
In the economist’s 2022 glass-ceiling index, an annual measure of the role and influence of women in the workforce in 29 countries, only South Korea scored lower than Japan.

The World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Report, which also factors in political representation, ranked Japan 116th out of 146 countries. That would have been little surprise to Japanese women, who are used to living in a strict patriarchal society.

The government aspires to create a society “in which all women shine”, a slogan that seems unintentionally ironic, since Japanese women have always lived in the shadow of men.

Murasaki Shikibu, a lady-in-waiting of the imperial court in the 11th century who wrote “The Tale of Genji”, thought to be the first novel in history, described the discrimination she suffered. She wrote in her diary that her father would often sigh and say, “If only you were a boy.” Such a sentiment is familiar to Japanese women 1,000 years later. They routinely abandon their professional ambitions to prioritise their husbands and children. They are less visible in public life than women in other rich countries. (そうも思わないけど!)These books, and one film, help to illuminate those Japanese—half the population—whom the government says it wants to usher into the light.  FULL TEXT

The Economist’s glass-ceiling index

  • What to read to understand the history of Western capitalism (下の本は、読めるわけがない。英語の勉強のため掲載)
    • The Worldly Philosophers. By Robert Heilbroner
    • A Culture of Growth. By Joel Mokyr. Princeton University Press
    • War as an Economic Activity in the “Long” Eighteenth Century. By N.A.M. Rodger. International Journal of Maritime History. XXII, No. 2 (December 2010)
    • The Hundred Years’ War, Volumes 1-4. By Jonathan Sumption. University of Pennsylvania Press
    • Enclosures, Common Rights, and Women: The Proletarianisation (プロレタリア化)of Families in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. by Jane Humphries. The Journal of Economic History
    • The Classical School: The Turbulent(激動、乱流) Birth of Economics in Twenty Extraordinary Lives. By Callum Williams. Hachette;
  • What is the economic cost of covid-19?
  • Why inflation looks likely to stay above the pre-pandemic norm
  • The Full TEXT

Page Top

(1) Who are these children      (2)Winter Words      (3) ひとりだけの旅 ほか

素敵なIan Bostridgeの歌声を聴く午後に・・・

Who are these children? Op 84

composer Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) author of text William Soutar (1898-1943)

  • Ⅰ悪夢
  • Ⅱ殺りく
  • Ⅲこの子らは誰?
  • Ⅳ子供たち
Ian Bostridge and Julius Drake NHK Recital in Japan (Part 1/7)


The tree stood flowering in a dream:
Beside the tree a dark shape bowed:
As lightning glittered the axe-gleam
Across the wound in the broken wood.
The tree cried out with human cries:
From its deepening hurt the blood ran:
The branches flowered with children’s eyes
And the dark murderer was a man.

There came a fear which sighed aloud;
And with its fear the dream-world woke:
Yet in the day the tree still stood
Bleeding beneath the axe-man’s stroke.


Within the violence of the storm
The wise men are made dumb:
Young bones are hollowed by the worm;
The babe dies in the womb.
Above the lover’s mouth is pressed
The silence of a stone:
Fate rides upon an iron beast
And tramples cities down.

And shall the multitudinous grave
Our enmity inter;
These dungeons of misrule enslave
Our bitterness and fear?

All are the conquered; and in vain
The laurel binds the brow:
The phantoms of the dead remain
And from our faces show.

William Soutar (1898-1943)

William Soutar (1898-1943)

“Who are these children”

With easy hands upon the rein,
And hounds at their horses’ feet,
The ladies and the gentlemen
Ride through the village street.
Brightness of blood upon the coats
And on the women’s lips:
Brightness of silver at the throats
And on the hunting whips.

Is there a dale more calm, more green
Under this morning hour;
A scene more alien than this scene
Within a world at war?

Who are these children gathered here
Out of the fire and smoke
That with remembering faces stare
Upon the foxing folk?

