Helen と1回だけ歌った曲はヘンデルのオラトリオSAULだった!懐かしい。お誕生日のお祝いにその思い出を書いたら「覚えてるわ」と。なんて素敵、私が一番好きだった、北ロンドンから来たお嬢様だった。

Thanks Ak***! I remember the singing, I wish I could do that again! Maybe when this covid business is all over, I’d like to start doing music again. I hope you’re very well. He*** xxx

Saul: An oratorio for Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass Soli, SATB & Orchestra (英語) ペーパーバック – 2004/1/1
Handel / Saul, HWV 53 (Jacobs)
Ruby Hughes, soprano
Händel – March from the Oratorio “Saul” HWV 53



サウル』(Saul)HWV 53は、ゲオルク・フリードリヒ・ヘンデルが1738年に作曲し、翌年上演されたオラトリオ聖書の「サムエル記」に見られるサウルダビデの逸話にもとづく。

  • サウル:バス – イスラエルの王。
  • ダビデ:アルト[14] – ペリシテ人に勝った英雄。ベツレヘムエッサイの子。
  • メラブ:ソプラノ – サウルの長女。
  • ミカル:ソプラノ – サウルの次女。
  • ヨナタン:テノール – サウルの息子。
  • アブネル:テノール – イスラエルの将軍。
  • 司祭:テノール
サウル:初代のイスラエル王 神を信頼しきれず窮地に陥る


Felipe Camargo, Regional Representative for Southern Europe, UNHCR

English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France)United Nationsで新しい仕事をスタート1994年3月6日ニューヨークカーブルに引っ越しました2001年12月21日

11/17 Hello Felipe. Time flies, Dushmanthee said that the baby I held in my arms when we visited Indika’s house, was now 16yo! What I remember you at that occasion was you took a long shower!

11/20 Dear Akemi, good to hear from you! Time flies and we get wiser…! I hope you are doing well. I am coming to Japan next year and would love to visit you in Yokohama or wherever you might be! as time approaches I will let you know. Stay well !!!

11/20 I am so glad to know that you will come to Japan soon. Please let me know when you are here. I would very much like to see you again. I also remember you when I heard Madam Ogata passed away.

Felipe Camargo

9月21日 · 

Are we accompanied or simply surrounded? Sometimes those that are friends or believe to be friends choose friendships at their own measure. To differentiate between friends and acquaintances is not easy. One can be surrounded by thousands of acquaintances but the real friends are to be counted with the fingers of one hand. Those that sense, share, listen, advice and suggest are the ones to be considered friends. Acquaintances are in general present at their own convenience. Acquaintances are not bad but one cannot always count with them. Friends are there, present, sensing and aware. They are the ones that you have telepathy with; those that know when, how and what to say and how to support. Friends are not to be underestimated. They will cross the world or simply call when they need you or you need them. Friends are not interested in celebrating one day of friendship, they are always there even when you are dead. They will carry you with them and you will carry them forever. So on this day of love and friendship in Colombia, I think about both friends and acquaintances and wish them all the happiness and the love that we all deserve.


Yesterday was World Humanitarian Day #WHD. I reflected on my past 28 years working as a humanitarian. The reward of helping hundreds or thousands of persons, families, communities or countries to overcome the impact of war, man-made or natural disasters... and then I thought of us… humanitarians…that carry a heavy weight for years without adequate support, losing family, friends, colleagues along the way, becoming displaced, uprooted, emotionally weak and desperately lonely! I only hope that those that continue this fascinating and challenging path take care of themselves… as it is essential to do so in order to be able to take care of others.

9月4日 · 

Guido – present! GG l only know that the world would be a better place with you… but certainly you are not missing much: Italy is in serious trouble not to say in deep s…t, Colombia’s peace negotiations going down the drain, your dream of a solid European Union is becoming a nightmare, the number of refugees and victims of war has tripled in the last 10 years; the Amazon forest is disappearing at a rate that you won’t believe it; the earth is crying as pollution and abuse increases climate change and lost of species and habitats; abuse of power is the new democracy; Trump will most probably win a second term, Putin and Erdogan are Trump’s teachers, Venezuela is simply sad, and last but not least inequality is bigger than ever! So stay where you are! in the meantime, I will do my best to stay strong, calm and enjoy life in the county side.

8月21日 · 

Yesterday was World Humanitarian Day #WHD. I reflected on my past 28 years working as a humanitarian. The reward of helping hundreds or thousands of persons, families, communities or countries to overcome the impact of war, man-made or natural disasters… and then I thought of us… humanitarians…that carry a heavy weight for years without adequate support, losing family, friends, colleagues along the way, becoming displaced, uprooted, emotionally weak and desperately lonely! I only hope that those that continue this fascinating and challenging path take care of themselves… as it is essential to do so in order to be able to take care of others.

