そっと 静かに
明け方の歌  韓江

明け方に目覚めて  空を見上げた  闇が晴れて  青い光が滲んだ  もくもくと立ち上る雲は  どこへ流れゆくのか  一つ、また一つと目覚める木々  枝を伸ばす

こんなにも美しい世界が  私のそばにあったなんて  あなたの目元に宿る  眉みたいな有明月  私も青い翼を広げ  後について飛び立つの  青々とした花火みたいな木々  枝を伸ばすとき  生きているってなんだろう  生きていくってなんだろう  答えは必要ない  あの青い花火のように

麦畑  作詞:パク・ファモク 作曲:ユン・ヨンファ  보리밭 麦畑

麦畑のあぜ道を歩いていくと  誰かの呼ぶ声がして  歩みを止める  思い出が苦しくて  口笛を吹くと  美しい歌が耳元に聞こえてくる  振り返ると誰も見えず  夕焼け空だけが目の前に広がる
[함께 부르는 가곡] 보리밭麦畑 (Song. 유채훈) | 예술의전당  歌手ユ・チェフンさん
보리밭  사잇길로 걸어가면
麦畑 間の道を 歩いていけば

뉘 부르는 소리 있어
誰かの 呼ぶ 声が あって

나를 멈춘다
私を 止める

옛 생각이 외로워
昔の 思い 心細くて

휘바람 불며
強い風 吹き

고운 노래 귓가에 들려온다
美しい 歌 耳元に 聞こえてくる

돌아보면 아무도 뵈지 않고
振り返ると 誰も 見えなくて

저녁놀 빈 하늘만
夕日 がらんとした 空だけ

눈에 차누나
目に 満ちる


車椅子ダンス  涙はもう日常になりました  でも それが私を完全に破壊することはなかった  悪夢も もう日常になりました  全身の血管を  燃やし尽くすような夜も  私を完全に打ちのめすことはできない  見てください 私は踊っています  燃え立つ車椅子で  なんの魔術も秘法もありません

ただ、いかなるものも私を完全に破壊できなかっただけ  見てください 私は歌っています  全身で燃え立つ車椅子  見てください 私は踊っています  全身で火を噴く車椅子  どんな記憶も  罵りや墓場、あのひどく冷たいみぞれすらも  最後の私を打ち砕けなかっただけ  ただ、いかなるものも私を完全に破壊できなかっただけ  見てください 私は歌っています

全身で火を噴く車椅子  見てください 私は踊っています  全身で燃え立つ車椅子     <車椅子ダン>

金 素月(キム・ソウォル、1902年陰暦8月6日 – 1934年12月24日[1])は、大韓帝国の詩人。本名は金 廷湜(キム・ジョンシク)。素月は号。김소월 Kim So-wol 裕福な家庭であったが素月が2歳のとき父が日本の鉄道敷設工事に従事中、日本人による殴打により精神に異常をきたす。

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Seoul wants N Korean troops to leave Russia immediately oct20 Kelly Ng BBC News

South Korea has summoned the Russian ambassador, seeking the “immediate withdrawal” of North Korean troops which it says are being trained to fight in Ukraine.

About 1,500 North Korean soldiers, including those from the special forces, have already arrived in Russia, according to Seoul’s spy agency. In a meeting with the ambassador Georgiy Zinoviev, South Korea’s vice-foreign minister Kim Hong-kyun denounced the move and warned that Seoul will “respond with all measures available”. Mr Zinoviev said he would relay the concerns, but stressed that the cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang is “within the framework of international law”. It is unclear what cooperation he was referring to.

The ambassador did not confirm allegations that North Korea has sent troops to fight with Russia’s military. Later on Monday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters the cooperation between the two nations is “not directed against third countries”. He added it “should not worry anyone”, according to Russian state news agency Tass. Pyongyang has not commented on the allegations.

北朝鮮兵がロシアの「使い捨て要員」になる…ウクライナ外相、戦争拡大の懸念警告 2024年10月19日 BBC news japan


ロシアの軍事専門家ら「北派兵、大きな助けにならない…規模小さく戦闘経験ない」 ⓒ 中央日報/中央日報日本語版2024.10.20 10:48

10/31 (韓国「中央日報日本語版」)・・・(ただ痛ましい!)


