

教室での発言ではいつも、どんな短い発言でも必ず「In my country South Sudan」と枕詞のように、しかも話題を変えるたびにこのフレーズを入れるので、クラスメイトは、「わかったよ、そンだけ南スダーンを愛してるんだね」と、みんな笑いながら受けいれ(我慢し?)たものだ。Anthonyには、皆にそれを受け入れさせるほどの根拠、情熱と祖国への愛があった。


SPLM nominates former minister Makana parliamentary speaker


July 27, 2016 (JUBA) – South Sudan ruling SPLM party has nominated former transport minister Anthony Lino Makana as speaker of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA), breaking an impasse that has delayed reconstituting the oversight監視, 監督body of the government.

The meeting at SPLM House in Juba on Wednesday was chaired by President Salva Kiir who also chairs the ruling party, and comes a day after the replacement of the former First Vice President Riek Machar by Taban Deng Gai

President Kiir, who made the announcement, said today decision is a new page for the fractured party.

“You now voted and four candidates from Equatoria were brought to the SPLM leadership. The leadership of the SPLM has selected honorable Anthony Lino Makana,” said Kiir, referring to his SPLM faction.

The party split into three factions at the onset of December 2013 conflict: SPLM In Government led by Kiir, SPLM In Opposition of Riek Machar and SPLM former detainees led by former Secretary General Pagan Amum.

Kiir said the SPLM factions has no choice but to remain united.

“If you are not united in this (SPLM) house, you will not be united in the (parliament) bigger house,” he further said, warning that “measures will be taken against dissent members of parliament” who vote against SPLM policies.

Sources in the meeting said the First Vice President Taban Deng Gai has accepted to nominate deputy speaker.

Oliver Benjamin, the head of information in the national parliament, said a special session to formally select the speaker in parliament will be convened on Monday.

“All members of parliament have been recalled to Juba to be able to attend on Monday August 1, 2016,” he said by phone on Wednesday.

According to the August 2015 Agreement for Resolution of Conflict in the Republic, the current parliament with 332 MPs will be expanded to 400. The SPLM IO nominated new 50 legislators, 1 from former detainees and 17 from other political parties.

Disagreement over which party to nominate the speaker stalled expansion of the parliament and commencing始める the TNLA.






South Sudan markets in Juba reopen after abrupt closure

October 13, 2016 (JUBA) – Shop owners in South Sudan’s capital, Juba, have resumed work following an abrupt closure on Wednesday, following false reports of Salva Kiir’s death on the social media.

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People walk through a market in the southern Sudanese city of Juba January 7, 2011 in Juba – (File photo AFP/Getty)

Interior Minister Michael Chienyjiek issued a statement dismissing the allegation, describing them as rumours circulated by “criminals to use it as the opportunity to loot.

“Stay calm, and carry on normally. There should no fear. The president had already come out yesterday and you saw him touring the whole town yesterday. This was to confirm to the public that he is alive. What happened was another social media hoax”, said Chienyjiek

He commended various markets in Juba which resumed activities on Wednesday evening after few hours of abrupt closure. Traders and hawkers who had run away from custom market have resumed since 5.00 PM local time yesterday and were selling their goods normally.

Several markets such as Konyokonyo, Jebel and Juba markets have also resumed operation according to sources. Many residents claimed the run from market on Wednesday after some running without asking the cause. Others attributed the cause to a crackdown on money exchangers by the police.

“I have resumed work normally today. Yesterday my shop was closed because there was confusion allover. Some people were running unnecessarily. If you ask, no one would give a definite answer, Deng Mawien, a trader in Malakia market told Sudan Tribune on Thursday.

But while others were running due to fear stemming from rumours about the death of the president, others were running away from police measures banning money changers on the street in fulfillment of municipality order.

Police force launched an operation to crack down on U.S. dollar hawkers, causing them to flee the market. No gun shot was fired by the police when the police carried out the operation.

Earlier this year, Mayor of Juba City banned selling of U.S. dollars on the street of Juba, and ordered the police to crackdown on those selling dollars. Armed robbers attacked Konyokonyo market

SPLA Spokesperson Brig. Gen Lul Ruai Koang told journalists that people in Konyokonyo market fled when armed robbers attacked and robbed at gun point leading to the closure of the market yesterday,

He said that 3 robbers entered the market and started terrorizing people using pistols. Two of the robbers were apprehended and 1 is still at large. The two robbers, he said were later found to be foreign nationals.



