Spring has come to everywhere, though it has been still cold. Visiting temples, shrines and froral gardens was my most favorite passtime until I had a big trouble. I wrote that after the stroke the saddiest thing I needed to give up (see a memo) was my besat favorite hobboy going out for a walk in Kamakura with my camera! I thought it was my perpetual joyful activities.


Then, I found a wonderful blog about flowers in Kamakura. Looking at it becomes one of my favorite passtimes other than listening to music. Today I realized/ thought I did not need to give up of it, I can visit the sites again, not entire area but some, in two or three years!!! What a good idea! Until then, I put some flower photos from “Today’s Kamakura” blogsite. I was amazed by the author’s sense. She/he visits the same sites, and almost the same spots I like, such as white plum tree at Engaku-ji. So I feel I am visiting the site the same as before by myself!! Not only atEngakuji, but also Kosoku-ji, Hase Temple, Ryuho-ji and so on.








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<静かに眠りたいときの Slow Movements  

☆Piano Sonata 第8番「悲愴」Movement_2    ☆Violin Sonata 6番 (1802年)     ☆ Piano協奏曲5番「皇帝」Movement_2    ☆Piano Torio 7番「大公」Movement_3(1811年)    ☆ 9th Symphony Movement_3    ☆5th Symphony  ★SAINT-SAËNS Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61(2)

Piano Sonata 第8番 「悲愴」 Movement_2

ソナタ第8番 作品13「悲愴」~第2楽章 Glenn Gould

II. Adagio cantabile from Sonata No. 8 in C minor for Piano, Op. 13 “Pathétique”

アーティストGlenn Gould

Violin Sonata Nr.6 1802年

ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第6番 イ長調 第2楽章,Op.30-1

Vl.David Niwa Pf.Mariko KANEDA 3/22, 2009 Central Presbyterian Church, Ohio ベートーヴェン : Beethoven, Ludwig van ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第6番 イ長調 第2楽章 : Sonate für Klavier und Violine Nr.6 A-Dur Adagio molto

Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 6, Schneiderhan & Kempff (1952) ベートーヴェン ヴァイオリンソナタ第6番 シュナイダーハン

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Violin Sonata No. 6 in A major, Op. 30-1 (00:05)

1. Allegro (07:44)

2. Adagio molto espressivo (15:18)

3. Allegretto con variazioni

Wolfgang Eduard Schneiderhan (1915-2002), Violin Wilhelm Walter Friedrich Kempff (1895-1991), Piano Rec. September 1952, at Konzerthaus Mozartsaal, in Vienna ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン ヴァイオリンソナタ第6番 イ長調 作品30-1 ヴァイオリン:ヴォルフガング・エドゥアルト・シュナイダーハン ピアノ:ヴィルヘルム・ケンプ

Piano Concerto No. 5 「皇帝」 Movement_2

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E Flat Major, Op. 73 “Emperor” – II. Adagio un poco mosso

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 “Emperor” – 2. Adagio un poco mosso · Alfred Brendel · Wiener Philharmoniker · Sir Simon Rattle · Ludwig van Beethoven

Glenn Gould – Beethoven, Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major op.73 “Emperor” – Part 1 (OFFICIAL)
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 “Emperor” Op. 73 – Daniele & Maurizio Pollini – Sinfónica de Galicia

Piano Torio Nr.7 「大公」 Movement_3


III. Andante cantabile, ma però con moto – Poco più adagio

Wilhelm Kempff, Henryk Szeryng, Pierre Fournier

アルバムIII. Andante cantabile, ma però con moto – Poco più adagio

Trio Accord(トリオ・アコード)―白井圭、門脇大樹、津田裕也 | ベートーヴェン:ピアノ三重奏曲 第7番《大公》

Spring Festival in Tokyo 2020Trio Accord – Kei Shirai(Violin), Hiroki Kadowaki(Cello), Yuya Tsuda(Piano) Complete Beethoven’s Piano Trios III Beethoven(1770-1827):Piano Trio No.7 B-flat major op.97 “Archduke”

Ⅰ. Allegro moderato 0:11 Ⅱ. Scherzo Allegro 09:57 Ⅲ. Andante cantabile ma però con moto 16:53 Ⅳ. Allegro moderato – Presto 27:49

Beethoven – Piano trio op.97 – Kogan / Rostropovich / Gilels

Leonid Kogan/Mstislav Rostropovich/Emil Gilels
Studio recording, Moscow, 1956

The trio reaches the musical density of a quartet, the cello lends width and shadow, the piano has the complexity of the full orchestra. And of course the three musicians were among the very best in their respective instruments. Quality of sound is excellent.

9th symphony Movement_3

Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, 3rd movement | Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen

2019/12/31 #beethoven#symphony9#paavojaervi

2019/12/31 Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen at the Beethovenfest Bonn 2009.