William Soutar (1898-1943)

Ian Bostridge NHK Recital in Japan (Part 2/7)

The Children

Upon the street they lie
Beside the broken stone:
The blood of children stares from the broken stone.

Death came out of the sky
In the bright afternoon:
Darkness slanted over the bright afternoon.

Again the sky is clear
But upon earth a stain:
The earth is darkened with a darkening stain:

A wound which everywhere
Corrupts the hearts of men:
The blood of children corrupts the hearts of men.

Silence is in the air:
The stars move to their places:
Silent and serene the stars move to their places:

But from earth the children stare
With blind and fearful faces:
And our charity is in the children’s faces.

William Soutar (1898-1943


Winter Words   Op.52冬の言葉  冬のことば

詩: ハーディ (Thomas Hardy,1840-1928) イングランド

1 At Day-Close in November1 十一月のたそがれ
The ten hours’ light is abating,
And a late bird wings across,
Where the pines,like waltzers waiting,
Give their black heads a toss.

Beech leaves,that yellow the noon-time,
Float past like specks in the eye;
I set every tree in my June time,
And now they obscure the sky.

And the children who ramble through here
Conceive that there never has been
A time when no tall trees grew here,
That none will in time be seen.
松の木々が ワルツの順番待ちの踊り手のように

ブナの葉は 昼時には黄色に染まっていたが
漂い通り過ぎて行く 目の中のしみのように
この木々は わが人生の六月に椊えたものだ

思い込んでいる 決してなかったのだと
2 Midnight on the Great Western   2 真夜中の大西部鉄道 グレート・ウェスタンの真夜中
In the third-class seat sat the journeying boy,
And the roof-lamp’s oily flame
Played down on his listless form and face,
Bewrapt past knowing to what he was going,
Or whence he came.

In the band of his hat the journeying boy
Had a ticket stuck; and a string
Around his neck bore the key of his box,
That twinkled gleams of the lamp’s sad beams
Like a living thing.

What past can be yours,O journeying boy
Towards a world unknown,
Who calmly,as if incurious quite
On all at stake,can undertake
This plunge alone?

Knows your soul a sphere,O journeying boy,
Our rude realms far above,
Whence with spacious vision you mark and mete
This region of sin that you find you in,
But are not of?
だれが知るというのか 彼がどこへ行くのか

帽子のバンドに その旅する少年は
切符を挟んでいた そして紐に

こんなにも穏やかに まるで人ごとのように
こんな賭けに たったひとりで飛び込むとは?

3 Wagtail and Baby   3 セキレイと赤ん坊 せきれいと赤ん坊
A baby watched a ford,whereto
A wagtail came for drinking;
A blaring bull went wading through,
The wagtail showed no shrinking.

A stallion splashed his way across,
The birdie nearly sinking;
He gave his plumes a twitch and toss,
And held his own unblinking.

Next saw the baby round the spot
A mongrel slowly slinking;
The wagtail gazed,but faltered not
In dip and sip and prinking.

A perfect gentleman then neared;
The wagtail,in a winking,
With terror rose and disappeared;
The baby fell a-thinking.

ひとりの赤ん坊が浅瀬を見ていた そこに


次にその赤ん坊は見た あたりを
水に浸かり 水を飲み 羽根つくろいすることを

恐れおののいて舞い上がり 姿を消した
▲(歌なし)4 The little old table4 小さな古い書き机       
Creak,little wood thing,creak,
When I touch you with elbow or knee;
That is the way you speak
Of one who gave you to me!

You,little table,she brought –
Brought me with her own hand,
As she looked at me with a thought
That I did not understand.

– Whoever owns it anon,
And hears it,will never know
What a history hangs upon
This creak from long ago.
きしめ 小さな木製の奴よ きしめ

お前 机よ 彼女が持って来た-
運んできてくれたのだ 彼女自身の手で
その時彼女は私を見た ある考えを持って

彼がこの音を聞いても 分からないだろう
ずっと昔からの このきしみには
5 The choirmaster’s burial   5 聖歌隊長の葬礼  聖歌隊指揮者の葬式   
He often would ask us
That,when he died,
After playing so many
To their last rest,
If out of us any
Should here abide,
And it would not task us,
We would with our lutes
Play over him
By his grave-brim
The psalm he liked best –
The one whose sense suits
“Mount Ephraim” –
And perhaps we should seem
To him,in Death’s dream,
Like the seraphim.