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  台  湾  有  事   他国の指揮系統下で共に武力行使 




「台湾有事=日本有事」は荒唐無稽 6/5

毎日新聞記事:Full TEXT


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★ January 14th

We talked about: my dream of Ann calling for John this morning, John’s dinner menu, John’s Covid, very sick for 2 days, caughing, chills and…, recovery process of the Montpelier flood last July, my rehabilitation (“you look good!” they said to me), Japan’s Standard University Entrance Exam of Haruka, about Yohta going to master’s course, pretty Emily, still taking courses on philosophy, US presidential election:,Biden is a very good president but good chane for Trump to be next(怒), Ken’s work (is at Haneda Airport, going to Fukuoka), Montpelier’s shortage of Elevators, Post office problems, Simon will turn to be 22 tomorrow.

May 5th, Zoom Talk

Talked about Yohta, Haruka, and Adri’s future goal! John told us about his happy life at Westwind with Herigan! I was so glad to know that John got used to it and became populer at his new apartment. Wonderful!!

Oct 6th  Adri’s future, US Election, Barbara, moving to two bed-rooms apartment (on Nov 1st), Vermont’s foliage, housing for homelesses in Sabin Pasture <650 thousand dollers, the price of the Sabin house 1億円>, Climate change with floodings, Halloween, the day of the death??, Japan’s ruling LDP’s two political scandals and so on. A lot of fun, makes me stronger and happier.

What Is Hamas?    BBC Summary    ◆ともに悲しき「離散の民」    「アーリア人」   対立をめぐる主な経緯

What Is Hamas? written by  The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): is an independent, nonpartisan member organization, think tank, and publisher.(外交問題評議会は、国際政治に関する雑誌「Foreign Affairs」を発行している会員制シンクタンク)

  • A spin-off of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in the late 1980s, the Islamist militant group Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after defeating its rival political party, Fatah, in elections in 2006.
  • The United States and European Union have designated Hamas a terrorist organization because of its armed resistance against Israel, which has included suicide bombings and rocket attacks.
  • Israel has declared war on Hamas following its surprise assault on the country’s south in 2023, the deadliest attack in Israeli history.


from BBC‘s Isreal-GazaWar site

What is happening in Israel and Gaza, and what is Hamas? text

11/25 ともに悲しき「離散の民」イスラエルとパレスチナ人 錦田愛子 text


11/26 直接は関係ないけど「アーリア人」について(英: Aryan, 独: Arier, サンスクリット語: आर्य, ペルシア語: آریا‎)


アーリアという言葉には長い歴史があります。元々はヨーロッパのほとんどの言語とアジアの一部の言語の含めた多様な関連言語を話していた人々の集団を指す言葉として使われていました。しかし、時を経て、この言葉は新しい違った意味を持つようになりました。19 世紀末から 20 世紀初めにかけ、アーリア人は他の人種よりも優れていると主張する一部の学者などにより、神話的な「人種」に変えられました。ドイツでは、ナチスがドイツ国民を「アーリア人種」の一民族として賛美し、一方でユダヤ人や黒人、ロマ族やシンティ族(ジプシー)を「非アーリア人」として貶める、この間違った概念を推進しました。ヨーロッパ在住ロマ族(ジプシー)のジェノサイド、1939〜1945年


  • 1948年 イスラエル建国。第1次中東戦争・・・
  • 73年 第4次中東戦争・・・
  • 93年 イスラエル政府とパレスチナ解放機構(PLO)が🌺オスロ合意を結ぶ・・・
  • 95年 イスラエルのラビン首相暗殺・・・
  • 2000年 第2次インティファーダ(対イスラエル民衆蜂起)・・・
  • 02年 イスラエルが◆分離壁の建設を開始・・・
  • 05年 イスラエルがガザから撤退。その後、◆封鎖政策を実施・・・
  • 14年 米国仲介の和平交渉が頓挫。イスラエル軍がガザを攻撃・・・
  • 20年 米国仲介でイスラエルがアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)、バーレーンなどアラブ諸国との国交を正常化・・・
  • 21年 イスラエルとハマスの大規模軍事衝突。11日間で270人以上が死亡・・・
  • 22年 イスラエルで史上最右翼とされるネタニヤフ政権発足・・・
  • 23年 対立してきたサウジアラビアとイランが中国の仲介で外交関係を正常化

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4/8早朝NHKのオペラアワーでSamson et Dalilaを歌ったSeokJong Baekを知った。「またKorean!」と思ったけど、その素晴らしい輝かしく力強い美しい歌声に魅せられた こちらも 。Korean Artists(特に声楽)の実力は本物!

