete metropolitan lefties obsessed with mere trivialities such as avoiding mass impoverishment and the destruction of the planet will give the Tory faithful their kicks.”

“Economists … have been skeptical about her confidence that all it will take is a few tax cuts to put a tiger back in the national tank,” noted Sam Leith in the right-leaning Spectator that wondered whether she would be a “Tory Jeremy Corbyn,” a nod to the former left-wing Labour leader whose radical politics swept him to the top role in his party but ultimately hurt Labour on the national stage.

あれ?いくら冴えないおばさんでも、就任わずか44日で辞任するとは思わなかった!この記事のタイトルが「Welcomeback Boris」になったりして?

Liz Truss: The human hand grenade who tragically blew herself up

She spent a lifetime defying the doubters. But the very personality that had powered her ascent ultimately led to her downfall

ByHarry de Quetteville   20 October 2022 • 6:40pm

 Liz Truss on Thursday became Britain’s shortest serving prime minister, lasting just 44 days in office CREDIT: TOBY MELVILLE

And like that she was gone. A politician known above all as a survivor, a bundle of contradictions elastic enough to survive and thrive under three very different prime ministers, came dramatically unstuck when the top job was finally hers.




BBC announces the death of Queen Elizabeth II
2022/09/09 The news anchor Huw Edwards said Buckingham Palace had released a statement confirming that the Queen had died peacefully at Balmoral Castle on Thursday afternoon.

2022/09/10 King Charles III has made his first address to the UK as sovereign, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

In a televised address, the King paid tribute to his “darling mama” saying “may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest”, and renewed his mother’s lifelong promise of service.


With maturity, grace and just the right type of mourning ensemble, seven-year-old Charlotte is proving she’s every inch a royal princess The Telegraph



9/25 宮内庁長官「両陛下のご訪問本当に良かった」

西村宮内庁長官は両陛下帰国後の9月22日の記者会見で次のように述べました。 「両陛下が代表する国民の弔意は、英国王室そして英国民に十二分に伝わったと思います。また今回の国葬には世界中から多くの国王、大統領と元首クラスが参列しましたけれども、両陛下はこうした多くの参列者と交流を深められたことにより、国際社会における日本の皇室の存在感をお示しになったものと考えています。今回、両陛下にご訪問いただいて、本当に良かったと率直に感じているところであります」

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◇ 幼き日の 写真FaceBookにそっと置き 異郷に立つ友 カーブル陥落 (2021/8/16)Haiku page

Afghanistan 2021/10/1

Backgrund WP article FULL TEXT


Lyse Doucet

10月10日 2:52  · Kabul .. may its light shine far and wide for all those who keep it in their heart …

Felipe Camargo
Once in late 2001, you interviewed me on the roof top of the Intercontinental Kabul. I recall only that I said, ‘we cannot do it alone…’

Brief History of Afghanistan

図解:度重なる侵攻と抵抗、アフガニスタンの歴史 National Geography

民族の対立、衝突、他国による侵攻への抵抗を繰り返した道のり;  アフガニスタンは山と砂漠に囲まれた内陸国だ。その歴史は、1747年にパシュトゥン人指導者アハマド・シャー・ドゥラーニが敵対していた各部族を統合しアフガン帝国を設立して以来、周囲の敵対する国々との戦争と外交によって形作られてきた。 TEXT

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広島忌未だ帰らぬ弁当箱 (西谷剛周)

人も蟻も雀も犬も原爆忌 (藤松遊子)

幼き日の 写真FaceBookにそっと置き 異郷に立つ友 カーブル陥落

朝、なぜか胸がぐっと苦しくなった。世銀で働くわが友AH Sofizada. 国際機関に働く人は狙われやすいと。7/30にイスタンブールに入ったが、その目的はなんだったのか?なぜ、平和を求める普通の人が、故郷を追われなければならないのか?理不尽としか言いようがない。つらい。(2021/8/16)

