’23 Ofuna Flower Centre_3
- ’23 Ofuna Flower Centre_1 🌸2023年 4月 23日 (日),
- 日時9月 24日 (日), 🌺大船植物園150min. _2
- Ofuna Flower Centre, Nov. ’21
- 鎌倉の秋,21 (浄智寺,青蓮寺~大船FC)
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Where is “Republic of Cabo Verde?”, 知らなかった小さい国
カーボベルデ共和国 Republic of Cabo Verde(外務省)
9/2 Basketball World Cupで日本と対戦し,俄然有名になった島国!
カーボベルデは、アフリカ大陸西端ダカールの沖合に浮かぶ大小18の島から成る国です。 人口50万人ほどのこの小さな国にある唯一の世界遺産が、「リベイラ・グランデの歴史地区シダーデ・ヴェーリャ」です。 大航海時代の到来直後にポルトガル人が建設した植民市の跡で、奴隷貿易の拠点として発展しました。Feb 21, 2018
1バチカン0.4 ★★2モナコ2 ★★
5サンマリノ61 ★★6リヒテンシュタイン160
9ニウエ260 near Australia, NZ
15 バルバドス
16 アンティグア・バーブーダ
9/15 Libyaの大洪水:Where is Derna? Tripoliからは遠い。
Is it Oak?
参考「コナラの成長」 (オークはブナ科コナラ属の総称)
OAK Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages | a large tree which bears acorns and typically has lobed deciduous (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually. “sun-loving deciduous trees like aspenポプラ”)leaves. Oaks are dominant in many north temperate forests and are an important source of durable timber used in building, furniture, and (formerly) ships. | |
English oak | a medium-sized to large tree (Quercus robur) having glabrous(無毛の) leaves with very short petioles(葉柄) and rounded lobes(葉状). | |
red oak | a kind of North American oak (= a large, common tree whose oval nuts have an outer part like a cup): | |
☆Idioms | great/tall oaks from little acorns grow (saying) something large and successful often begins in a very small way |
maple | oak | birch | horse chestnut | beech (ビーチ) | ash(トネリコの木) | chestnut ブナ科/クリ属 |
楓 | 樫の木 ブナ科/コナラ属 | 白樺 カバノキ、カンバ、 | 西洋栃ノ木(マロニエ):トチノキは日本原産、マロニエはバルカン半島 | ブナ | a tree with silver-gray bark(tough protective outer sheath覆い of the trunk, branches) and compound leaves(複葉). | 栗 クリ、クリ(の木)、セイヨウトチノキ、 |
栗 【クリとは】
【分類】ブナ科/クリ属 落葉広葉/高木【漢字】栗(くり)【別名】シバグリ/ヤマグリ ニホングリ(日本栗)
【学名】Castanea crenata【英名】Chestnut tree
【分類】ブナ科/コナラ属 常緑広葉/高木
【別名】クロガシ/ホソバガシ カシ/ナラバガシ
【学名】Quercus myrsinifolia 【英名】Bamboo-leafed oak
Flash Flood in Montpelier ’23
Vermont’s capital, Montpelier, closes downtown as river reaches historic levels. National Weather Service warns of more potential flash floods.
The Aftermarth Sept. 13
Northeast storms dump over 2 months’ worth of rain on Vermont: Live weather updates
うちの家族にとっては「私たちのアメリカの家」と思っている(た)Vermontの大洪水は、自分事だ。みんなで大ショック!幸い上流のダムの決壊は免れ、水は引き始めた(7/13 As of this morning, the dam has held, and the water is beginning to recede. So now the clean-up will begin. As you can tell from the pictures, it will take a long time to get things back to normal. J. I saw a picture of the flooding in downtown Montpelier, I’m really surprised. It’s unbelievable. I’m also worrying about the Dam. I wish your family are all safe K..)
Heat wave, flooding: |
Water can be seen flowing next to a damaged road after flash flooding in Ludlow, Vt., on Monday. (Joanna Slater/The Washington Post) |
You’re probably watching — and maybe living — two of the biggest political stories this week: The punishing heat wave across the West and South, and torrential rain drowning Vermont and upstate New York. But maybe you’re not seeing them as political stories. Let’s fix that.These two dramatic meteorological events are first and foremost about the lives of the people in physical danger, or who are losing their homes or livelihoods. But because our working definition of politics includes how a society addresses threats, the label clearly applies.Today, we’re going to focus on the flooding. |
Vermont’s capital, Montpelier, closes downtown as river reaches historic levels. National Weather Service warns of more potential flash floods.
Updated July 11, 2023 at 6:24 p.m. EDT| WP
Relentless rain washed out roads and prompted evacuations in Vermont on July 10 as the state braced for more rain and flooding overnight. (Video: Julie Yoon/The Washington Post, Photo: John Tully/The Washington Post)
Even as the rain stopped late Tuesday morning, a deluge and swollen rivers created “historic and catastrophic” flooding in Vermont, Gov. Phil Scott (R) said Tuesday, with officials warning that more rainfall is expected as early as Thursday, threatening another wave of flooding and damage.
“This is nowhere near over,” Scott said.
More than 100 people have been rescued by boat as authorities rushed to rescue those stranded in hard-hit and remote areas. Thousands have lost homes or businesses and “countless” roads have been washed out, authorities said. No deaths had been reported in the state, but officials said search-and-rescue would take at least several days. Officials hoped to begin damage assessments by Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.
Sept 14 The newspaper which John sent to us today!
光則寺の山紫陽花-2023② : 今日の鎌倉 (livedoor.jp)より