
Mirka Madeleine Mora (née Zelik) (18 March 1928 – 27 August 2018(aged 90)) was a French-born Australian visual artist and cultural figure who contributed significantly to the development of Australian contemporary art. Her media included drawingpaintingsculpture and mosaic.


City of Melbourne/@cityofmelbourne
Vale Mirka Mora, a true Melburnian. If you’re one of the one million people walking past Flinders Street station today, please keep a look out for the glorious mural Mirka painted there in 1986.

Mirka Mora(ミルカ・モーア)のThe teacherエキシビション

OKAPPA ノ ススメ

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Peter and Abby are not very close, but they are my fond friends. I remember the day I met Peter for the last time in 2015, probably, in front of Ann’s Sabin house. I also remember the time I met Morry, their daughter, long time ago. She was with Emily and was very pleased to have a Japanese toy, Origami Mobile. I think I visited their house, but not sure.

Peter became short, because of his age, like anybody else! Morry looks so beautiful! I am very pleased to know that everybody has been having good and happy life.

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★ January 14th

We talked about: my dream of Ann calling for John this morning, John’s dinner menu, John’s Covid, very sick for 2 days, caughing, chills and…, recovery process of the Montpelier flood last July, my rehabilitation (“you look good!” they said to me), Japan’s Standard University Entrance Exam of Haruka, about Yohta going to master’s course, pretty Emily, still taking courses on philosophy, US presidential election:,Biden is a very good president but good chane for Trump to be next(怒), Ken’s work (is at Haneda Airport, going to Fukuoka), Montpelier’s shortage of Elevators, Post office problems, Simon will turn to be 22 tomorrow.

May 5th, Zoom Talk

Talked about Yohta, Haruka, and Adri’s future goal! John told us about his happy life at Westwind with Herigan! I was so glad to know that John got used to it and became populer at his new apartment. Wonderful!!

Oct 6th  Adri’s future, US Election, Barbara, moving to two bed-rooms apartment (on Nov 1st), Vermont’s foliage, housing for homelesses in Sabin Pasture <650 thousand dollers, the price of the Sabin house 1億円>, Climate change with floodings, Halloween, the day of the death??, Japan’s ruling LDP’s two political scandals and so on. A lot of fun, makes me stronger and happier.

(Mail from Mr.Slo, Jan 4) It must have been very frightening to have been there at the time. I agree for elderly it is so very difficult. How sad.

But on a happier note we have been equally astonished and impressed by the JAL flight escape. A wonderful tribute to the Japanese people that they all stayed calm. There was a time when Britain was like that but now I wonder.

Nuclear Power Plants map

1/10 北陸電力は、石川県志賀町にある志賀原子力発電所で、今月1日の地震発生後、およそ1メートルから3メートルの津波が、複数回到達していたことが分かったと発表しました。いずれも敷地の高さを下回っていて、この津波による安全性への影響はないとしています。北陸電力は、志賀原発の取水口から海水を引き込んだ先にある水位計と、敷地前の物揚場(ものあげば)付近に設置した波高計のデータから津波の到達状況を分析し、9日、その結果を発表しました。それによりますと、取水口や物揚場付近には、今月1日の地震発生から25分後の午後4時35分ごろに、およそ1メートルの津波が到達したあと、1時間半余りたった午後5時45分ごろには、最大となるおよそ3メートルの津波が到達していたことが分かったということです。ほかにも複数回の津波が到達していたとみられ、北陸電力が分析を続けています。志賀原発では、海抜11メートルの敷地に高さ4メートルの防潮堤が設置されていて、今回の津波による原発の安全性への影響はないとしています。

Escaped passengers recall tense moments in Japan Airlines jet blaze

January 3, 2024 (Mainichi Japan) Passengers expressed their relief and recalled tense moments following their narrow escape from a Japan Airlines Co. jet that caught fire after colliding with a Japan Coast Guard airplane at Tokyo’s Haneda airport Tuesday. With an in-flight announcement calling on passengers to keep calm, the man, desperate to protect his daughter, kept her head close to the floor so that she would not breathe in the smoke, and the couple encouraged each other by saying, “Everything will be alright.


(Mail to Mr.Sl Jan 7 from me)

How have you been? I was also very impressed by a wonderful performance of the JAL flight attendants. 
Among them, I was interested in an idea of “10 people in circle rule” (it is not an official naming, I knew this idea from a newspaper article in Japanese). While JAL crew helped passengers escaping from flames, they asked passengers leaving the airplane “makes a circle in 10 people each, as it helps counting the number easier, and also helps building cooperative feeling!” Is this a good idea?
I have been concerning about the condition of the Shika Nuclear Power Plant in Noto Peninsula.