15日、店が閉まり人けのなくなったカブールの新市街― スポニチ Sponichi Annex 社会
タリバン、アフガン首都カブールに進攻 米外交官はヘリで退避|ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト

白木槿嬰児も空を見ることあり (細見綾子)



気に入ればここがふるさと鰯雲 (大谷弘至)


Ev’ry Valley高めよ荒れ野は平らかに

次の歌は Ian Bistridgeさんの演奏で勉強中😊 あり得ない?選曲に挑戦。12月まではMessiahで。聖書の哲学も学びながら……。(2021/9/3)

生きて仰ぐ空の高さよ赤蜻蛉 (夏目漱石)


投げる良し打つ良し顔良し走る良し(川柳だね) (武蔵野市相坂さん)

今期絶好調の大谷さん。只今MLB新記録街道をまっしぐら 2021/9/6



水澄むやあめんぼうにもある晩年 (きくちつねこ) 


赤とんぼ夕暮はまだ先のこと (星野高士)


母もまた母恋ふるうた赤とんぼ (高田正子)


秋晴や父母なきことにおどろきぬ (内田美紗)




大いなるものが過ぎ行く野分かな (高浜虚子)


ひとたびは夫(つま)帰り来よ曼珠沙華 (石田あき子)


つきぬけて天上の紺曼珠沙華 (山口誓子)



氷取沢の農園の道を歩くとコスモスがゆれ、さまざまなトンボやチョウ、蜂や小さなキリギリスなどがくっついている。どの生物も秋の風に吹かれ精一杯生きている。(2021/10/2)  写真:ツユムシ(キリギリス科)

プラタナス色づくころに会う人いたり もう居ぬと聞く なぜか寂しき


吾も亦紅なりとついと出で (高浜虚子)


ラ・フランス山荘の夜を香りけり (德田千鶴子)



Haiku Poem

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楽しみにしていたButter 登場!サウンドも歌も声ももダンスもみんな素敵!たった1日で再生回数が1億3千万回を超えている。

BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Butter’ @ Billboard Music Awards
[방탄소년단/BTS] Butter 무대 교차편집(stage mix) 06/03

[CHOREOGRAPHY] BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Butter’ Dance Practice
[방탄소년단 뷔] BUTTER MV / Vcut #V #김태형
BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Butter’ Official MV 127,158,903 回視聴
BTS 방탄소년단 ‘Butter’ 기자간담회 PHOTO



*Smooth like butter  Like a criminal undercover

Gon’ pop like trouble  Breakin’ into your heart like that (Ooh)

Cool shade stunner   Yeah, I owe it all to my mother
Hot like summer   Yeah, I’m makin’ you sweat like that   Break it down

Oh, when I look in the mirror   I’ll melt your heart into two

I got that superstar glow so (Ooh)    Do the boogie like

Side step, right, left to my beat   High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat   Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap
Side step, right, left to my beat   Get it, let it roll

Smooth like butter   Pull you in like no other

*Don’t need no Usher   To remind me you got it bad

(*Usherの『U Got It Bad』) Ain’t no other  That can sweep you up like a robber
Straight up, I got ya  Makin’ you fall like that   Break it down

Oh, when I look in the mirror   I’ll melt your heart into two
I got that superstar glow so (Ooh)    Do the boogie like

Side step, right, left to my beat   High like the moon, rock with me, baby

Know that I got that heat   Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap
Side step, right, left to my beat   Get it, let it roll   Get it, let it roll   Get it, let it roll

Ice on my wrist, I’m the nice guy    Got the right body and the right mind
Rollin’ up to party, got the right vibe   Smooth like (Butter), hate us (Love us)

Fresh boy pull up and we lay low   All the playas get movin’ when the bass low
Got ARMY right behind us when we say so   Let’s go

Side step, right, left to my beat (Right, left to my beat)  

High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap

(You know that talk is cheap)
Side step, right, left to my beat   Get it, let it roll 

Smooth like (Butter), cool shade (Stunner)
And you know we don’t stop
Hot like (Summer), ain’t no (Bummer)  You be like oh my god

