Serbian bellflower
学名Campanula poscharskyana
和名: 星桔梗(ホシギキョウ)別名・流通名 カンパニュラ・ポシャルスキアナ 、カンパニュラ・ポスカルスキアーナ
- 科 キキョウ科
- 属 カンパニュラ属
- 流通名(和名)カンパニュラ・ポシャルスキアナ、アルペンブルー、ホシギキョウ
- タイプ 多年草
- 原産地 クロアチア、セルビア
- 草丈/樹高10~25cmほど
- 開花期 5~7月ごろ
- 花色白、紫など
- 耐寒性 強い
- 耐暑性 弱い
- 花言葉 「感謝」「誠実」「楽しいおしゃべり」
Found an intresting website on wildflowers, gardening and the good effects of flowers for our health.
Surprising Health Benefits Of Having Fresh Flowers In Your Living Space
February 12, 2024/
Just a simple bouquet of fresh flowers can do more than just brighten up your living space; it can also have surprising health benefits that you may not be aware of. Not only do flowers add beauty and ambiance to a room, but they also have been found to boost mood, reduce stress, improve air quality, and even enhance creativity and productivity. In this blog post, we will explore some of the unexpected ways in which having fresh flowers in your home can positively impact your overall well-being.