Samson et Dalila_ Vois ma misère, hélas! vois ma détresse – SeokJong Baek


SeokJong Baek has continued to draw international attention following his Royal Opera House debut in May 2022 as Samson in Richard Jones’s new production of Saint-Saëns Samson et Dalila, and is fast establishing himself as an artist of note, winning widespread praise for his arresting lirico/spinto sound and refined technical accomplishment.

2022/08/07 • ROYAL OPERA HOUSE5/14/22 1st Orchestra Rehearsal. At Royal opera house. Con. Antonio Pappano

‘Baek has a glorious young lyric-heroic tenor voice, wielded with technical perfection from stentorian battlecries to tenderest soft singing.’ The Arts Desk

By Francisco Salazar
Nessun dorma from Turandot by G. Puccini

“The South Korean tenor was not just making his Royal Opera debut, but it was also his role debut plus his debut as a tenorBaek did a terrific job. There was plenty of plangent tone, fine French diction and lovely shaping of phrases…”
Bachtrack, May 2022

‘Baek sounds every inch the hero, his bright tenor cutting through above the dark orchestral sonorities.’ The Guardian

59th Tenor Vinas Final – SeokJong Baek “O souverain, ô juge, ô père” from Le Cid by Massenet
E lucevan le stelle from Tosca by G. Puccini 
Core ‘ngrato (무정한 마음)- S. Cardillo – SeokJong Baek
Ideale by F.P Tosti 

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  Japanese team   Young stars   Kylian Mbappé   

Team Japan


 FW浅野拓磨が号泣していた。PK戦。日本はMF南野拓実、MF三笘薫、DF吉田麻也がシュートを防がれ、初の8強進出を逃した。 ただ、延長も含めた120分間、前回準優勝のクロアチアと、文字通り、互角に渡り合った。


 「選手たちは本当によく頑張った。ベスト16の壁は乗り越えられなかったけれど、選手たちは『新時代』を見せてくれた」 4度目の決勝トーナメントで、またしても準々決勝にはたどり着けなかった。 それでも、確かな足跡は刻んだ。(朝日新聞より)

キラリ光る若きスター候補  Young stars




 爆発的なスピードを持つ「王国」の新星が輝きを放っている。ブラジルの22歳、FWビニシウスだ。 決勝トーナメント1回戦の韓国戦ではゴール前で冷静なタッチを披露し、先制点をもたらした。自身W杯初得点で存在感を示したが、ゴール前の仕事よりも鋭利なドリブルにスター性を感じさせる。


















でも、なんたってすごいのはKylian Mbappé !


(The Guardianより) France’s bid to retain trophy has put smiles on faces in Bondy where their star striker is an inspiration for young people

Ayoub Simour and Angelique Chrisafis in BondyFri 9 Dec 2022 16.23 GMT

In the town of Bondy in Paris’s northern suburbs, where Kylian Mbappé grew up and trained, Ismail Gencel was preparing his bar and pizzeria for the crowds who would come to watch Saturday’s France-England World Cup match.

Mbappé is our idol, our heritage, he’s put Bondy on the map,” said the 53-year-old, who once provided an upstairs room for Mbappé’s seventh birthday party – “a very active, smiling child,” he recalled, “who I now wish I’d taken a photo with”.

“The football is bringing some cheer to France,” Gencel added. “With Covid, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation, morale has been low. The World Cup is getting people out again, putting a smile on their face.”

Amid the cost of living crisis, wholesale prices of eggs and boxes for takeaway pizzas have more than doubled, and Gencel is reluctant to increase his own prices for customers, so margins are shrinking at an alarming rate. “Football is there to lift the mood,” he said.

Kylian Mbappé celebrates scoring France’s third goal in their 3-1 win against Poland last Sunday
Kylian Mbappé celebrates scoring France’s third goal in their 3-1 win against Poland last Sunday. 

France, which won the World Cup four years ago, is in a football frenzy, hoping to become the first team to retain the title since Brazil in 1962. TV viewing figures for France’s matches in Qatar have been higher than for the 2018 tournament. On top of this, Morocco’s historic success in reaching the quarter-final this Saturday has enthralled the large numbers of French people of Moroccan heritage. If Morocco and France win their matches on Saturday, Paris is expecting an outpouring of celebration on the Champs-Elysées.

Mbappé, hailed on the front page of France’s top-selling sports paper, L’Équipe, under the headline “God save our king”, has cemented his status as a national treasure. He has also once again shone a spotlight on young talent in Bondy and the low-income, ethnically diverse suburbs north of Paris where young people have often been unfairly stigmatised and discriminated against. Mbappé was born in 1998, the year that France’s World Cup-winning team starring Zinedine Zidane was mythologised as “Black-Blanc-Beur” (Black-White-Arab) and presented by politicians as able to solve France’s deep-seated identity issues through their triumph.