We gon’ make you rock and you say (Yeah)  

We gon’ make you bounce and you say (Yeah)
Hotter? Sweeter! Cooler? Butter!
Get it, let it roll

BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Butter’ @ Billboard Music Awards

初めて見たTaeTaeの Pony Tail




 Amid Covid fears, Tokyo Olympic Games' torch relay kicks off. It should be extinguished.
 The spectacle risks sacrificing public health on the altar of an Olympic tradition — one established by the Nazis, no less.  
 March 25, 2021,  By Jules Boykoff

 But many in the region actually blame the Tokyo Olympics for Fukushima's slow recovery, with resources having been diverted from Fukushima to Tokyo to prepare for the games. Sports journalist Dave Zirin said during a 2019 visit to Fukushima: "I've never seen anything like this. They are theming the torch run around the idea of a recovery of a place that hasn't recovered. You can't get more cynical than that."
 Many in Fukushima agree. "Fukushima is being sacrificed for the sake of the Tokyo Olympics," anti-Olympics activist Noriko Kyogoku told me. A week before the launch of the torch relay, Kyogoku joined protesters in Fukushima, unfurling a banner that read: "Just Stop It! No Olympics!" Another protester, Toshio Miyazaki, said the torch relay was "a political disguise" designed "to conceal the reality that there is no recovery in Fukushima." And Hiroki Ogasawara, a professor of sociology at Kobe University, dubbed the relay a "torch wash" that deflected attention from serious, lingering problems in Fukushima.  FULL TEXT





 ★ 三島由紀夫「突然、予想外の効果をもって、各国の選手が腕を組み一団となってかけ込んできたときのその無秩序の美しさは比べるものはなかった」
  ★ 石原慎太郎「聖火は消えず、ただ移りゆくのみである。この祭典は我々に、人間がかくもそれぞれ異り、またかくも、それぞれが同じかと言うことを教えてくれた」
  ★ 北杜夫「どの顔もせい一杯にこやかに破顔」「あかあかとともっていた聖火が、半分となり、ちろちろとゆらぎ、もう一度かすかにまたたき、ふっと消える」


Japan’s emperor voices concern about Covid spread during Olympics

Naruhito said to be ‘extremely worried’ and shares widespread public unease over the Games

Emperor Naruhito is forbidden by Japan’s postwar constitution from making public statements on contentious issues.  Justin McCurry in Tokyo   Thu 24 Jun 2021 12.02 BST

Japan’s emperor has voiced concern over the possible spread of coronavirus during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, in an unexpected intervention in the debate over holding the Games in the middle of a pandemic. Naruhito, who ascended the Chrysanthemum throne in 2019 after his father, Akihito, abdicated, said he shared widespread public concern about the Games, which open in a month’s time. “The emperor is extremely worried about the current status of coronavirus infections,” Yasuhiko Nishimura, the grand steward of the Imperial Household Agency, told a regular news conference on Thursday.

Full Text

菅義偉首相のために、オリンピック中止会見用の原稿書いた あかたちかこ 2021/06/28 傑作


オリンピックはわたしの夢でした。わたしはいちご農家に生まれながら、いちごが嫌いでした。教員であったことにすがり、いつまでも教員面している母のことも、いちごごときで「成功」を納め、勲章をもらった父のことも、大嫌いでした。秋田出身を売りにしてきましたが、秋田のことも嫌いでした。でも、16歳の時に見たオリンピックだけは美しかった。あんなキラキラした世界に自分も行きたいと思いました。その時、もしかしたら自分も勝てるかもしれない、と初めて思いました。そうして、秋田を捨て、東京に出ましたが、東京も、大学も、わたしを変えてくれなかった。そのことをずっと恨みに思っていました。 勉強も嫌いでした。あんなものは何の役にも立たない。そう思っていました。******  FULL TEXT



Nスタのキャスター固まらせた、怒りの発言「倉持先生」がトレンド1位 [2021年8月3日20時30分]