As soon as I knew
That his spirit was gone
I thoguht this his due,
And spoke thereupon.
“I think,” said the vicar,
“A read service quicker
Than viols out-of-doors
In these frosts and hoars.
That old-fashioned way
Requires a fine day,
And it seems to me
It had better not be.”

Hence,that afternoon,
Though never knew he
That his wish could not be,
To get through it faster
They buried the master
Without any tune.

But ’twas said that,when
At the dead of next night
The vicar looked out,
There struck on his ken
Thronged roundabout,
Where the frost was graying
The headstoned grass,
A band all in white
Like the saints in church-glass,
Singing and playing
The ancient stave
By the choirmaster’s grave.

Such the tenor man told
When he had grown old.


俺は思った 彼の願いは叶えられるべきだと
「私が思うに《 牧師様はおっしゃった

そんなわけで その日の午後

だがその後 こんな話があった
聖者様のように 歌い 奏でている姿だった
昔の曲を 聖歌隊長の墓の傍らで

6 Proud songsters         6 誇り高き歌い手たち いばった歌い手たち
The thrushes sing as the sun is going,
And the finches whistle in ones and pairs,
And as it gets dark loud nightingales
In bushes
Pipe,as they can when April wears,
As if all Time were theirs.

These are brand-new birds of twelve-months’ growing,
Which a year ago,or less than twain,
No finches were,nor nightingales,
Nor thrushes,
But only particles of grain,
And earth,and air,and rain.
ツグミたちは歌う 太陽が沈みゆく時に
フィンチたちも囀る 独りで あるいは番いで
そして暗くなれば 声高きナイチンゲールが
笛を吹き鳴らすのだ 四月が過ぎ去ろうとする今

これらの鳥たちは新しい鳥たちだ この十二ヶ月の間に育った
一年前には 少なくとも二年経たない前には
フィンチもおらず ナイチンゲールもおらず
そして大地と 大気と雨だけが
7 At the railway station,Upway7 アップウェイの停車場で 停車場で
“There is not much that I can do,
For I’ve no money that’s quite my own!”
Spoke up the pitying child –
A little boy with a violin
At the station before the train came in,-
“But I can play my fiddle to you,
And a nice one ’tis,and good in tone!”

The man in the handcuffs smiled;
The constable looked,and he smiled,too,
As the fiddle began to twang;
And the man in the handcuffs suddenly sang
With grimful glee:
“This life so free
Is the thing for me!”
And the constable smiled,and said no word,
As if unconscious of what he heard;
And so they went on till the train came in –
The convict,and boy with the violin.
「だけどぼく ヴァイオリンなら弾いてあげられるよ
すてきな曲をね 音もきれいさ!《

警官はそれを見たが 彼もまた微笑んだ
8 Before life and after8 生命の前と後      
A time there was – as one may guess
And as,indeed,earth’s testimonies tell –
Before the birth of consciousness,
When all went well.

None suffered sickness,love,or loss,
None knew regret,starved hope,or heart-burnings;
None cared whatever crash or cross
Brought wrack to things.

If something ceased,no tongue bewailed,
If something winced and waned,no heart was wrung;
If brightness dimmed,and dark prevailed,
No sense was stung.

But the disease of feeling germed,
And primal rightness took the tinct of wrong;
Ere nescience shall be reaffirmed
How long,how long?
そんな時代があった 皆が想像するように
そしてまた きっと この世の教えが述べているように

誰も苦しまなかったのだ 病に、愛に 喪失に
誰も知らなかったのだ 後悔を 飢えた希望を 嫉妬を
誰も気にかけなかった いかなる破壊や試練が

もし何かが終わっても 誰の舌も嘆きを発することなく
もし何かがたじろぎ衰えても 誰の心も痛まなかった
もし明るさが衰え 闇が広がっても

だが 感情という病が発生して
あとどのくらい どのくらいかかるのか?