Mbappé has spent the last four years since his first World Cup win at the age of 19 working to dismantle the stereotypes too often applied to Paris’s banlieue, which is now a centre not just for football talent but for young entrepreneurship and business. Bondy has a population of about 53,000, extending either side of a motorway linking Paris to Charles de Gaulle airport. It is part of the département of Seine-Saint-Denis, which is the poorest area in France, with the youngest population. Mbappé is not the only Bondy player in the World Cup squad – the defender William Saliba started at the local club, AS Bondy.

Argentina win incredible World Cup final in shootout (Reuters)

Argentina won their third World Cup in an extraordinary final on Sunday as they beat France 4-2 on penalties after Lionel Messi scored twice in a 3-3 draw and Kylian Mbappe grabbed a hat-trick to bring the holders back from 2-0 and 3-2 down. It was an incredible night of drama, high emotion and fluctuating fortunes, delivering one of the all-time great finals to cap a wonderful tournament as its two star players delivered command performances on the biggest stage of all.

‘A minute of silence for Mbappe!’ – Martinez mocks France star in Argentina dressing room World Cup celebrations full article

Liz Roscher Mon, December 19, 2022 

There is nothing like the World Cup, and this final was one for the ages. Argentina pulled out a win on penalty kicks, but getting there was quite a journey.

Thanks to goals from Lionel Messi and Angel Di Maria, Argentina jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the first half. With little action from France in most of the second half, it looked like Argentina was cruising to an easy 2-0 win. But then, in the 80th minute, Kylian Mbappé and France finally woke up.

Mbappé netted two goals in the span of 93 seconds, tying the game and taking the lead for the Golden Boot with two swift kicks. Everyone, of course, lost their ever-loving minds.

‘This is it, folks’ – Boris Johnson ‘hands over baton in unexpected relay race’

変な人だったけど(だから!)結構好きだったBoris Johnsonがあっけなく(潔く!?orもう飽きちゃったから?)10th of Downing Streetから去っていった。問題・課題を山のように積み上げたまま。

Placeholder image for youtube video: -ym_x2cXVB8
Boris Johnson’s final farewell speech in full as he leaves Downing Street

6 SEPTEMBER 2022 • 8:24AM

Boris Johnson has left Downing Street for the final time as Prime Minister as he told the nation “the baton will be handed over” to Liz Truss after the Tory leadership “unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race”. 

Speaking in Downing Street, Mr Johnson bemoaned the manner in which he has been forced out of No 10 as he accused Tory MPs who ousted him of having “changed the rules halfway through”. 

He said: “This is it folks. Thank you everybody for coming out so early this morning. In only a couple of hours I will be in Balmoral to see Her Majesty the Queen and the torch will finally be passed to a new Conservative leader, the baton will be handed over in what has unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race, they changed the rules half way through but never mind that now.”

Mr Johnson pledged his “fervent support” for Ms Truss’s new government and urged the Conservative Party to unite behind her. 

He said that if his dog, Dilyn, and Larry, the No 10 cat, can “put behind them their occasional difficulties then so can the Conservative Party”. 


Queen Elizabeth dies: Boris Johnson makes Parliament laugh with speech remembering Her Majesty

2022/09/09 Queen Elizabeth dies: Boris Johnson makes Parliament laugh remembering Her Majesty | Boris Johnson joined parliament to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.
King Charles maintains a clear sense of duty and service even as he mourns the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, British Prime Minister Liz Truss said on Friday, having spoken to the nation’s new monarch on Thursday evening.


Liz Truss and Hugh O’Leary, her husband, after the announcement of her victory in the Tory leadership race CREDIT: Stefan Rousseau/Shutterstock


Liz Truss, an unpopular leader for a troubled Britain

Analysis by Ishaan Tharoor  

September 6, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. EDT

On Tuesday, Liz Truss heads to a Scottish castle to call on Queen Elizabeth II and “kiss” the royal hand. The current British foreign secretary will thus become her country’s next prime minister. With Truss’s appointment, the queen will have presided over this traditional rite 15 times in her many decades as sovereign. It’s possible, no matter reports of her ailing health, that she may do it all over again soon.

