♪Ich grolle nicht
“DICHTERLIEBE”; op. 48; Robert Schumann
Ich grolle nicht, und wenn das Herz auch bricht,
Ewig verlor’nes Lieb! ich grolle nicht.
Wie du auch strahlst in Diamantenpracht,
Es fällt kein Strahl in deines Herzens Nacht.
Das weiss ich längst. Ich sah dich ja im Traume,
Und sah die Nacht in deines Herzens Raume,
Und sah die Schlang’, die dir am Herzen frisst,
Ich sah, mein Lieb, wie sehr du elend bist.
Ich grolle nicht.
Vocals: Ian Bostridge 2015
Piano: Julius Drake
Lyricist: Heinrich Heine
Composer: Robert Schumann
elend 【惨めな、不幸な】
Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my home-land forever
BTS_2 “Kim Taehyung”_7
It seams that TaeHyung survived from his physical hardships occurred during his no-audience performance in Seoul. I was worried about the mental damage on him. He looked good at L.A. concerts and enjoyed his short trip to Hawaii. He started his new projects in Seoul after he did something that surprised people, releasing his half-naked private photos. It was his style, he could not survive without doing something strange, amused and surprised Armies. It is my joy seeing/watching a man growing and developing himself through uncertain but exiting challenges.
この記事の次の日、私は倒れた。この記事が最後だったことを病院で後悔した。でも、私がしたことだ。病院のベッドで、私の複雑な心を慰めたのも TaeHyungのsweet Voiceだった。そして、私の退院の前の日にBTSとしての「活動の一時休止」が発表された。(2022/6/21)
My ’22 Spring Songs 次の曲は?
次にどんな歌を歌おうかと考えるのは至福のひとときだ。(12/15: 雲行きが変わりつつある!?)
イタリア歌曲/アリア | △ Io sono l’umile ancella | ♪Deh, vieni alla finestra | |
フレンチ歌曲 | ♬ Serenade (C. F. Gounod) | ♬ Chanson de printemps | |
ドイツリート | ✿ Ständchen Schubert | ✿ Ridente la calma | ♪Das Veilchen |
日本歌曲 | ♪浜千鳥 | ♪’びいでびいで’ |
発 表 | △✿ Wo der Goldregen steht | △✿ Geliebte Schone, Berg | Zueignung Richard Strauss |
♬ Chanson de printemps | Das Veilchen | Connais-tu le pays? | |
未発表 | ♬ Serenade du Passant | △✿ Ridente la calma | Abendempfindung |
〇✿ Ständchen Schubert | Mein Lied ertönt | Als die Alte Mutter | |
△✿ Du Ring an Meinem Finger Schumann | Im wunderschönen Monat Mai | 「四月」Aprile | |
お勧め | Io sono l’umile ancella from ADRIANA LECOUVREUR | Serenade (C. F. Gounod) Charles Gounod Songs | 浜千鳥 |
Muti and Wiener Phil in Tokyo, Nov. ’21
音楽会は行けるようになったけど、海外からのオーケストラ公演はまだ珍しい。六本木の夜、サンントリーホール・大ホールは、超満員の人・人・人。Social Distanceもなく、80歳Muti率いるウィーンフィルの超絶名演にホールいっぱいに感動が広がった。ストラヴィンスキーの音楽があんなに楽しく味わい深くウィットに富むものだとは知らなかった。イタリアは大好きな曲、最初のPの音から感動しっぱなしだった。そして、驚きは最後のアンコール曲。超大迫力!Mutiは最後のあたりで3秒ぐらい腰を落として、そして跳びあがった!
シューベルト:交響曲第4番 ハ短調 D. 417「悲劇的」 ストラヴィンスキー:ディヴェルティメント~バレエ音楽『妖精の接吻』による交響組曲~ メンデルスゾーン:交響曲第4番 イ長調 作品90「イタリア」 アンコール:Verdi オペラ運命の力・序曲
チケットを取るのが遅れて、2階席だった。おもしろいことがいっぱいあった!管楽器の特にホルンやトランペットの人が忙しく楽器の掃除(唾を取る)をしているのが良く見えて笑った。大変なんだなぁ。それからハープのおじさん。ハープは女性の演奏者が多いのだけどウィーンフィルはおじさんだった。ストラヴィンスキーのとき出てきて、ずっと椅子にふんぞり返って休んでいる。いつ演奏するのか見てたら第3楽章の中頃、楽譜をめくりだして前かがみになった。「いつ鳴らすんだろう?」と名演奏を聴きながらじっと注視していたら、なんとホントに最後に「ぴっ」と一音(!)だけ鳴らした!なんという曲だ、ハープの人に失礼ではないのか?ほんとに楽しかった。全体として管楽器セクションの活躍が目立ったけど、私は弦楽器、特にViolinのピアニッシモがことのほか美しく聴こえた。奥の方で大きなトランペットの人が2人ほどいた。Bass trumpet とかposauneというらしい。
Royal Opera in Yokohama, Sept. ’19
Haiku Poem, 2021 Nov-Dec
星屑の冷めたさに似て菊膾 (大木あまり)
◇ 交響曲イタリア響く秋の宵 11/8(月)六本木の夜はサントリーホール満席の賑わい。Riccardo Muti とWien Philの豊穣の夜。交響曲イタリア、ストラヴィンスキーのバレエ音楽、そしてアンコールの運命の力序曲まで、素晴らしい演奏会でした。(2021/11/9)
Seong-Jin Cho & The 18th Chopin Competition 2020
The competition originally scheduled in 2020. I have been watching and found some wonderful pianist. One of them is Seong-Jin Cho from South Korea who won the previous competition.