NHK Recital (Part 5/7) 9:22ひとりだけの旅
6/あなたと行けたなら ★20世紀のブルース





NHK Recital in Japan (Part 7/7)夜も昼も,いつもさよならを



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Important and interesting topics are mostly from friends abroad!

Dec. 2022

  • Junior-high entrance exams in Japan. What is the “standard deviation?”
    • A standard deviation (or σ) is a measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean. Low standard deviation means data are clustered around the mean, and high standard deviation indicates data are more spread out.
  • Level of school teachers in the US. (not payed enough/ to be doctors and lawers)
  • Should US limits the number of foreign students, like Chinese, Korean and black Africans? But, how to define “white American?” (me)
  • Trump’s popularity and next election? Joe Biden will challenge to the next election. (John)
  • Weather in Vermont

Wary of China, Japan unveils sweeping new national security strategy
Washington Post, Updated December 16, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended a press conference at the prime minister’s official residence in Tokyo, Friday. In a major break from its strictly self-defense-only postwar principle, Japan adopted a national security strategy Friday declaring plans to possess preemptive strike capability and cruise missiles within years to give itself more offensive footing against threats from neighboring China and North Korea. 

TOKYO — Japan on Friday unveiled sweeping changes to its national security strategy and a major ramp-up of its defense budget, a dramatic shift to shed its longtime postwar pacifist constraints as it grapples with increasing security threats and risk of war in the Indo-Pacific.
Wary of the growing military threat posed by China, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Japan is poised to take a tougher stance to defend itself and improve its capabilities to do so.

Among the notable changes is the move to acquire ‘’counterstrike’’ capabilities, or the ability to hit enemy bases with long-range missiles and coordinate with the United States in such circumstances, and an increase of its defense budget to 2 percent of gross domestic product over five years, making it the third-largest in the world.

It was my big surprise, a photo taken by me near the White House in 2010 revealed the data, the date and place of the photo taken!

NEWS WEEK誌より(Amazonで読み放題になったので・・・)

2022/10/23   2023/7/23  2023/9/17

よく続いているmeeting。病気の時だけ中断したが、退院後真っ先に再開したのがこのミーティング。大切なつながり、Ann の見えないpowerを感じる。今回はEmily、Adri、Simon(&Erik)も参加して豪華になった。Emilyの成長も素晴らしい。MarieもAdriと文通したいといい、いいことばかりだ。

Autumn in Small Town America 🍂 (Best Fall Foliage)

The crimson red streets, gloomy weather.


photo by Hitoshi

2023/7/23 よく続く楽しいmeeting。今日の話題はもちろんMontpelierの鉄砲水。State St. Main St.の交差点では150cmぐらいまで水が来て、ひどいものだったらしい。Johnが2022.10 と同じシャツを着ている(w)。Johnも高齢者施設で楽しそうだ。脚がしびれるというから私は「John, we are old!」とかいう。世界中にJohnのような素敵な友人がいっぱいいて楽しいことも伝えた。本当に恵まれていると思う。


Sept. 17, 2023 Montpelier in “dusk” 夕暮れ時のmeeting 話題はもちろん洪水その後。Johnは復興に関する諮問機関に呼ばれたらしい。素晴らしい。The Bridge Newspaperがあったので話が弾んだ。

Kenの newデータサイエンス百景siteの話、私の「尻餅事件」の話。YohtaのmicrobiologyではJohnが辞書派、Ken and EmがAIに頼る話となり意見が分かれた。面白かった!