シリーズ【コロナ禍の五輪開催を考える】8・3「政府は、五輪と感染拡大防止を同時にやろうとして収拾がつかなくなり、ケツをまくって逃げた」 倉持仁医師 8/3
藤崎剛人 現代ニホン主義の精神史的状況

自宅療養で人々を見殺しにすると決めた菅首相 2021年08月04日

<菅政権は全力で国民の生命を救おうとはしていない。何もしなくても「政権は安泰」と高を括っているからだ> 8月2日、政府は新型コロナウイルスで、「中等症」であっても「症状が軽い」あるいは「重症化リスクの少ない」患者に関しては、「自宅療養」を可とする方針を出した。これまでは原則的にコロナ患者は入院、無症状や軽症の場合は宿泊施設に入るという方針で進めていたが、その方針を転換したかたちだ。FULL TEXT

まるでミュージカル!圧巻のステージギリシャ神話の神をモチーフにした『Dionysus』。強気に感じられる歌詞をじっくり読み込んでみると、BTS (防弾少年団)の根底にある「音楽」と、それを作り出す要素が見えてきます。酩酊の神の酒杯にはどんな意味が込められているのでしょうか。ディオニュソスはギリシャ神話に登場する神の名前として知られています。酒は芸術だ!メンバーが激しくも妖艶に踊ります。 男気あふれるパワフルな歌詞で始まる『Dionysus』。Netで見た興味深い解説:TEXT

[사심인가/무주접본] 스브스 VS ARMY 주접배틀 뷔편 / kimtaehyung! my angyungdo deonjyeojo! …

1:35 のTaeTaeのダンス! 

“Taehyung’s stage presence is powerful, irresistible, mesmerizing(1. very attractive, in a mysterious way, making you want to keep looking) and spellbinding (Hold one’s attention completely as though by magic; fascinating.). That is why he attracts so many audiences into the BTS fandom.”

BTS – Dionysus [2019 SBS Gayo Daejeon_Music Festival Ep 3]
JK 動きは素晴らしいがカメラが顔ばかりFocusで▲
방탄소년단 (BTS) - Dionysus

album 『MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA』 2019.04.12
作詞・作曲:Pdogg, j-hope, Supreme Boi, RM, SUGA, Roman Campolo

っちゅk とぅりきょ
쭉 들이켜

すりちゃん (sippin’) ぱるちゃん (tippin’)
술잔 (sippin’) 팔짱 (tippin’)
酒杯 (すすり込む) 腕組み (傾ける)

はん にぷ
한 입

てぃるそす (grippin’) ぽど (eatin’)
티르소스 (grippin’) 포도 (eatin’)
テュルソス (強く掴む) ぶどう (食べる)

っちゅk とぅりきょ
쭉 들이켜

ぷぬぃぎ (keep it) D style (rip it)
분위기 (keep it) D style (rip it)
雰囲気 (それを保つ) D style (引き裂く)