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Roger Mac Ginty
24 June at 05:28 ·
The fuckwits have actually gone and done it. Posh boy David Cameron calls an unnecessary referendum on EU membership. Loses it, causes economic disaster and anti-immigrant tension. And still remains an incredibly rich man. The rest of us face recession, job losses, further cuts to public services and a new government led by racists. Thanks Dave.

Roger Mac Ginty
24 June at 17:06 ·
Looking towards Europe  ⇒


Roger Mac Ginty
24 June at 13:54 ·
The People’s Republic of Tweedyland declares itself pro-European(and far beyond), pro-migration, and pro-love.
Mat Whatley

11 hrs ·(6/24)Mat Whatley's profile photo

 Quite a shock. But it is done. Now is the time for cool heads and good careful diplomacy. Milk spilt. Now Britain needs to get on with sporting all this out. Make a plan. Not the first time political leadership is required to get the country behind a plan, a direction. Churchill had. a similar problem when substantial part of the country in 1939 did not actually believe in a war with Germany. He managed to unite the country in one clear direction.

Meanwhile the spotlight is also on the EU. They must come to terms with the many and various reasons why the Brits have node thus extraordinary decision. They must soul search. It is not only the swivel eyed loons of Britain who can see fundamental problems with the nature of the EU.

Other European countries will watch how the EU handles Britain now. A senior member of the EU. Paid its dues. Followed the rules. Contributed in enormous and various ways. Shouldered fair share of the burden. Now the EU should say thank you for all you have done. Sorry to see you go. Wish us luck. Help create a better future for all concerned. Anything less will be noticed with concer by eurosceptics in Holland and other countries, and will add oil to their flames.


Fay Ballard  Fay Ballard's profile photo

24 June at 16:32 ·

 Devastated. The most charitable thing I can say about people who voted to leave is that they have no idea what they have just done. This is not just Cameron’s failure, but a failure of the UK political leadership (over decades) to make people understand what the EU is and how the UK benefits. Despite holding a UK passport I have never felt British, but I have always felt European. My Irish passport means I can continue to be European, and so can my daughter. But it’s small comfort this morning.


Ian Bostridgeさんcurrent image of winter journey5は、ご自分のFaceBookカバーまでも変えてしまいました。「リキ」入ってます!私は、このIanさんのコメントにいちばん同意しました。

Ian Bostridge I didn’t have this contest. It was ha(r?)d for me. Imposed by a party with a small minority of the vote in order to solve their parochial ([視野]の狭い) problems and won by a smaller margin than they are demanding of trade union ballots. No other country in the civilised world would make such a major constitutional change in such a cavalierむとんちゃくな,傲慢な) way. And it is not at all clear what the question answered means.

Ian Bostridge updated their cover photo.

Yesterday at 14:36 ·(6/24)
Ians facebook cover


Roger Mac Ginty
24 June at 08:17 ·
7AM emergency phone call from Professor Alp Ozerdem:
Alp: This is disastrous
Me: Yep, truly catastrophic
Alp: I really wonder about staying in the country
Me: At least I have an Irish passport
Alp: Can I marry you?
Me: er … well we can’t have two no votes in one day …. so Yes.
Alp: Great! And I am sure Mrs Mac Ginty won’t mind
Me: Oh yes …. Mrs Mac Ginty ….




25 June 2016 at 8:09am

More than two million sign petition for second referendum

The government petition page was crashed by demand from pro-EU campaigners
The government petition page was crashed by demand from pro-EU campaigners Credit: PA

More than two million people have signed a parliamentary petition calling for a second referendum of the UK’s membership of the EU.

An unprecedented surge of people trying to access the page briefly caused the official petition website to crash as many Britons shocked by the referendum result tried to engineer a re-run.

By Saturday morning more than one million people had signed – more than ten times the figure at which an issue is formally considered for a debate in parliament.

The government will consider debating any petition that gets over 100,000 signatures
The government will consider debating any petition that gets over 100,000 signaturesCredit:

The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: “We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum.”

On Thursday 51.9% of votes were cast to leave the EU, versus 48.1% for remaining part of the bloc.

Meanwhile over 130,000 people signed a petition calling on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to declare the capital independent from the UK and apply to join the European Union.