The shop Ann always took me

Sept 19: Here is the link to the website for the Bridge.  I don’t think you have to pay for a subscription.  The paper is published twice a month, and the website is updated every few days.  We’ll be in touch about a meeting next month. John ★The Link :https://montpelierbridge.org/

AROUND NEW ENGLAND Boston Globe 9/18

On one of Vermont’s most idyllic(牧歌的な) roads, fed-up locals say no more to the leaf peepers.

Residents convinced their town to close the road for three weeks at the height of foliage season to prevent social media-inspired tourists from clogging it.

Skype meetings with John in 2020

Skype meetings with John_3 in 2024

Top Pageへ


“she appeared in a wheelchair” yoko ono

wellbeing, QOLなど外国人のための介護福祉専門用語集>英語版

東京都の英語版介護保険パンフレットなどを参考 介護保険制度パンフレット 東京都福祉保健局

(老人向け)デイサービス day care, eldery day care、adult day care
ヘルパーさんhome care worker, care giver
介護施設nursing home
ケアマネージャー       care manager
介護保険           the long-term insurance
要介護1~5 care level 1 to 5
要支援1~2 support level 1 or 2
訪問介護サービスhome care service
共同生活介護daily-group care
要支援認定support need certification
地域包括支援センターCommunity Comprehensive Support Center
訪問入浴介護home-visit bathing service
訪問看護home-visit nursing
介護保険料  long-term care insurance premiums


● If you wish to utilize services provided by long-term care insurance, you should first apply for a care need certification or a support need certification at your municipal office. If you get the certification, you can use the service according to the long-term care plan the care manager draws up for you after consultation.
● At municipalities that have already launched programs to prevent long-term care need as well as comprehensive daily living support programs, you are advised to note the checklist at the consultation desk. If you meet the criteria, you are free to utilize visiting long-term care services and day services provided by these programs. 

ベッドの脇に座ってもらえますか?Can you sit up on the edge of the bed?
前屈みになって下さい。Please lean forward?
前に出てきて下さい。Please come forward?
真っすぐ立って下さい。Please stand up tall.
背筋を伸ばして下さい。Please straighten up your back.
後ろに下がって下さい。Please go backward./ Please back up.
一歩、後ろに下がって下さい。Please take a step back.
右向きに回って下さい。Please turn to the right.
Please sit down on the chair.
Please reach back to the armrest of the wheelchair.
椅子に座って下さい。Please have/ take a seat on the chair.
(椅子の上で)後ろに少し下がって下さい。Please sit back. Please scooch back.(カジュアル)
深く座って下さい。Please sit back.
杖を使って下さい。Please use a cane.
松葉杖がここにあります。Here is your crutch.
2輪の歩行器と4輪の歩行器、どちらを普段使っていますか。Which do you usually use a two wheel walker or a four wheel walker?
足を車椅子のフットレストに載たままにして下さい。Please keep your foot on the footrest of the wheelchair.
車椅子のブレーキをかけて下さい。Please put on the brakes of the wheelchair.
滑り止めがついた靴を履いて下さい。Please wear non-skid/ non-slip shoes.
私が車椅子を押します。I will wheel your wheelchair.



Top Pageへ

Ian Bostridgeさんのインスタで見たHeather!

Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Scotch Heather/Ling Heather, is an evergreen branching shrub. Heather flowers bloom in late summer. Wild species of Heather flowers are usually in purple or mauve shades. The flower’s various cultivars come in colors ranging from white, through pink, a wide range of purples and reds.




英国国営放送BBCの地方ニュースで、ノースヨークシャー(North Yorkshire)の荒野ムーアでヘザーが花盛りというニュースを見ました。今回は、イギリスの夏の大地を赤紫に彩(いろど)るへザーのお話……。




ところで、このヘザー、ヒース(Heath)と呼ばれることもあります。ヒースと聞くと、イギリス文学に造詣の深い方は、エミリー・ブロンテ作の「嵐が丘」の主人公ヒースクリフ(Heathcliff)を思いうかべられるかもしれません。こちらは、エミリー・ブロンテ一家の暮らしたウエストヨークシャー(West Yorkshire)のハワース(Haworth)の村はずれで撮影したヒースです。