한 입

よぎ (kill it) let’s steal it
여기 (kill it) let’s steal it
ここ (上手にやりとげろ) それを盗もう

The illest 

くにゃん ちへ まち でゅおにゅそす
그냥 취해 마치 디오니소스

はん そんえ するちゃん  たるん そんえ どぅん てゅるそす
한 손에 술잔, 다른 손에 든 티르소스
片手にグラス もう片方の手にはテュルソス

とぅみょんはん くりすたる ちゃん そk ちゃらんいぬん いぇする
투명한 크리스탈 잔 속 찰랑이는 예술

いぇするど すりじ むぉ ましみょん ちゅへ fool
예술도 술이지 뭐, 마시면 취해 fool
芸術も酒なんだよ飲んだら酔うぞ バカが

You dunno you dunno
お前は分からない お前は分からない

You dunno what to do with

ねが ぽよじゅるげ なん じょにょ たるん こる ちゅじん
내가 보여줄게 난 전혀 다른 걸 추진

あいびわ こちん なむろ てん mic
아이비와 거친 나무로 된 mic

ちょるて たん はん  すめ
절대 단 한 숨에
絶対 単に一息で

なおぬん そり ったうぃん おぷた
나오는 소리 따윈 없다

へが っとぅる ってかじ where the party at
해가 뜰 때까지 where the party at
日が昇る時まで どこでもパーティー

ちゃみ っとぅる ってかじ where the party at
잠이 들 때까지 where the party at
眠りにつく時まで どこでもパーティー

Sing it ぷるろ たし
Sing it 불러 다시
Sing it 呼んでもう一度

Drink it ましょ たし
Drink it 마셔 다시
Drink it 飲もうもう一度

うりん とぅておなじ
우린 두 번 태어나지

っちゅk とぅりきょ (たんじゃけ ことん)
쭉 들이켜 (창작의 고통)
ぐいっと飲み干せ (創作の苦痛)

はん にぷ (しでえ ほとん)
한 입 (시대의 호통)
ひとくち (時代の怒号)

っちゅk とぅりきょ (なわうぃ そとん)
쭉 들이켜 (나와의 소통)
ぐいっと飲み干せ (自分との疎通)

はんにぷ (Okay now I’m ready fo sho)
한 입 (Okay now I’m ready fo sho)
ひとくち (さあ,俺はもう準備が出来てるぞ)

た ましょ ましょ ましょ ましょ ね するちゃん ay
다 마셔 마셔 마셔 마셔 내 술잔 ay
全部 飲め 飲め 飲め 飲め 俺の酒杯 ay

た っぱじょ っぱじょ っぱじょ みちん いぇするがね
다 빠져 빠져 빠져 미친 예술가에
皆 溺れろ 溺れろ 溺れろ 狂った芸術家に

はんじゃん (one shot) とぅじゃん (two shots)
한 잔 (one shot) 두 잔 (two shots)
一杯 (one shot) 二杯 (two shots)

いぇすれ ちゅへ ぶるろ おんへや
예술에 취해 불러 옹헤야
芸術に酔って歌え オンヘヤ 

た ましょ ましょ ましょ ましょ ね するちゃん ay
다 마셔 마셔 마셔 마셔 내 술잔 ay
全部 飲め 飲め 飲め 飲め 俺の酒杯 ay

た っぱじょ っぱじょ っぱじょ みちん いぇするがね 
다 빠져 빠져 빠져 미친 예술가에
皆 溺れろ 溺れろ 溺れろ 狂った芸術家に

はんじゃん (one shot) とぅじゃん (two shots)
한 잔 (one shot) 두 잔 (two shots)
一杯 (one shot) 二杯 (two shots)

くぇんぐぁり ちみょ ぶるろ おんへや
꽹과리 치며 불러 옹헤야
鈴を鳴らしながら歌え オンヘヤ

すりちゃん (sippin’), ぱるちゃん (tippin’)
술잔 (sippin’), 팔짱 (tippin’)
酒杯 (すすり込む) 腕組み (傾ける)

てぃるそす (grippin’)’ ぽど (eatin’)
티르소스 (grippin’), 포도 (eatin’)
テュルソス (強く掴む) ぶどう (食べる)

ぷぬぃぎ (keep it), D style (rip it)
분위기 (keep it), D style (rip it)
雰囲気 (それを保つ) D style (引き裂く)

よぎ (kill it) let’s steal it
여기 (kill it) let’s steal it
ここ (上手にやりとげろ) それを盗もう

The illest

なん ちぐむ せさんえ むん あぺね いっそ
난 지금 세상의 문 앞에 있어
俺は今 世界の扉の前にいて

むでえ おるれ って とぅるりぬん ふぁんほそん
무대에 오를 때 들리는 환호성

Can't you see my stacked

Broken thyrsus

いじぇ なん たし ておなね ぴろそ
이제 난 다시 태어나네 비로소

When the night comes

Mumble mumble mumble

When the night comes

Tumble tumble tumble

Studioるる ちぇうん ちょうむ ちょうむ ちょうむ ちょうむ
Studio를 채운 저음 저음 저음
スタジオを満たした 低音 低音 低音

Bass drum goes like どむどむどむ (yea)
Bass drum goes like 덤덤덤 (yea)
バスドラムのようになる dumb dumb dumb (yea)

