although it is 23rd in Japan…. i am still celebrating your birthday Akemi. wishing you many years to come in good health and spirit!  
Happy Birthday, Akemi! Hope it’s a wonderful day, and many more to come. I think of you often, and wish you the best. xoxo  
Happy birthday dear Akemi… bless you
Happy Birth Day dear M san. Have healthy and happy life. We remember you many times for spending wonderful time with you in Japan.
J & N Parekh
حازم ديزاين Hazem design
المصمم حازم ديزاين Designer Hazem Design
General Manager、Libyana Creative/Art Director、Design Hazem デザインディレクター
‎‎‎‎خيال للخدمات الإعلامية‎ ‎مدير عام‎‎、Libyana Creative/Art Director‎、‎‎المصمم حازم ديزاين‎ ‎مدير
صمم مهتم بمجال المؤثرات البصرية وأعمال الرسوم المتح?
Designed interested in the field of visual effects and motion graphics?
Saifullah AbidLet me join Habib Wayand to wish you a very happy birthday

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 毎月1回と設定した「ハイムガーデン散歩」が、もう実現。左足がなぜか急にポンと跳ね上がり、引きずっていたのが噓のようだった。その分ぎこちない歩きだったけど、「あのかわいい坊やのところまで歩きたい!」と思って歩いた。Ms. Wに花壇でまたばったり会ったのにもびっくり!今回は2本杖だった。


Important and interesting topics are mostly from friends abroad!

Dec. 2022

  • Junior-high entrance exams in Japan. What is the “standard deviation?”
    • A standard deviation (or σ) is a measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean. Low standard deviation means data are clustered around the mean, and high standard deviation indicates data are more spread out.
  • Level of school teachers in the US. (not payed enough/ to be doctors and lawers)
  • Should US limits the number of foreign students, like Chinese, Korean and black Africans? But, how to define “white American?” (me)
  • Trump’s popularity and next election? Joe Biden will challenge to the next election. (John)
  • Weather in Vermont

Wary of China, Japan unveils sweeping new national security strategy
Washington Post, Updated December 16, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended a press conference at the prime minister’s official residence in Tokyo, Friday. In a major break from its strictly self-defense-only postwar principle, Japan adopted a national security strategy Friday declaring plans to possess preemptive strike capability and cruise missiles within years to give itself more offensive footing against threats from neighboring China and North Korea. 

TOKYO — Japan on Friday unveiled sweeping changes to its national security strategy and a major ramp-up of its defense budget, a dramatic shift to shed its longtime postwar pacifist constraints as it grapples with increasing security threats and risk of war in the Indo-Pacific.
Wary of the growing military threat posed by China, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Japan is poised to take a tougher stance to defend itself and improve its capabilities to do so.

Among the notable changes is the move to acquire ‘’counterstrike’’ capabilities, or the ability to hit enemy bases with long-range missiles and coordinate with the United States in such circumstances, and an increase of its defense budget to 2 percent of gross domestic product over five years, making it the third-largest in the world.

It was my big surprise, a photo taken by me near the White House in 2010 revealed the data, the date and place of the photo taken!

NEWS WEEK誌より(Amazonで読み放題になったので・・・)

2022/10/23   2023/7/23  2023/9/17

よく続いているmeeting。病気の時だけ中断したが、退院後真っ先に再開したのがこのミーティング。大切なつながり、Ann の見えないpowerを感じる。今回はEmily、Adri、Simon(&Erik)も参加して豪華になった。Emilyの成長も素晴らしい。MarieもAdriと文通したいといい、いいことばかりだ。

Autumn in Small Town America 🍂 (Best Fall Foliage)

The crimson red streets, gloomy weather.


photo by Hitoshi

2023/7/23 よく続く楽しいmeeting。今日の話題はもちろんMontpelierの鉄砲水。State St. Main St.の交差点では150cmぐらいまで水が来て、ひどいものだったらしい。Johnが2022.10 と同じシャツを着ている(w)。Johnも高齢者施設で楽しそうだ。脚がしびれるというから私は「John, we are old!」とかいう。世界中にJohnのような素敵な友人がいっぱいいて楽しいことも伝えた。本当に恵まれていると思う。


Sept. 17, 2023 Montpelier in “dusk” 夕暮れ時のmeeting 話題はもちろん洪水その後。Johnは復興に関する諮問機関に呼ばれたらしい。素晴らしい。The Bridge Newspaperがあったので話が弾んだ。

Kenの newデータサイエンス百景siteの話、私の「尻餅事件」の話。YohtaのmicrobiologyではJohnが辞書派、Ken and EmがAIに頼る話となり意見が分かれた。面白かった!

The shop Ann always took me

Sept 19: Here is the link to the website for the Bridge.  I don’t think you have to pay for a subscription.  The paper is published twice a month, and the website is updated every few days.  We’ll be in touch about a meeting next month. John ★The Link :

AROUND NEW ENGLAND Boston Globe 9/18

On one of Vermont’s most idyllic(牧歌的な) roads, fed-up locals say no more to the leaf peepers.

Residents convinced their town to close the road for three weeks at the height of foliage season to prevent social media-inspired tourists from clogging it.

Skype meetings with John in 2020

Skype meetings with John_3 in 2024

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◇ 幼き日の 写真FaceBookにそっと置き 異郷に立つ友 カーブル陥落 (2021/8/16)Haiku page

Afghanistan 2021/10/1

Backgrund WP article FULL TEXT

Lyse Doucet

10月10日 2:52  · Kabul .. may its light shine far and wide for all those who keep it in their heart …

Felipe Camargo
Once in late 2001, you interviewed me on the roof top of the Intercontinental Kabul. I recall only that I said, ‘we cannot do it alone…’

Brief History of Afghanistan

図解:度重なる侵攻と抵抗、アフガニスタンの歴史 National Geography

民族の対立、衝突、他国による侵攻への抵抗を繰り返した道のり;  アフガニスタンは山と砂漠に囲まれた内陸国だ。その歴史は、1747年にパシュトゥン人指導者アハマド・シャー・ドゥラーニが敵対していた各部族を統合しアフガン帝国を設立して以来、周囲の敵対する国々との戦争と外交によって形作られてきた。 TEXT

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