The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, also known as Beethoven’s 9th, is the final complete symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven, composed between 1822 and 1824.

One of the best-known works in common practice music Beethoven‘s Symphony No. 9 in D minor is regarded by many critics and musicologists as one of Beethoven’s greatest works and one of the supreme achievements in the history of western music. Following the swirling forward thrust of the second movement, stasis: Time seems to come to a halt. This could be Beethoven’s depiction of Elysium, paradise, heaven. Enjoy the 3rd movement Adagio molto e cantabile of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with conductor of the year 2019 Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen.

私の好きな緩徐楽章 Symphony No. 5

Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 – II. Andante con moto

Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 – II. Andante con moto · Berliner Philharmoniker · Herbert von Karajan · Ludwig van Beethoven

Released on: 1963-01-01


SAINT-SAËNS Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61(2) 2023/8/3 追加

Saint Saëns Violin Concerto No 3 in B minor Joshua Bell violin Verbier 9:31~

Dong-Suk Kang, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, 

Joshua Bell Violin

2022/11/24SAINT-SAËNS Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61

Daishin Kashimoto, violin Paavo Järvi, conductor 第1楽章のみ(残念)

Page Top

 1月 ★ 2月 ★ 3月    


幾霜に心ばせをの松飾り (松尾芭蕉)



あおぞらにふれたる水面氷りけり (津久井健之) 


1/6 Daycare通所2回目 晴天が続き、海も川もdaycare大浴室の温水もみんな光っている。

 ◆ 冬の陽を受けて水面の光りおり


夢殿の赤に世の冬永きかな (松瀬青々)


1/16 英語のTextだけど俳句みたい!Twitted by Annie Lennox

I wish I had a river so long I would teach my feet to fly… 

<長き川 あればこの身で 飛ぶものを>  かな?

Song by Joni Mitchell

I wish I had a river so long
I would teach my feet to fly

Oh, I wish I had a river I could skate away on
I made my baby say goodbye
長い長い川の上/ 足を動かして/ そのまま空まで飛び上がりたい/

凍った川の上を滑ってみたい/ ベイビーにさよならを言わせてしまった

River (Singer: Joni Mitchell)

It’s coming on Christmas
They’re cutting down trees
They’re putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on

◆ 浴槽に冬の木漏れ日きらめきぬ
◆ 窓外の冬の陽(ひ)明(あか)く春近し
◆ 山裾に冬の陽射すをうれし見ゆ
◆ ジャズピアノ響くホールのランチタイム         
1/20 komorebi にて

 ◆ 冬雲の紅色鈍く横たわる(1/21)


 ◆ 夕焼けの空にひとときミナレッツ(Minarets)



  • 時ものを解決する や春を待つ   高浜 虚子  
  • 旅人と我名よばれん初しぐれ   芭  蕉
  • 初しぐれ猿も小蓑をほしげなり  芭  蕉
  • 淋しさの底ぬけてふるみぞれかな  丈  草
  • 是がまあつひの栖か五尺    一茶
  • いくたびもの深さをたづねけり 正岡子規
  • 降る雪や明治は遠くなりにけり  中村草田男
  • 美しき生ひ立ちを子に雪降れ降れ 村上喜代子
  • 夕暮れは物をおもへと冬の虹   中山純子

  • 旅に病んで夢は枯野をかけ廻る  芭蕉
  • 吾が影の吹かれて長き枯野かな  夏目漱石
  • 遠山に日の当りたる枯野かな   高浜虚子
  • よく眠る夢の枯野が青むまで   金子兜太
  • 舞ひあがるもの何もなき枯野かな 白濱一羊
  • 雪野来て雪野を帰る訃の使ひ   小畑柚流
  • 雪の野のふたりの人のつひにあふ 山口青邨

寒牡丹おのれの色をしぼり出す (三嶋隆英)



  • ◆ 角巻の母と二人の雪の道
  • ◆ 雪の夜の母の角巻握った手
  • ◆ 雪の日はえんじの角巻ひょいと広げ

角巻を展げて雪を払ひをり   原田 青児


2/2 蠟梅の季節、でも見に行けないもどかしさ。Daycareに行くとき締め切った車窓から小さな黄色い花を見てその香りを想像するだけ。よし、来年は蠟梅の香りを見にいく!!