へが っとぅる ってかじ where the party at
해가  때까지 where the party at
日が昇る時まで どこでもパーティー

ちゃみ っとぅる ってかじ where the party at
잠이 들 때까지 where the party at
眠りにつく時まで どこでもパーティー

Sing it ぷるろ たし
Sing it 불러 다시
Sing it 呼んでもう一度

Drink it ましょ たし
Drink it 마셔 다시
Drink it 飲もうもう一度

うりん とぅておなじ
우린 두 번 태어나지

っちゅk とぅりきょ (たんじゃけ ことん)
쭉 들이켜 (창작의 고통)
ぐいっと飲み干せ (創作の苦痛)

はんにぷ (しでえ ほとん)
한 입 (시대의 호통)
ひとくち (時代の怒号)

っちゅk とぅりきょ (なわうぃ そとん)
쭉 들이켜 (나와의 소통)
ぐいっと飲み干せ (創作の苦痛)

はんにぷ (Okay now I’m ready fo sho)
한 입 (Okay now I’m ready fo sho)
ひとくち (さあ,僕はもう準備が出来てるぞ)

た ましょ ましょ ましょ ましょ ね するちゃん ay
다 마셔 마셔 마셔 마셔 내 술잔 ay
全部 飲め 飲め 飲め 飲め 俺の酒杯 ay

た っぱじょ っぱじょ っぱじょ みちん いぇするがね
다 빠져 빠져 빠져 미친 예술가에
皆 溺れろ 溺れろ 溺れろ 狂った芸術家に

はんじゃん (one shot) とぅじゃん (two shots)
한 잔 (one shot) 두 잔 (two shots)
一杯 (one shot) 二杯 (two shots)

いぇすれ ちゅへ ぶるろ おんへや
예술에 취해 불러 옹헤야
芸術に酔って歌え オンヘヤ

た ましょ ましょ ましょ ましょ ね するちゃん ay
다 마셔 마셔 마셔 마셔 내 술잔 ay
全部 飲め 飲め 飲め 飲め 俺の酒杯 ay

た っぱじょ っぱじょ っぱじょ みちん いぇするがね
다 빠져 빠져 빠져 미친 예술가에
皆 溺れろ 溺れろ 溺れろ 狂った芸術家に

はんじゃん (one shot) とぅじゃん (two shots)
한 잔 (one shot) 두 잔 (two shots)
一杯 (one shot) 二杯 (two shots)

くぇんぐぁり ちみょ ぶるろ おんへや
꽹과리 치며 불러 옹헤야
鈴を鳴らしながら歌え オンヘヤ

うりが  っとった はみょん
우리가 떴다 하면

ちょんせげ おでぃどぅんじ stadium party ay
전세계 어디든지 stadium party ay
全世界どこでも スタジアムパーティー

Kpop あいどるろ ておな
Kpop 아이돌로 태어나

たし ふぁんせんはん artist
다시 환생한 artist

たし ふぁんせんはん artist たし ふぁんせんはん artist
다시 환생한 artist 다시 환생한 artist
再び生まれ変わったアーティスト 再び生まれ変わったアーティスト

ねが あいどりどぅん いぇするかいどぅん
내가 아이돌이든 예술가이든

むぉが ちゅんよへ ちゃんは
뭐가 중요해 짠해
何が重要なのか 胸が痛い

いぇするど い ちょんどみょん くぁうむじ  くぁうむ yeah
예술도 이 정도면 과음이지 과음 yeah
芸術もこの程度まできたら飲みすぎだろ飲みすぎ yeah

せ きろぐん ちゃしんくぁ っさうみじ さうむ yeah
새 기록은 자신과 싸움이지 싸움 yeah
新記録は自分との戦いであり戦い yeah

ちゅくぺるる とぅるおるりご one shot
축배를 들어올리고 one shot
祝杯を持ち上げて one shot

ほな なん よじょに もんまるら
허나 난 여전히 목말라

WhatYou ready for this?