Felipe Camargo has worked for the United Nations for over 20 years, leading teams in Somalia, Afghanistan, Tanzania and many other emergencies. Since the early 1990s over a million Rohingya refugees have fled violence in Myanmar, and Felipe has returned to the region multiple times as part of the humanitarian response. He also suffered personal tragedy that affected him greatly. To listen to more episodes of “Awake at Night” visit: www.unhcr.org/awakeatnight Information for media: If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact hqvideo@unhcr.org.

Related Sites

Talking Points for Felipe Camargo, UNHCR Regional Representative Southern Europe

18 September 2018

UN chief laments Ogata’s death, hails her achievements


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ロンドン北部のお嬢さまだったことは、ヘレンが上品な英語を話したこと、一緒にクラシック音楽のサークルに参加したこと(これは、( ほぼ )上流階級しかしない。私は、練習の時、指導者が早口で指示する専門用語が理解できず、すぐ諦めた)、いつも服装がドレッシーで、スリランカに行ったときはシルクのスカートを穿いていたこと、Humanitarian spiritをもっていたこと。すべてが素敵だった。でも、彼女は運動が苦手で、軍隊式訓練の時は恐怖で顔が引きつって、年がいっている私に助けを求めた(!)。いい思い出ばかり、思い出される・・・・。今は二人の子供の母親、ロンドンできちんとした仕事をしてるのだろう。


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2003年にイギリスに行き、テレビ好き日本人としては、つい見てしまう。見てしまったら気にならないわけがない。Jon Snowさん。派手なネクタイ、鋭いインタビュー、長身、低い声、美しい発音。その後も、ニュースやTwitterで見ている。

    2019.7 変わったベストを着ている
2019.8.21 軽やかな動画に登場。
Boris Johnsonの英国に未来はあるか?この人はどんな表現をしていくのだろうか?


NHCarnival@NHCarnivalLDNFollowOfficial Organisers of Notting Hill Carnival


チャンネル4アンカーマン JON SNOW 
2004年07月01日(木) 6時11分 日本に帰ったあと「また、あの英国のテレビ番組が見たい」と思うことになる番組のひとつになることでしょう。午後7時からの「Channel 4 News」。初めはちょっと聞き取りにくかった彼の英語も、今はすっかり慣れました。ネクタイの派手さがすごい、歯切れがいい、突込みが鋭い、ちょっと斜交いの視線もかっこいい。イギリスのテレビ番組は全体としてかなりひどい。つくりが安っぽい、中身がない、馬鹿騒ぎばかり。映画も古くて「名画」は本当にたまにしかない。もっとも、本当にいい番組は有料の「サテライトチャンネルで」ということのようです。でもジョン・スノーのニュースは◎その分とてもすばらしいのがBBCラジオ。日本の話題も多く取り上げられています。英国人はきっと、「自分たちのことをアメリカと比べてもサイズとパワーが違いすぎて・・・。その点日本は大きさもちょうどいいし、文化的基盤も違うから闇雲の競争にはならないし。それにきっと日本人は英国が好きだし・・・。」と思っているような気がします。

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A photo from my friend A.ーHai S. from Kabul

カーブルでは珍しい、晴れた春の風景だという。「遠くに見える山はなぁに?」と尋ねたら「 Akemi, these are from the Hindukush range of mountains. 」と。ヒンドゥクシにつながる山々なのだ。  incessant, rainy and clean spring とも。雨も多いのだ。

ヒンドゥークシュ山脈とは、主にアフガニスタン国内を北東から南西に1200kmにわたって延びる山脈。一部はパキスタン西部にも広がる。 クシュは山や山地を指すのでさらに山脈をつけるのは日本語の翻訳地名によくある慣例である。また、ヒンドゥークシュはペルシャ語で「インド人殺し」を意味 し、インド人の奴隷がかつてペルシアに抜ける際にこの山中の険しさから何人も亡くなったことに由来していると言われている。ヒンドゥークシュ山脈の最高峰はティリチミール(7,708m)でチトラール付近から展望することができる。
アフガニスタン・ヒンドゥークシュの最高峰はノシャック(7,492m)で、パキスタンのザニ峠や、タジキスタンのイシュカシムから望むことができる 。

《Hindu Kush》中央アジアのパミールから南西に伸びてアフガニスタン中部を走る山脈。最高峰はティリチミール山で、標高7706メートル。古来東西交通の難所。

ノシャック(Noshaq, またはNowshak)は、アフガニスタンバダフシャーン州にある山。標高は7,492m。アフガニスタンの最高峰である。ヒンドゥークシュ山脈の山で、ティリチミール(7,690m)についで2番目に高い。アフガニスタンの北東部、パキスタンとの国境上に位置する。


いいなア、いつか行ってみたい!Univ of Yorkの授業で、アフガニスタンの東に紐みたいについているソ連とインドを分けるための「帯」地帯にHindu-Kush山脈があるのだった!

Roses in Kabul from ADH from FB; Roses are in bloom everywhere on earth


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”In my country, South Sudan” was a phrase he always put on the top of his speech, comment and presentation in the PRDU class, University of York. He went back to his home country and served to his country as an officer, politician. He, my friend Anthony Makana became a Speaker of the South Sudan’s interim Government. We have been talking mainly on SNS site.