Born: May 28, 1994 (age 27 years), Seoul, South KoreaHangul:조성진
76,913 回視聴 2021/10/02
4曲のスケルツォは、ショパンの全創作の中でも、その激しさや深刻な曲調において非常に際立った世界を形作ってる。ピアノ協奏曲第2番は、若きショパンが満を持して作曲した最初の大作で、随所に創意が凝らされ、片思いの初恋の想いを込めた第2楽章が有名な非常にロマンティックな作品。チョ・ソンジンは完璧にコントロールされたタッチによる研ぎ澄まされた美音と、抑制の中から溢れる豊かな情感により、ショパン作品の情緒と美しさを最大限にひき出している。協奏曲は、2016年録音の「ショパン:ピアノ協奏曲第1番」でも好サポートを示したノセダ指揮ロンドン交響楽団との共演。(ユニバーサル ミュージック ジャパンより)
Aurelia Maria After watching chopin competition 2021, I came back here again. I’m not a musician, just an ordinary person who enjoy music. But in my opinion this guy is the best of all. Thanks Cho for your magical sound. You made me falling in love with Chopin.
Summer Sonata Indeed, I fall in love with this song since I watch Chopin competition and Seong-Jin Cho plays it so beautiful that steals my heart away…
Frinna Lu Feel like reliving Cho’s version again after this year’s finals. No one in 2021 comes close to him.hi Although Bruce’s performance was excellent, this performance is definitely on another level.. Fastmoving but flowing like water.. Cho once said “at some point, I realized I was just singing and my hands were moving by it self”..
Jung Kim올해 콩쿠르 연주자들도 물론 훌륭하지만 조성진 연주 만큼의 완성도와 감동이 느껴지진 않더군요. 성진초는 정말 세기에 한번 나오기도 힘든 귀한 연주자인것 같아요. 올해 콩쿨 보다가 성진초 영상 보니 확실히 듣기 편안하고 천상의 소리인듯 아름답게 연주하는게 느껴지네요.
Jane Bryan After watching the 2021 final round, this is still the best – the legendary performance for me. My teacher always says that don’t try to interpret the music, be the music and let it ring every bell in the flow of our emotions… And Cho did it excellently!
“Probably the greatest recorded version of this etude in history.”
19,645 回視聴 2021/04/23
Legendary German baritone Matthias Goerne, one of the world’s most renowned Lieder singers, is joined by pianist Seong-Jin Cho, a star of the younger generation in an album of late Romantic works by Richard Wagner, Hans Pfitzner and Richard Strauss.
“It’s almost impossible to describe the experience of exploring songs that speak so profoundly to what it is to be human with a great young performer like Seong-Jin Cho,” says Goerne.
The last in a set of four songs written as a wedding present for his wife, the soprano Pauline de Ahna, Richard Strauss’ enchanting “Traum durch die Dämmerung” highlights the unearthly light of Strauss’ writing. Matthias Goerne & Seong-Jin Cho – Strauss: Drei Lieder, Op.29, I. Traum durch die Dämmerung Listen to ‘Im Abendrot’: https://dgt.link/Goerne-Cho Subscribe here for more classical video clips – The Best Of Classical Music: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-DG
The young South Korean pianist, who has recently recorded the four Scherzi, won the International Chopin Piano Competition in 2015 and now enjoys a flourishing recital and concert career. Among critical reactions to his playing, that of the Wall Street Journal is typical. ‘Cho is a master. He displayed an impressive variety of tonal colour and a remarkable technique, dispatched with jaw-dropping panache’.