Are you ready to get hyped up?

Come on

た ましょ ましょ ましょ ましょ ね するちゃん ay
다 마셔 마셔 마셔 마셔 내 술잔 ay
全部 飲め 飲め 飲め 飲め 俺の酒杯 ay

た っぱじょ っぱじょ っぱじょ みちん いぇするがね
다 빠져 빠져 빠져 미친 예술가에
皆 溺れろ 溺れろ 溺れろ 狂った芸術家に

はんじゃん (one shot) とぅじゃん (two shots)
한 잔 (one shot) 두 잔 (two shots)
一杯 (one shot) 二杯 (two shots)

いぇする ちゅへ ぶるろ おんへや
예술에 취해 불러 옹헤야
芸術に酔って歌え オンヘヤ

た ましょ ましょ ましょ ましょ ね すんちゃん ay
다 마셔 마셔 마셔 마셔 내 술잔 ay
全部 飲め 飲め 飲め 飲め 俺の酒杯 ay

た っぱじょ っぱじょ っぱじょ みちん いぇするがね
다 빠져 빠져 빠져 미친 예술가에
皆 溺れろ 溺れろ 溺れろ 狂った芸術家に

はんじゃん (one shot) とぅじゃん (two shots)
한 잔 (one shot) 두 잔 (two shots)
一杯 (one shot) 二杯 (two shots)

くぇんぐぁり ちみょ ぶるろ おんへや
꽹과리 치며 불러 옹헤야
鈴を鳴らしながら歌え オンヘヤ

すりちゃん (sippin’), ぱるちゃん (tippin’)
술잔 (sippin’), 팔짱 (tippin’)
酒杯 (すすり込む) 腕組み (傾ける)

てぃるそす (grippin’) ぽど (eatin’)
티르소스 (grippin’), 포도 (eatin’)
テュルソス (強く掴む) ぶどう (食べる)

ぷぬぃぎ (keep it), D style (rip it)
분위기 (keep it), D style (rip it)
雰囲気 (それを保つ) D style (引き裂く)

よぎ (kill it) let’s steal it
여기 (kill it) let’s steal it
ここ (上手にやりとげろ) それを盗もう

The illest

すりちゃん (sippin’), ぱるちゃん (tippin’)
술잔 (sippin’), 팔짱 (tippin’)
酒杯 (すすり込む) 腕組み (傾ける)

てぃるそす (grippin’), ぽど (eatin’)
티르소스 (grippin’), 포도 (eatin’)
テュルソス (強く掴む) ぶどう (食べる)

ぷぬぃぎ (keep it), D style (rip it)
분위기 (keep it), D style (rip it)
雰囲気 (それを保つ) D style (引き裂く)

よぎ (kill it) let’s steal it
여기 (kill it) let’s steal it
ここ (上手にやりとげろ) それを盗もう

The illest

ギリシャ神話に登場する 頭に松かさをつけ,ツタ・ブドウの葉を巻きつけた酒神バッカスやその信者たちの杖つえ


*꽹과리 (クェングァリ)
鉦(かね) 伝統楽器

*옹헤야 (オンヘヤ)

*Bass Drum (バスドラム)

2021/3/19  ❄ これまでの写真より(Waering white, maybe from young age to recent)

[MPD직캠] 방탄소년단 뷔 직캠 4K ‘작은 것들을 위한 시 (Boy With Luv)’ (BTS V FanCam) | @MCOUNTDOWN_2019.4.25


Most Handsome Man in the World, No. 1! (It’s good but I wonder who chose them?)