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Vermont’s capital, Montpelier, closes downtown as river reaches historic levels. National Weather Service warns of more potential flash floods.

The Aftermarth Sept. 13

Northeast storms dump over 2 months’ worth of rain on Vermont: Live weather updates
Floods in Vermont close streets, take out bridges, and burst a dam

うちの家族にとっては「私たちのアメリカの家」と思っている(た)Vermontの大洪水は、自分事だ。みんなで大ショック!幸い上流のダムの決壊は免れ、水は引き始めた(7/13 As of this morning, the dam has held, and the water is beginning to recede. So now the clean-up will begin. As you can tell from the pictures, it will take a long time to get things back to normal. J. I saw a picture of the flooding in downtown Montpelier, I’m really surprised. It’s unbelievable. I’m also worrying about the Dam. I wish your family are all safe K..)

バーモント州は水没しました!米国バーモント州モントピリアで鉄砲水が発生 wildweatherus

Heat wave, flooding:
Water can be seen flowing next to a damaged road after flash flooding in Ludlow, Vt., on Monday. (Joanna Slater/The Washington Post)Water can be seen flowing next to a damaged road after flash flooding in Ludlow, Vt., on Monday. (Joanna Slater/The Washington Post)
You’re probably watching — and maybe living — two of the biggest political stories this week: The punishing heat wave across the West and South, and torrential rain drowning Vermont and upstate New York. But maybe you’re not seeing them as political stories. Let’s fix that.These two dramatic meteorological events are first and foremost about the lives of the people in physical danger, or who are losing their homes or livelihoods. But because our working definition of politics includes how a society addresses threats, the label clearly applies.Today, we’re going to focus on the flooding.

Vermont’s capital, Montpelier, closes downtown as river reaches historic levels. National Weather Service warns of more potential flash floods.
Updated July 11, 2023 at 6:24 p.m. EDT| WP
Relentless rain washed out roads and prompted evacuations in Vermont on July 10 as the state braced for more rain and flooding overnight. (Video: Julie Yoon/The Washington Post, Photo: John Tully/The Washington Post)

Even as the rain stopped late Tuesday morning, a deluge and swollen rivers created “historic and catastrophic” flooding in Vermont, Gov. Phil Scott (R) said Tuesday, with officials warning that more rainfall is expected as early as Thursday, threatening another wave of flooding and damage.

“This is nowhere near over,” Scott said.

More than 100 people have been rescued by boat as authorities rushed to rescue those stranded in hard-hit and remote areas. Thousands have lost homes or businesses and “countless” roads have been washed out, authorities said. No deaths had been reported in the state, but officials said search-and-rescue would take at least several days. Officials hoped to begin damage assessments by Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.

A man walks down street flooded by recent rain storms in Montpelier, Vermont, U.S., July 11, 2023. REUTERS/Brian Snyder TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


Sept 14 The newspaper which John sent to us today!

Goodbye “our” Vermont House 2023

Ann’s Room

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For my memory, I’d like to put photos of my favorite cities and other places I visited for years! So, I wonder which city I should choose first, it should be York!

York, spring in 2004 (apr-july)

York, Wentworth College

Univ of York campus in winter 2003-4

York in 2003 Christmas

Lake District in 2004

Yorkshire Dale with Mr Ingle

 in Italy 2004

Manchester and Liverpool

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3/19 懐かしの心の友Sさんからの突然のEmail message 「今横浜にいるので、いる間にお茶しよう」と。そして今日3/21、ロンドンで20 年ぐらい前South Kensington のホテルを訪ねて来てもらって以来の感動の再会だった。体が動かないのは残念だけど、おかげで尋ねてきてくれる人も多くなりうれしい限りだ。良き友情は年を経ても変わらないことを知り、本当にうれしかった。Mさんの”Ake‥ファン次々とお見えになり,今までと違う生活で楽しいでしょう!”のことばが有難い。 ★ 「上海の旧友」   ★★ 11/20 Norwayからの便り

Hi Ak・・ How are you? Long time since I contacted you but I am visiting Yokohama at the moment. Would you like to have a coffee and chat together? Hope to see you.