Skill and spontaneity: Seong-Jin Cho at Wigmore Hall
By Roy Westbrook, 26 October 2021
Janáček’s Piano Sonata 1. X. 1905 “From the Street”, a two-movement torso of a sonata whose finale was destroyed and whose other movements were nearly lost also, makes a bold statement opening a recital.
It was provoked by tragic events in Brno concerning a protester killed demonstrating for the creation of a Czech University in the city. The composer sounds as if writing under direct pressure of the shock of the fatality – this is far from Wordsworth’s creative aim of “emotion recollected in tranquillity”. Janáček saw truth, not beauty, as the artistic goal. The sonata’s style, with characteristic folk-derived short motifs and even its longer themes fragmented, can sound more like a transcription than original piano music. Seong-Jin Cho’s immaculate playing at Wigmore Hall made it sound like real piano music alright, even if in so doing something of its terse, tragic, haunted quality was missed. But it is hardly his fault that it always feels so unfinished.
Ravel’s Gaspard de la nuit has different challenges, technical and stylistic, but Cho produced a most impressive account of the opening Ondine. The water sprite’s quiet oscillation in the right hand was not quite perfect initially, but after that the difficulties were all mastered in the service of the music and its picturesque poetic backdrop. Ravel wanted it “wedded closely to the poem’s framework” and made one player read all Aloysius Bertrand’s poems before learning Gaspard. He also spoke of the “suggestive magic” of the glissandi, where Cho drew the most exquisite, pearly sounds from his instrument. Le Gibet needs a very slow rock-steady pulse, observed by Cho even if its sans expression marking was not quite (how can it be in such a gothic horror piece with its tolling bell?). Scarbo was majestically done and though it might not need quite such a headlong tempo, Cho managed to play fast, accurately and above all, with a grip on the propulsive rhythm.
This gifted young South Korean pianist has recently recorded Chopin’s Four Scherzi and here made the idea of playing a second half with them all in sequence work live. The opening gesture and turbulent main theme of Scherzo no. 1 sounded here like a precursor of Gaspard, which in a way it is. The Polish carol in the trio sounded like balm, or calm, after the storm, beautifully phrased. The crucial silences in Scherzo no. 2 were tense. Between the crashing chords and rumbling first motif to set up the drama before the D flat melody made its entry is progress properly intense in Cho’s hands, his rubato<the temporary disregarding of strict tempo to allow an expressive quickening or slackening, usually without altering the overall pace.> as natural as breathing.
Scherzo no. 4, one of the master’s greatest works and one of the trickiest in the range of its moods to manage, was close to perfection. I rarely listen to discs of it, since they can’t come close to Richter in Carnegie Hall in the 1960s, but I might have to reconsider. The long melody in the middle – one of Chopin’s finest, no arguments – floated effortlessly out into the auditorium, casting a spell such as few artists achieve.
Cho has a remarkable technique (this programme has nowhere to hide), but also a temperament to match. If some aspects of his interpretations sounded here more spontaneous than settled, that is one reason we go to live concerts and why we will return to hear what such a talented young artist offers next. Someone still near the start of his career and already this remarkably accomplished will be well worth following, as his numerous compatriots in the audience knew long ago.
114,169 回視聴
Pianist Seong-Jin Cho answers fans questions. Find out all about him through the video.
(Eng subtitles provided)
Seong-Jin Cho – Chopin: Impromptu No. 1 in A Flat Major, Op. 29 Listen to ‘Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 · Scherzi’: https://dgt.link/Cho-Chopin
With an overwhelming talent and innate musicality, @Seong-Jin Cho has made his mark as one of the consummate talents of his generation and most distinctive artists on the current music scene. His thoughtful and poetic, assertive and tender, virtuosic and colourful playing can combine panache with purity and is driven by an impressive natural sense of balance.
For his sixth and latest Deutsche Grammophon album, pianist @Seong-Jin Cho returns to the music of Frédéric Chopin with his Piano Concerto No. 2 and four Scherzi. The album features these best-loved works in interpretations characterised by thoughtful poetry and youthful ardour. 정말멎져요. 성진님.한국에서.연주하는것. 봽고싶어요.언제쯤오시려나.이렇게라도.자주!!
February 25, 2022 concert from Carnegie Hall.
久しぶりにtwitterで見たSeong-Jin Choさんの美しい笑顔!素敵。2022/11/5
Great time performing in Munich with @BRSO and @JamesGaffigan and always fun to share the stage with my good friend Jehye Lee.
久しぶりにtwitterで見たSeong-Jin Choさんの美しい笑顔!素敵。2022/11/5
Great time performing in Munich with @BRSO and @JamesGaffigan and always fun to share the stage with my good friend Jehye Lee.