#top10handsomeman #handsome #top10
Top 10 Most Handsome Men In The World (2021 updated)
こんな男の子がその辺を歩いてたら楽しいだろうなぁ 4/10
Bts v aka Gucci boy taehyung Vs models , brand model ♡
#방탄소년단뷔 #뷔 #태형
[방탄소년단 뷔] 신라의 화랑 한성이 안뇽👋 (방방콘 깨알컷)
#BTS_PiedPiper #BTS_V #Taehyung
When Kim Taehyung Went all Out in a Concert (Watch at your Own Risk)
191215 Magic Shop in Osaka – Let Go Vertical crop edit. focus of V 뷔 태형 방탄소년단 뷔 BTS V 김태형
Ekubo Dimple Sexy TaeTae


TVREPORT |  2013年06月03日 (Kstyleより)

写真=Big Hitエンターテインメント


Vはエキゾチックな顔立ちが印象的な19歳の美少年で、グループでボーカルを担当している。魅力的な重低音の持ち主で、サックスを学んだ履歴を持っている。  <16歳のはず!>

我が懐かしきSongs; British rocks, American Rocks and Japanese songs….

Rock, also called rock and roll, rock & roll, or rock ’n’ roll, form of popular music that emerged in the 1950s. It is certainly arguable that by the end of the 20th century rock was the world’s dominant form of popular music. Originating in the United States in the 1950s, it spread to other English-speaking countries and across Europe in the ’60s, and by the ’90s its impact was obvious globally (if in many different local guises). What is rock? The difficulty of definition. But there is basic agreement that rock “is a form of music with a strong beat.” from Britanica

Do You Really Want To Hurt MeKarma ChameleonBoy G. Culture Club 2018
Every Breath You Take Careless Whisper (25 Live Tour) Careless Whisper
In My Place Sweet DreamsHere Comes The Sun
Clocks Clocks Live
U.S.A. For Africa
– We Are the World
Streets of PhiladelphiaPrince Medley
“Purple Rain”
Stayin’ Alive (OfficialHow Deep Is Your LoveHow Deep Is Your Love (Live)
MassachusettsTrue Colors    The Way We Were
Rainy Blue
Culture Club – Do You Really Want To Hurt Me (Official Video)
Culture Club – Karma Chameleon (Official Music Video)
Boy George & Culture Club 2018
Sting, Bruce Springsteen – Every Breath You Take (Live)
George Michael – Careless Whisper (25 Live Tour) [Live from Earls Court
George Michael – Careless Whisper (Live from Top of the Pops 1984)
In My Place (Official Video) 217,217,392 回視聴•2011
Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams (1983)
Here Comes The Sun (Remastered 2009)
U.S.A. For Africa – We Are the World (Official Video)
Bruce Springsteen – Streets of Philadelphia (Official Video)
Prince & Beyoncé Prince Medley “Purple Rain”
Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive (Official Music Video)
Bee Gees – How Deep Is Your Love (Official Video)
Bee Gees – How Deep Is Your Love (Live-HQ)
Bee Gees – Massachusetts (One For All Tour Live In Australia 1989)
Cyndi Lauper – True Colors (Official HD Video)
The Way We Were (1973)
THE ENDING OF THE WAY WE WERE PART 2 mp4 https://youtu.be/TOQlzTkAtxU Opening
EaglesアルバムDesperado 作詞 / 作曲 Glenn Frey, Don Henley 1973
[Verse 1]
Why don't you come to your senses?
You've been out ridin' fences
For so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
But I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

[Verse 2]
Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet
Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can't get

[Verse 3]
Oh, you ain't getting no younger
Your pain and your hunger
They're driving you home
And freedom, oh, freedom
Well that's just some people talking
Your prison is walking through this world all alone

[Verse 4]
Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the nighttime from the day
You're losing all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes

[Verse 5]
Why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences
Open the gate
It may be rainin'
But there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you
(Let somebody love you)You better let somebody love you
Before it's too late
德永英明 – Rainy Blue~1997 Track~

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