さて、今回、友人がヘザーを見に連れて行ってくれたのは、ブロンテ一家が暮らしたハワースの北東に位置するノースヨークシャー(North Yorkshire)のパンパーデールムーア(Pamperdale Moor)という場所。





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‘This is it, folks’ – Boris Johnson ‘hands over baton in unexpected relay race’

変な人だったけど(だから!)結構好きだったBoris Johnsonがあっけなく(潔く!?orもう飽きちゃったから?)10th of Downing Streetから去っていった。問題・課題を山のように積み上げたまま。

Placeholder image for youtube video: -ym_x2cXVB8
Boris Johnson’s final farewell speech in full as he leaves Downing Street

6 SEPTEMBER 2022 • 8:24AM

Boris Johnson has left Downing Street for the final time as Prime Minister as he told the nation “the baton will be handed over” to Liz Truss after the Tory leadership “unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race”. 

Speaking in Downing Street, Mr Johnson bemoaned the manner in which he has been forced out of No 10 as he accused Tory MPs who ousted him of having “changed the rules halfway through”. 

He said: “This is it folks. Thank you everybody for coming out so early this morning. In only a couple of hours I will be in Balmoral to see Her Majesty the Queen and the torch will finally be passed to a new Conservative leader, the baton will be handed over in what has unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race, they changed the rules half way through but never mind that now.”

Mr Johnson pledged his “fervent support” for Ms Truss’s new government and urged the Conservative Party to unite behind her. 

He said that if his dog, Dilyn, and Larry, the No 10 cat, can “put behind them their occasional difficulties then so can the Conservative Party”. 


Queen Elizabeth dies: Boris Johnson makes Parliament laugh with speech remembering Her Majesty

2022/09/09 Queen Elizabeth dies: Boris Johnson makes Parliament laugh remembering Her Majesty | Boris Johnson joined parliament to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.
King Charles maintains a clear sense of duty and service even as he mourns the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, British Prime Minister Liz Truss said on Friday, having spoken to the nation’s new monarch on Thursday evening.


Liz Truss and Hugh O’Leary, her husband, after the announcement of her victory in the Tory leadership race CREDIT: Stefan Rousseau/Shutterstock


Liz Truss, an unpopular leader for a troubled Britain

Analysis by Ishaan Tharoor  

September 6, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. EDT

On Tuesday, Liz Truss heads to a Scottish castle to call on Queen Elizabeth II and “kiss” the royal hand. The current British foreign secretary will thus become her country’s next prime minister. With Truss’s appointment, the queen will have presided over this traditional rite 15 times in her many decades as sovereign. It’s possible, no matter reports of her ailing health, that she may do it all over again soon.

Truss comes to power not via general election but after winning the majority of votes in a Conservative Party leadership election decided by fewer than 200,000 dues-paying Tory activists. Her main rival, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, was more popular among sitting Conservative lawmakers in Parliament. Broader public opinion polls show the opposition Labour Party with its strongest lead in a decade. A majority of Britons, meanwhile, believe Truss will make a “poor” or “terrible” prime minister, and only a quarter consider her an improvement from Boris Johnson, her controversial and polarizing predecessor.

Truss will struggle to muster Johnson’s irrepressible — or delusional, critics would contend — optimism. Darkened skies already hang low over her nascent premiership. “In addition to the war in Ukraine and the fallout of Brexit, the new prime minister will inherit a vast range of economic and political problems,” my colleagues explained. “The Bank of England predicts Britain will suffer through protracted recession, beginning as early as October. Inflation already stands at 10 percent, with economists warning that 15 percent is possible.”

There’s an impending cascade of woes: A mammoth cost-of-living crisis is driving a historic drop in living standards. According to some estimates, two-thirds of British households may face “fuel poverty” by the end of the year, struggling to pay for the surging costs of heating their homes. Across various sectors of the economy, industrial action is picking up, with strikes shutting down train services, garbage collection and the operation of ports.