I wonder how to start his words now in South Sudan! I shall ask.


東洋経済の記事(2018.1) こちらの記事全文




:そういう方々が家を追われ、地域を追われ、難民として避難生活を余儀なくされてきたわけですよね。食料も足りなければ、医薬品も不足、着るものなども入手するのが大変だった、そういう部分を今井さんたち、JVCが現地でサポートを続けてきたわけですね。実際には何故そこまで対立が深まってしまったのでしょうか? 政府軍、反政府組織、民兵、武装勢力、それぞれにどのような利害関係の不一致があって対立していったのか背景を教えてください。

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ワシントンポストの記事より April 11, 2017
 Our world produces enough food to feed all its inhabitants. When one region is suffering severe hunger, global humanitarian institutions, though often cash-strapped, are theoretically capable of transporting food and averting catastrophe.
But this year, South Sudan slipped into famine, and Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen are each on the verge of their own. Famine now threatens 20 million people — more than at any time since World War II. As defined by the United Nations, famine occurs when a region’s daily hunger-related death rate exceeds 2 per 10,000 people.
The persistence of such severe hunger, even in inhospitable climates, would be almost unthinkable without war.
Each of these four countries is in a protracted conflict. While humanitarian assistance can save lives in the immediate term, none of the food crises can be solved in the long term without a semblance of peace. The threat of violence can limit or prohibit aid workers’ access to affected regions, and in some cases, starvation may be a deliberate war tactic.
Entire generations are at risk of lasting damage stemming from the vicious cycle of greed, hate, hunger and violence that produces these famines. Children are always the most affected, as even those who survive may be mentally and physically stunted for life. And while this article focuses on the four countries most immediately at risk, ongoing conflicts in Congo, the Central African Republic, Libya, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan has left millions hungry in those places, too.
By and Laris Karklis



Rageh Omarレポートの記事
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Short video on the ideas behind the Everyday Peace Indicators project.


Want to ruin your day? Here’s a mercifully short video of me talking about my research.



Roger  1月12日 14:48 ·



2015/06/15 に公開

An introduction to the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute and our work.


もうひとりManchester Univの、聞き取りやすい英語のRichmond先生の短いレクチャーはこちら 



I call for an international coalition of friendly nations to come together to save the United States from itself. In the name of peace and human rights, this coalition of the willing will effect regime change and install a Coalition Provisional Authority. After a new constitution is written by foreign experts, elections will be held. Only approved parties and candidates may stand. Under a process of “De-Baathificationバース党員の排除 “, no members of existing political parties will be able to stand for office. All US national and private assets will be on sale for foreign speculators.
Who’s in?


Rogerも過激だけど、だれよりも過激に機関銃のようにコメントを出し、議会で議論を吹っ掛けまくっているのはBernie Sandars,だ。


昨日 3:47 ·

What a shock. Despite Trump’s assertions that he was going to stand up for working people it turns out that Wall Street and Goldman Sachs are still running the show – and the Trump administration. Among many other billionaires in the Trump administration is Gary D. Cohn, the departing president of Goldman Sachs and Trump’s new director of the National Economic Council. Upon leaving Goldman Sachs, Cohn just received an exit package of $285 million. Yes, $285 million.(33億円)


23時間前 ·

Why shouldn’t Mr. Andrew Puzder become Secretary of Labor? He has all the qualifications to become a perfect fit for the Trump administration. He’s a billionaire. He pays his employees starvation wages. He receives an enormous amount of corporate welfare as taxpayers are forced to provide food stamps, Medicaid and publicly assisted housing to keep his low wage workers alive. And he knows nothing about the job he is about to take. Sounds like the perfect nominee.


17時間前 ·

The attacks against democracy in our country are increasingly dangerous. It is difficult to have serious debates on the issues if the president has no respect for truth. Further, Trump and Republican governors are working overtime to suppress the vote and make it harder for poor people, young people, people of color and seniors to participate in elections. As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision billionaires are now finding it easier to purchase


‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’
And the problem is a lot bigger than Donald Trump.
By John Nichols TwitterJANUARY 26, 2017

A woman exits the voting booth after filling out her ballot for the U.S presidential election at the James Weldon Johnson Community Center in the East Harlem neighbourhood of Manhattan, New York City


The United States is no longer a full democracy, according to the highly regarded Economist Intelligence Unit, which each year compiles a Democracy Index that “provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories.”

“The US, a standard-bearer of democracy for the world, has become a ‘flawed democracy,’ as popular confidence in the functioning of public institutions has declined,” explains the introduction to the freshly released Democracy Index.

That would be a troubling announcement in any week.

But coming in the first week of the presidency of Donald Trump, a man who has claimed that election systems are “rigged,” who lies about supposed “voter fraud” and who attacks the media outlets who call him out for those lies, the announcement is all the more unsettling.


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