この曲ALL MY LOVE は、2024年10月4日ににリリースされた10枚目のオリジナル・アルバムMOON MUSiC と同時リリースされた3枚目のシングル。
前作[Music of Spheres]は[Vol 1. From Earth with Love]というサブタイトルがつけられていたが、今回の[MOON MUSiC]の正式タイトルは前作の続編という位置づけで [Music of the Spheres Vol. II: Moon Music] 。前作は地球から宇宙へ愛を響かせる天球音楽で、今作は「月の音楽」とのこと。
Title : ALL MY LOVE Producer : Bill Rahko, Daniel Green, Max Martin, ILYA, Oscar Holter & Michael Ilbert Writer : Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Moses Martin & John Metcalfe
[Verse 1] We've been through low Been through sunshine, been through snow All the colours of the weather We've been through high Every corner of the sky And still we're holding on together
劇の中で歌うのは、かつては魅力的な猫だったグリザベラ(Grizabella)。しかし今や老いて美貌を失い、唯一残ったのは美しい思い出(メモリー)だけ。歌詞の中には、彼女の哀しい心情が切々と歌い込まれている。原作者T.S.エリオット(Thomas Stearns Eliot/1888-1965)の未完の遺稿を基に、演出家のトレヴァー・ナン(Sir Trevor Robert Nunn CBE/1940-)が作詞した。作曲は、ミュージカル『オペラ座の怪人』を手がけたイギリスの作曲家アンドリュー・ロイド=ウェバー (Sir Andrew Lloyd-Webber/1948-)。
‘Memory’ Elaine Paige | Cats The Musical – Royal Albert Hall Celebration
Memory – Elaine Page (Lyrics)
Memory (歌手によって変わることあり) Midnight Not a sound from the pavement Has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone In the lamplight The withered leaves collect at my feet And the wind begins to moan Memory All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days Life(I) was beautiful then I remember The time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again
Every street lamp Seems to beat A fatalistic warning Someone mutters And a street lamp sputters And soon it will be morning
Daylight I must wait for the sunrise I must think of a new life And I mustn't give in When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too And a new day will begin
Burnt out ends of smoky days The stale, cold smell of morning The street lamp dies, another night is over Another day is dawning
Touch me It's so easy to leave me All alone with my memory Of my days in the sun If you touch me You'll understand what happiness is Look, a new day has begun
Komorebiで聴いた曲の中で一番「おおっ!」と感動したナンバー。Driver Mr. Oのお好みだった。カラオケで歌おうと思ったけど、ないかな?
We’re All Alone (2023 Remaster)
We re all alone 訳詞付 Boz Scaggs
We're All Alone Outside the rain begins And it may never end So cry no more On the shore of dream Will take us out to sea Forevermore, forevermore Close your eyes, Ami And you can be with me 'Neath the waves through the caves of ours Long forgotten now We're all alone, we're all alone Close the window, calm the light And it will be alright No need to bother now Let it out, let it all begin Learn how to pretend Once a story's told It can't help but grow old Roses do, lovers too So cast your seasons to the wind And hold me, dear Oh, hold me, dear Close the window, calm the light And it will be alright No need to bother now Let it out, let it all begin All's forgotten now We're all alone All alone Close the window, calm the light And it will be alright No need to bother now Let it out, let it all begin Throw it to the wind, my love Hold me, dear All's forgotten now, my love We're all alone ソングライター: William Scaggs。