The country that Truss will now lead is unquestionably diminished. Most analyses of the impact of Brexit find that Britain’s departure from the European Union has dented its economy, added to its supply chain headaches and hurt its trading prospects. An analysis published last month by Saxo Bank warned investors that Britain is “more and more looking like an emerging market country” and won’t have the ability to manage “an easy escape” from a deep recession.

Truss campaigned for her party’s leadership on a platform pandering to the Tory’s hard core. She sees a path out of Britain’s problems by slashing taxes and boosting fracking and nuclear energy. “We will break with the same old tax and spend approach by focusing on growth and investment,” she wrote for the Telegraph. While likely welcomed by many Tories who internally elected her, such rhetoric is less convincing to the general public that has seen the Conservatives in power for 12 years.

“Truss’s Britain will be governed by policies lifted from cliched Daily Mail headlines,” wrote leftist commentator Owen Jones in the Guardian. “All the bêtes noires of saloon-bar reactionaries from the past 20 years will be slaughtered, and the resulting anguish from those effete metropolitan lefties obsessed with mere trivialities such as avoiding mass impoverishment and the destruction of the planet will give the Tory faithful their kicks.”

“Economists … have been skeptical about her confidence that all it will take is a few tax cuts to put a tiger back in the national tank,” noted Sam Leith in the right-leaning Spectator that wondered whether she would be a “Tory Jeremy Corbyn,” a nod to the former left-wing Labour leader whose radical politics swept him to the top role in his party but ultimately hurt Labour on the national stage.

あれ?いくら冴えないおばさんでも、就任わずか44日で辞任するとは思わなかった!この記事のタイトルが「Welcomeback Boris」になったりして?

Liz Truss: The human hand grenade who tragically blew herself up

She spent a lifetime defying the doubters. But the very personality that had powered her ascent ultimately led to her downfall

ByHarry de Quetteville   20 October 2022 • 6:40pm

 Liz Truss on Thursday became Britain’s shortest serving prime minister, lasting just 44 days in office CREDIT: TOBY MELVILLE

And like that she was gone. A politician known above all as a survivor, a bundle of contradictions elastic enough to survive and thrive under three very different prime ministers, came dramatically unstuck when the top job was finally hers.




BBC announces the death of Queen Elizabeth II
2022/09/09 The news anchor Huw Edwards said Buckingham Palace had released a statement confirming that the Queen had died peacefully at Balmoral Castle on Thursday afternoon.

2022/09/10 King Charles III has made his first address to the UK as sovereign, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

In a televised address, the King paid tribute to his “darling mama” saying “may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest”, and renewed his mother’s lifelong promise of service.


With maturity, grace and just the right type of mourning ensemble, seven-year-old Charlotte is proving she’s every inch a royal princess The Telegraph



9/25 宮内庁長官「両陛下のご訪問本当に良かった」

西村宮内庁長官は両陛下帰国後の9月22日の記者会見で次のように述べました。 「両陛下が代表する国民の弔意は、英国王室そして英国民に十二分に伝わったと思います。また今回の国葬には世界中から多くの国王、大統領と元首クラスが参列しましたけれども、両陛下はこうした多くの参列者と交流を深められたことにより、国際社会における日本の皇室の存在感をお示しになったものと考えています。今回、両陛下にご訪問いただいて、本当に良かったと率直に感じているところであります」