Truss comes to power not via general election but after winning the majority of votes in a Conservative Party leadership election decided by fewer than 200,000 dues-paying Tory activists. Her main rival, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, was more popular among sitting Conservative lawmakers in Parliament. Broader public opinion polls show the opposition Labour Party with its strongest lead in a decade. A majority of Britons, meanwhile, believe Truss will make a “poor” or “terrible” prime minister, and only a quarter consider her an improvement from Boris Johnson, her controversial and polarizing predecessor.

Truss will struggle to muster Johnson’s irrepressible — or delusional, critics would contend — optimism. Darkened skies already hang low over her nascent premiership. “In addition to the war in Ukraine and the fallout of Brexit, the new prime minister will inherit a vast range of economic and political problems,” my colleagues explained. “The Bank of England predicts Britain will suffer through protracted recession, beginning as early as October. Inflation already stands at 10 percent, with economists warning that 15 percent is possible.”

There’s an impending cascade of woes: A mammoth cost-of-living crisis is driving a historic drop in living standards. According to some estimates, two-thirds of British households may face “fuel poverty” by the end of the year, struggling to pay for the surging costs of heating their homes. Across various sectors of the economy, industrial action is picking up, with strikes shutting down train services, garbage collection and the operation of ports.

The country that Truss will now lead is unquestionably diminished. Most analyses of the impact of Brexit find that Britain’s departure from the European Union has dented its economy, added to its supply chain headaches and hurt its trading prospects. An analysis published last month by Saxo Bank warned investors that Britain is “more and more looking like an emerging market country” and won’t have the ability to manage “an easy escape” from a deep recession.

Truss campaigned for her party’s leadership on a platform pandering to the Tory’s hard core. She sees a path out of Britain’s problems by slashing taxes and boosting fracking and nuclear energy. “We will break with the same old tax and spend approach by focusing on growth and investment,” she wrote for the Telegraph. While likely welcomed by many Tories who internally elected her, such rhetoric is less convincing to the general public that has seen the Conservatives in power for 12 years.

“Truss’s Britain will be governed by policies lifted from cliched Daily Mail headlines,” wrote leftist commentator Owen Jones in the Guardian. “All the bêtes noires of saloon-bar reactionaries from the past 20 years will be slaughtered, and the resulting anguish from those effete metropolitan lefties obsessed with mere trivialities such as avoiding mass impoverishment and the destruction of the planet will give the Tory faithful their kicks.”

“Economists … have been skeptical about her confidence that all it will take is a few tax cuts to put a tiger back in the national tank,” noted Sam Leith in the right-leaning Spectator that wondered whether she would be a “Tory Jeremy Corbyn,” a nod to the former left-wing Labour leader whose radical politics swept him to the top role in his party but ultimately hurt Labour on the national stage.

あれ?いくら冴えないおばさんでも、就任わずか44日で辞任するとは思わなかった!この記事のタイトルが「Welcomeback Boris」になったりして?

Liz Truss: The human hand grenade who tragically blew herself up

She spent a lifetime defying the doubters. But the very personality that had powered her ascent ultimately led to her downfall

ByHarry de Quetteville   20 October 2022 • 6:40pm

 Liz Truss on Thursday became Britain’s shortest serving prime minister, lasting just 44 days in office CREDIT: TOBY MELVILLE

And like that she was gone. A politician known above all as a survivor, a bundle of contradictions elastic enough to survive and thrive under three very different prime ministers, came dramatically unstuck when the top job was finally hers.




BBC announces the death of Queen Elizabeth II
2022/09/09 The news anchor Huw Edwards said Buckingham Palace had released a statement confirming that the Queen had died peacefully at Balmoral Castle on Thursday afternoon.

2022/09/10 King Charles III has made his first address to the UK as sovereign, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

In a televised address, the King paid tribute to his “darling mama” saying “may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest”, and renewed his mother’s lifelong promise of service.


With maturity, grace and just the right type of mourning ensemble, seven-year-old Charlotte is proving she’s every inch a royal princess The Telegraph



9/25 宮内庁長官「両陛下のご訪問本当に良かった」

西村宮内庁長官は両陛下帰国後の9月22日の記者会見で次のように述べました。 「両陛下が代表する国民の弔意は、英国王室そして英国民に十二分に伝わったと思います。また今回の国葬には世界中から多くの国王、大統領と元首クラスが参列しましたけれども、両陛下はこうした多くの参列者と交流を深められたことにより、国際社会における日本の皇室の存在感をお示しになったものと考えています。今回、両陛下にご訪問いただいて、本当に良かったと率直に感じているところであります」

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