◆ 蠟梅の小さき花に春を知る
◆ 垣根越し蠟梅の香り懐かしむ

◆ 節分や鬼もかじかむ冬霰 (季語が3つも入ってるのはダメ?)
◆ 節分や鬼のパンツは黄色なり

さざなみのごとく春来る雑木山 (青柳志解樹)


まんさくは頰刺す風の中の花 (日原 傳)


ゆるゆると児の手を引いて春の泥 (杉田久女)


2/8 daycareの大きな甕に生けられた紅梅が見事。

◆ ふっくりの蕾で春を待つ紅梅
◆ 紅梅の枝ありそこだけ春の風



何もかも押しやってミモザ抱え来る (豊口陽子)


3/8 久しぶりの俳句。日差しが暖かくなり、施設への道には美しい花が・・・。

◆ 道行けば梅木瓜木蓮春の風
◆ 道端の名もなき黄花を揺らす風
◆ 🌸春近し戸外歩行で陽のもとへ


<自分で編集した🌸図鑑> <Ofuna Flower Center, March ’21><さくら, 2023>

3/17 片吹町の桜並木を見て。

◆ サクラ咲けソメイヨシノもアケボノも
◆ 春の歌グノーメンデルシューベルト

( Gonord:Chanson de printemps, Mendelssohn:Lieder ohne Worte Op.62-6 “Frühlingslied ” (Spring Song) , Schubert:Frühlingsglaube)

3/31 Komorebiにて(2023のサクラを思って)

◆ 2年越しに見る桜花ただ美しき
◆ 薄紅のさくらの花びら空の青
◆ さくら咲きクスノキ芽吹く瀬戸キャンパス
◆ さくら追い銀杏並木に新芽吹く

Haiku, poem

Page Top



It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas (cover) by V of BTS

It’s so wonderfull to know that he did a amazingly good job (after some unhappy blank) and listen to TaeTae’s sweet, melow voice in beautifull English on the day of Christman Eve. Just Great! I admire YOU!

BTS V – It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas (Cover)

He proves he’s not the average idol. He’s different. His voice, color, his style, his taste in music, everything about V is so incredible.”

5,841,325 回視聴 • 2022/12/24 It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas (cover) by V of BTS

10,372,635 回視聴 2022/12/27現在


"It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" Lyrics:

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go;
Take a look at the five and ten
It's glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door.

A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben;
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen;
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go;
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,
It's the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
Soon the bells will start,
And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
Right within your heart

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door.

Sure it's Christmas once more...

BTS’ V Gets in the Holiday Spirit on ‘It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas’ Cover(Rolling Stones)

Closing out the year with “It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas,” V is offering up enough of a holiday treat to hopefully distract fans from the fact that his debut solo mixtape didn’t end up coming out this year, after all, despite his previously hints at the schedule for the release.

“I originally thought of releasing it last year,” V told Rolling Stone in 2021. “But it turned out to be more harder and more complex than I imagined that it would be. So then I thought I would release it early this year. But again, it turned out to be a bit more tough than I thought it would be! So now I’m looking at the end of this year.” 

SHARING THE GIFT of a holiday song is becoming something of a tradition for BTS member V. This year, the singer crooned his way through a shimmering piano melody on his rendition of the classic tune “It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas.”

The offering comes at the conclusion of a bittersweet year for ARMY, who celebrated new releases and show-stopping performances from BTS throughout the year, before and after it was announced that the group would embark on a brief hiatus while its seven members complete South Korea’s mandatory military service requirement.

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas/Soon the bells will start,” V sang. “And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing/Right within your heart.”

Last year, the singer shared the original solo song “Christmas Tree,” which appeared on the soundtrack to the popular Netflix K-drama Our Beloved Summer starring Parasite‘s Choi Whooshik and Itaewon Class‘ Kim Da-mi.

‘It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ for BTS Member V: Listen to His Cover of the Holiday Classic
An early gift has arrived for ARMY. Dec 23,2022 (Billborad)

It’s the season of giving, and BTS‘ V is gifting ARMY with his cover of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.”His take on the seasonal classic arrived on Friday (Dec. 23). In the accompanying video shared on YouTube, the singer croons deeply into a microphone while casually dressed in an oversized hoodie.

Midway through the song, he pulls up the hood to cover his head and enthusiastically sings, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” emphasizing his words with small pumps of his fists. “Soon the bells will start/ And the thing that’ll make ’em ring is the carol that you sing/ Right within your heart.” “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” has been covered by numerous artists. The 1951 version by Perry Como and the Fontane Sisters with Mitchell Ayers and His Orchestra became a hit, peaking at No. 12 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2020. Another beloved take is Bing Crosby’s take from the same year is another popular cover.

『これが世界規模のアイドルか』 Jung Kookがワールドカップの開会式で華やかなパフォーマンスを披露した。残念だけど、KTHよりダンス、英語、舞台度胸で勝っている。素敵だ、かっこいい、堂々たる素晴らしいデビューだ!

