Experts suspect cross immunity explains Japan’s low coronavirus death rate

June 14, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)

This supplied electron micrograph shows the new coronavirus that was first identified in the city of Wuhan in central China. (Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan)

TOKYO — Some experts say cross immunity is the reason for the low death rate among novel coronavirus patients in Japan and other parts of Asia compared to that in Europe and North America.

When viruses that an individual has never been infected with enter the human body, the body makes antibodies, or proteins that combat the foreign substances. The first antibody to appear is Immunoglobulin M (IgM), while Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is produced later. While IgM antibodies disappear fairly quickly, IgG antibodies remain for a prolonged period and continue to protect the body from the same viruses.

When a team of researchers including Tatsuhiko Kodama, leader of the cancer metabolism project at the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, studied the blood samples of coronavirus patients, IgG antibodies had increased in volume faster than IgM antibodies for some.

Kodama says this proves such people have immunity, since they were infected with a virus similar to the novel coronavirus that may have spread across Asia before. “Cross immunity may have worked when those people got infected with the new coronavirus,” he commented.

A team of researchers at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in the United States has also pointed out that cross immunity may have worked for some people. According to a paper released by the American scientific journal Cell, researchers found immune cells that reacted to the new coronavirus from about a half of the blood samples collected from 20 people in the United States between 2015 and 2018.

Meanwhile, a separate research team including Yasuhiko Kamikubo, a program-specific professor at Kyoto University, provided a different explanation. They say because Japan was slow in closing its borders, a type of novel coronavirus with weak pathogen spread, and some people were already immune when the virus with strong pathogen spread later — which was why the damage is smaller compared to other countries.

Atsuo Hamada, professor of infectious diseases at the Tokyo Medical University, said, “If we have a clear understanding of the reason why there are gaps in the number of deaths in different countries and areas, we can understand how to respond to this infectious disease. Cross immunity due to the spread of a similar virus, mutation of the novel coronavirus and other factors to do with the virus itself are worth considering.”




今から実行すべき「6 つの施策」


  1. 行政検査(保健所等の調査としての位置づけ)による調査の枠を外し、医師の判断のみで保険適
  2. 医療機関、介護施設等については、全てのスタッフが例えば 2 週間に 1 度 PCR 検査を受ける
  3. 経団連等の経済団体に、感染状況の的確なモニタリングにも資することを踏まえ、企業の社員に
    ついて定期的に PCR 検査を実施することを要請する。
  4. 医療機関が PCR 検査機器などを購入する際には 100%補助する。
  5. 国産の PCR などの検査試薬と自動機器の開発製造基盤構築に対して、国が積極的な投資を行
  6. 検査データの品質評価機関の設立と早期稼働により、信頼出来る検査データを公表し、世界の

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『女帝 小池百合子』を読んで 斎藤美奈子(記事全部)

 石井妙子著『女帝 小池百合子』(文藝春秋)。べつに読まなくてもいいんだけどね。都知事選の前に出たこともあって話題になり、20万部のベストセラーだそうだ。SNS上では絶賛の嵐で、私もそれに乗せられて読んだんだけど、途中から具合が悪くなりそうだった。小池百合子に対してじゃないよ。この本に対してです。ことに多くの「左派リベラル系男性論客」がこぞって激賞している(多くはないが、女性でも褒めてる人がいる)のを見て、絶望的な気持ちになり、いまでもまだ、半分くらい立ち直れていません。

 私はこの本、まったく評価できません。正直、みなさまがおっしゃるように、おもしろいとも思えなかった。はっきりいいますが、この本を褒めた人は、(1)じつはきちんと読んでいない、(2)都知事選前の時流に流された(リベラル陣営に忖度した・選挙で彼女を落選させたかった)、(3)そもそも本を読む力がない、(4)そもそも性差別主義者である、のどれかではないかと思います。 いまのところウェブ上で読める数少ない批判的書評のひとつは香山リカさんのものです。そこで彼女は、拙著『モダンガール論』のキャッチーコピー「女の子には出世の道が二つある」「社長になるか社長夫人になるか、それが問題だ」を引きながら、〈「社長夫人」ではなく「社長」を目指し、多忙さなどから独身のままでいる女性は、「悪い噂」をたてられるのか〉と嘆いています。 

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The Washington Post: Japan sets aside $22 million to buff government’s global image amid pandemic struggles

By Simon Denyer April 15, 2020 at 11:30 p.m.

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TOKYO — As Japan’s novel coronavirus infections surge and its health-care system stands on the brink of collapse, the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has an added concern: its image.

An emergency economic relief package unveiled last week earmarked $22 million for the foreign ministry “to dispel negative perceptions of Japan related to infectious diseases,” and to strengthen communications about the situation in Japan — over the Internet and through its embassies.

Artificial intelligence will also be harnessed to monitor social media and see what is being said about Japan abroad. This will give the Foreign Ministry a chance to respond to “wrong information,” the Mainichi newspaper reported. Many countries set aside money for international image-building, but Japan’s latest move strikes many critics as ill-timed, especially as part of an emergency economic relief package in the midst of a pandemic.

It’s a typically defensive reaction from an administration “obsessed with its international image,” said Nancy Snow, a professor of public diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

“This is a conservative government that does not take kindly to any dissent internally or externally,” she said. “Their solution is always this simple, ‘let’s put some money aside,’ because that seems less daunting than handling the real situation.”

Criticism initially centered on Japan’s handling of infections on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship in February.

Despite emotional appeals from the leaders of Japan’s medical community, from independent experts and regional leaders, Abe dithered for weeks before finally declaring a partial state of emergency over seven of the country’s 47 prefectures last week.

In newspaper headlines and tweets, Abe was compared to Louis XVI, an uncaring and out-of-touch leader with little understanding of the suffering of ordinary people outside his “palace.”

But the foreign criticism seems to have particularly stung.

Japan’s global public relations budget has risen sharply since Abe took over as prime minister in 2012, in an attempt to bolster Japan’s reputation as a reliable ally of the United States and as a democratic leader in Asia to counter authoritarian China. But money is also spent on attempts to whitewash Japan’s wartime past, critics say.

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