 目が回る忙しさで話をした。中国本土の人と、香港人、台湾人の3国についてのそれぞれの感慨、意識。韓国人と日本人の(敵対する微妙な)関係について英国人として思うこと。コリアンの”恨”の思想など。韓国では鳥はsing ではなくweepだそうだ。でも、時間が足りなかった!私たちのリハビリのこと、歩行杖の名称と形状(w)、彼の世界旅行のこと、Covidで兄を亡くされたこと、「後退」に関する英語では”regress”は trend で、”set back”がtemporal moveのことなので、set back が良いらしい。なんと賢くなったことか!私の英語は”go backward”or “becomes worse” だった。それからEngland人は野球には関心なし、Clicketが20%ほどとか。それから菜の花の英語名はナントrapeだと。


It was lovely to see you again! And thank you for your lovely gift. It is a very nice memory!

Our History

2019 :Cyboze   2017:Ashumorian   2012: Phone call   (2005: extablish Oxford Office)   2004:University issue

University of Cambridge MA, Economics 1975 – 1978 (age68?)

香港人の民族意識にとっての「日本」  銭 俊華


1980 年代や 1990 年代に生まれた香港人は、それ以前の人々と異なる。香港の最も好況な時期に育ち、香港大衆文化を享受し受け継ぎ、香港との経済格差がまだ大きい中国大陸に対する帰属感が相対的に小さかった。さらに 2010 年以降、中国大陸人観光客の大量流入が、香港人の日常生活に影響を与え続けて、「中港矛盾(中国大陸人と香港人の矛盾)」がしばしば発生している。さらに、基本法第 23 条の立法の試み、「国民教育」科目、「普教中」(広東語の代わりに、普通話(中国語標準語)で中国語文(日本の国語科目にあたる)を教える)政策の導入、「ニセ普通選挙」(親中派主体で構成された指名委員会の過半数の推薦がなければ、立候補できない)の決定により、香港人、特に若い世代は中国政府からの圧迫、あるいは「中国化」の進行を感じている。このような動きに反発し、香港人自らのアイデンティティを強化し、本土」という理念を唱える動きが生まれている。なかには、「中国人」ではないと自らを定義する「脱中国化」の傾向もある。「脱中国化」する傾向がある人々や本土派は、よく親日の立場から中国を批判し、あるいは香港を主体として香港戦や「重光記念日」を強調する。つまり、日本に関わる戦争記憶は、従来と同じく香港人の民族意識を喚起するメカニズムであると同時に、逆に香港人が民族意識から離脱するメカニズムにもなってきた。本論文を土台として、さらに本土勢力や民間がいかに「日本」に関する戦争記憶を再構築し、各々の政治主張を支えるかを将来の研究の視野に入れたい同時に、香港政府は香港が中国に返還されてから、香港を主体とする歴史観とイギリスに関する記憶を除き、中国政府に合わせ、中国を主体とする歴史観を、日本に関わる戦争記憶に導入し、「中華人民共和国民族意識」を香港人に伝えている。

韓国大統領を務めた金大中は、著書『金大中哲學與對話集——建設和平與民主』のなかで、以下のように述べている[5]韓国の文化は「恨」の文化です。私たちの民族は憂患と苦難の民族であり、「恨」は挫折を味わった民族の希望、「恨」は挫折を味わった民族の夢を実現するための準備なのだと思います。確かに私たちは、歴史のなかで「恨」とともに生きてきたことは事実です。…しかし、常に自分自身を慰め、励まし、その結果、未来に向かって生きていくことができた。私たちの民族は、畑の雑草のように、踏みつけられ、そして蘇る。 …韓国人は2000年間、文化的アイデンティティを捨てなかった。…韓国人は、大きな苦難に耐え、あらゆる方法で忍耐してきた。

(english translated by Google) Kim Dae-jung, who served as the President of South Korea, said in his book, “Kim Dae-jung Cheolgak Confederation: Construction Peace and Democracy“[5].

Korean culture is a culture of ‘grudge‘. Our nation is a nation of sorrows and hardships, and ‘grudge’ is the hope of a nation that has suffered setbacks, and ‘grudge’ is the preparation for realizing the dreams of a nation that has suffered setbacks. It is true that we have lived with “grudges” throughout history. …But I always comforted and encouraged myself, and as a result, I was able to live towards the future. Our people, like weeds in a field, will be trampled and reborn. …For 2,000 years, Koreans have not given up their cultural identity. … Koreans have endured great hardships and persevered in every possible way.


email Nov.19

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