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JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「身体障害者福祉」の英訳:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::welfare for the physically handicapped
第四条 この法律において「障害者」とは、身体障害者福祉法第四条に規定する身体障害者、知的障害者福祉法にいう知的障害者のうち十八歳以上である者及び精神保健及び精神障害者福祉に関する法律第五条に規定する精神障害者(知的障害者福祉法にいう知的障害者を除く。以下「精神障害者」という。)のうち十八歳以上である者をいう。Article 4 (1) The term “persons with disabilities” as used in this Act means the persons with physical disabilities prescribed in Article 4 of Act for the welfare of Persons with Physical Disabilities, the persons aged 18 and over among persons with intellectual disabilities prescribed in Act for the welfare of persons with intellectual disabilities, and persons aged 18 and over among persons with mental disorders prescribed in Article 5 of Act for the Mental Health and Welfare of the Persons with Mental Disorders (except the persons with intellectual disabilities prescribed in Act for the welfare of persons with intellectual disabilitieshereinafter referred to as “persons with mental disorders “)
3 保健所長は、身体障害者福祉法 (昭和二十四年法律第二百八十三号)第十五条第四項 の規定により身体障害者手帳の交付を受けた児童(身体に障害のある十五歳未満の児童については、身体障害者手帳の交付を受けたその保護者とする。以下同じ。)につき、同法第十六条第二項第一号又は第二号に掲げる事由があると認めるときは、その旨を都道府県知事に報告しなければならない。(3) When a public health center‘s director finds that a child to whom a physically disabled certificate is issued pursuant to the provision of Article 15 paragraph (4) of the Physically Disabled Welfare Act (Act No. 283 of 1949) (or the guardian of a child to whom a physically disabled certificate is issued as aforesaidif he/she is a child with physical disabilities under 15 years of agethe same shall apply hereinafterfalls under any of the reasons listed in Article 16 paragraph (2) item (i) or (iithe same Actthe public health center‘s director shall notify the prefectural governor to that effect.

JSwelfare for lone mother family
welfare for the aged
welfare for the disabled
welfare for the elderly
welfare for the handicapped
Welfare for the Handicapped Section
welfare for the physically handicapped:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
welfare frontierwelfare function
welfare fund
welfare funds
welfare hospital
nursing home 老人ホーム
nursing-care cost 介護費用
nursing-care facility介護施設
nursing-care insurance system 介護保険制度
old age employees’ pension 老齢厚生年金
old-age security 老齢保障
care volunteer介護ボランティア
介護を必要とする必要者の要介護度等の要求内容を満たすボランティアを検索できるようにすることにある。 – 特許庁
To retrieve a volunteer who meets a demand of the care degreeetc.of a person who needs care
care management center 2 receives a provision of a volunteer information from a country, a local government, a hospital, well-fair work facilitiesan enterpriseetc.and a request from a person demanding care and accumulates the volunteer information including care in a management server of the care management center 
そして、ボランティアポイント(VP)を取得し、今後自分や家族の介護(ホームヘルプ)サービスに当該ボランティアポイント(VP)を利用することができる。The person obtains a volunteer point(VP) and can utilize the volunteer point(VPfor a care service of an own and a family after this. – 特許庁
また、育児、介護、自己啓発、リフレッシュ、ボランティアなど、人生における多様な経験も、職業人としての様々な問題意識を育て、仕事への意欲をかきたてていくことにつながり、そのことを企業も今まで以上に重視していく必要があるCompanies should pay more attention to the fact that various life experiences such as child-carenursing careself-developmentrefreshing holidays, and volunteering all help workers regain motivation for work and raise awareness of the issues that need to be tackled at the workplace. – 
生活支援サービスの充実に向けて、ボランティア等の生活支援の担い手の養成・発掘など地域資源の開発やそのネットワーク化等を行う「生活支援サービスコーディネーター」を新たに配置することとし、平成26年度から介護保険制度の地域支援事業に位置づけて取組を進める(平成26年度は、1,580保険者のうち1/5程度の市町村の実施を想定)With the aim of enhancing life support serviceswe will newly appoint “life support service coordinators ” who will be in charge of developing local resources including cultivation , scouting and networking of life support providers such as volunteersas part of the local support program under the long-term care insurance system from FY 2014 (In FY 2014it is expected that about 1/5 of municipalitiesfrom among 1,580 insurers, will implement this measure). – 厚生労働省
重症心身障害児(者)children(individuals)with SMID (severe motor and intellectual
医療ケアmedical care
人工呼吸mechanical ventilation
在宅医療home care
特に健康面・医療面へのケアが主体health care