★ JK     ★ JIN     ★TAEHYUNG

“Dreamers” Tvの音声が入る△

BTS ジョングクがFIFAワールドカップ開会式で生歌唱|FIFAワールドカップカタール2022 “Dreamers”


W杯開会式熱唱、一夜明け興奮やまず  11/21(月)  中日スポーツ


🎤 Lyrics:
Look who we are,
we are the dreamers
We’ll make it happen
’cause we believe it

Look who we are,
we are the dreamers
We’ll make it happen
’cause we can see it
Here’s to the ones,
that keep the passion
Respect, oh yeah

Here’s to the ones,
that can imagine
Respect, oh yeah

Gather ’round now,
look at me
Respect the love
the only way
If you wanna come,
come with me
The door is open
now every day

This one plus two,
rendezvous all at my day
This what we do,
how we do
Look who we are,
we are the dreamers
We’ll make it happen
’cause we believe it
Look who we are,
we are the dreamers
We’ll make it happen
’cause we can see it
Here’s to the ones,
that keep the passion
Respect, oh yeah

Here’s to the ones,
that can imagine
Respect, oh yeah
Look who we are,
we are the dreamers
We’ll make it happen
’cause we believe it

Look who we are,
we are the dreamers
We’ll make it happen
’cause we can see it
‘Cause to the one
that keep the passion
Respect, oh yeah
‘Cause to the one
that got the magic
Respect, oh yeah
Jung Kook from BTS performs ‘Dreamers’ at FIFA World Cup opening ceremony 6,117,053 回視聴

11/19 小島慶子のBTS論、良かった。


 ――私も同じです。1年前からBTSが好きになり、自分の偏見に気づきました。「🔹アイドルやファンがバカにされてきたのは、女性蔑視と深いつながりがある。『女子が熱狂するものには価値がない』という社会の偏見は根強いからだ」とBTS研究の第一人者が指摘していて、衝撃を受けました。FULL TEXT


<My KTH>


Love BTS

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 いつか、そんな日が来るのかどうかわからないけど、私の夢はうたうこと。モーツアルトの「夕べの歌(夕暮れの情緒 K523 Abendempfindung」か、Bergの「Wo der Goldregen steht キハナフジの咲くところ」か、Edelweiss、それともSerenade (C. F. Gounod)

丸茂さんへ 1  2022/02/20

0868 Magdalena Kožená – Abendempfindung K 523 Mozart 2006

Abendempfindung Joachim Heinrich Campe

Abend ist’s, die Sonne ist verschwunden,
Und der Mond strahlt Silberglanz;
So entflieh’n des Lebens schönste Stunden,
Flieh’n vorüber wie im Tanz!
Bald entflieht des Lebens bunte Szene,
Und der Vorhang rollt herab.
Aus ist unser Spiel! Des Freundes Träne
Fließet schon auf unser Grab.



2022/10/23   2023/7/23  2023/9/17

よく続いているmeeting。病気の時だけ中断したが、退院後真っ先に再開したのがこのミーティング。大切なつながり、Ann の見えないpowerを感じる。今回はEmily、Adri、Simon(&Erik)も参加して豪華になった。Emilyの成長も素晴らしい。MarieもAdriと文通したいといい、いいことばかりだ。

Autumn in Small Town America 🍂 (Best Fall Foliage)

The crimson red streets, gloomy weather.


photo by Hitoshi

2023/7/23 よく続く楽しいmeeting。今日の話題はもちろんMontpelierの鉄砲水。State St. Main St.の交差点では150cmぐらいまで水が来て、ひどいものだったらしい。Johnが2022.10 と同じシャツを着ている(w)。Johnも高齢者施設で楽しそうだ。脚がしびれるというから私は「John, we are old!」とかいう。世界中にJohnのような素敵な友人がいっぱいいて楽しいことも伝えた。本当に恵まれていると思う。


Sept. 17, 2023 Montpelier in “dusk” 夕暮れ時のmeeting 話題はもちろん洪水その後。Johnは復興に関する諮問機関に呼ばれたらしい。素晴らしい。The Bridge Newspaperがあったので話が弾んだ。

Kenの newデータサイエンス百景siteの話、私の「尻餅事件」の話。YohtaのmicrobiologyではJohnが辞書派、Ken and EmがAIに頼る話となり意見が分かれた。面白かった!

The shop Ann always took me

Sept 19: Here is the link to the website for the Bridge.  I don’t think you have to pay for a subscription.  The paper is published twice a month, and the website is updated every few days.  We’ll be in touch about a meeting next month. John ★The Link :https://montpelierbridge.org/

AROUND NEW ENGLAND Boston Globe 9/18

On one of Vermont’s most idyllic(牧歌的な) roads, fed-up locals say no more to the leaf peepers.

Residents convinced their town to close the road for three weeks at the height of foliage season to prevent social media-inspired tourists from clogging it.

Skype meetings with John in 2020

Skype meetings with John_3 in 2024

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