Protesters have been trying to roll back the decision for Brexit
Protesters have been trying to roll back the decision for Brexit Credit: PA

However elections professor John Curtice said such online campaigns had no chance of success and that a million supporters was “chicken feed” compared to the seventeen million who backed Brexit in the referendum. (以下略)

感情的だが、将来の政治の舞台で Trump とBoris Johnsonが並ぶのは見たくない。そう思う人が多いらしい。Johnson&Trump

Summer Vacation in Maine (photos)




  • こちらの花の名前はまだわかりません。(2023/7/23: ズルカマラorソラナム、西洋山白英seiyo-yamahoroshi)








9 wild rose
 Exif_JPEG_PICTURE  1階のダイニング。いつもみんなで集まり食事、ゲーム、よもやま話など・・・。 
Main2011_3 涼しい2階の寝室で眠るシーモン・・・・  Exif_JPEG_PICTURE
 Exif_JPEG_PICTURE    Simonに毎晩「ナルニア国物語」を読むジョン。なのにSimonがしていることは?
   RIMG8086   RIMG8117




 Exif_JPEG_PICTURE Annにミルクを飲ませてもらうシーモン。大きくなったらその時の話をしましょう。
 お兄ちゃんSimonはおとうとSimonをほんとによく可愛がってくれました。  11 two SimonsRIMG8051
11 Kumi with Shimon  ワインをいただいてちょっといい気分のママと。
 樫の木の下で10 Huge oak tree  Exif_JPEG_PICTURE

chestnut oak (栗の木)


 Exif_JPEG_PICTURE   大家さんのスージーがお庭へ
  Monhegan島へ行きました。 RIMG8107
青い、青い海。美しい空。これぞバケーション!  16 A view of the island
 022  033
024  ルピナス?Main2011_6



 Exif_JPEG_PICTURE    メイン州 New Harbourはロブスターが有名!最後の日はロブスター・レストラんへ。




Short Notes Hi Akemi, thank you so much for your visit. I am so sad to see you leave. It was so much fun seeing you and your family for a few days in Maine. I will treasure the memories. You are a very special friend. I am so fortunate to have met you. Please travel home safely. If you have the time, please write to me when you are home again. Please remember me to your family, Love, Ann  


Hi Ann, Kumi, Shimon and I got home safely after smooth flights to Narita. Thank you so much for everything, we were so happy to see you all. Simon has grown quickly, and became more careful and clever. Kumi said again and again how wonderful it was to be with you in Maine during our journey back to Japan. Yes, I was so sad to say good-bye but we have another time.Ann, thank you so much for accepting us and gave us fun and happiness, house work, changing towels every day…., picked us up at the hotel, arranging a our,lobster dinner, nice talk at the pier. Everything was so precious.Talking with John was always fun and I always got a lot of insights. Ann, I’d like to send you some photos later. Send our love to John, Simon and Emily. With a lot of love, Akemi

(Maine メインページへ)  


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Hasedera 3.JPG






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最近の可笑しい写真はこれ ➢



Roger Mac Ginty
21 November at 03:25 •

  FLORA (On seeing me entering the room): Mommy!
  ME:  No, I'm Daddy!
  FLORA (on seeing Paddy entering the room): Paddy!
  ME:  Flora, what does the cow say?
  FLORA: Moo.
  ME:  What does the clock say?
  FLORA: Tick-tock, tick-tock.
  ME:  Flora, who am I?
  FLORA: Mommy!






きれいだったサラさん!! お人形のようなCちゃん









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<Pretty Mari>


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018.JPG R0010199.JPGアンのスケートがとっても上手だったこと!
(こちらに動画の”雄姿“が, Movie is here

018.JPG お隣の家でのパーティーに招かれたこと。(アンの家は州都の山の手にあったのだ!)
018.JPG 106.JPGハリエットと遊んだり、買い物に行ったりしたこと。



018.JPG 162.JPGサリーと映画(Woody Allenのローマの話)に行ったこと。

101.JPG018.JPG 将来、夏期短期滞在用の物件(!)もチェック。良さそう!賃料は月額75,000円ぐらいとか。右の写真は、アンの家から徒歩2分の「Arsenals」

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skip Photos

  090.JPG 朝霧の中

094.JPG 居心地の良いダイニングルーム(暖簾は和風)

  125.JPG 居間(YAMAHAピアノの音の良かったこと!)


  129.JPG ダイニング

157.JPG ひとりで朝食、たのし! 

  120.JPG キッチン

R0010225.JPG 裏庭に面したリビングには薪ストーブが

   R0010220.JPG 裏庭

R0010219.JPG 裏庭からの眺め


 176.JPG 帰国する前の日に咲いた花

   111.JPGKenが働いていたScribner’s farm

 113.JPG Early Corn と Blueberryが美味しかった!


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