Clifford Tower in York
春になり水仙が咲くころはこのクリフォードタワーを思い出す。このスイセンの咲くClifford Towerの風景が私の人生を変えたのだから。Kumiと訪れたヨークシャー、この春の清々しい風景は私の記憶の宝物だ。
My York 【★London】 City of York ヨークシャーの青い空から。。。
春になり水仙が咲くころはこのクリフォードタワーを思い出す。このスイセンの咲くClifford Towerの風景が私の人生を変えたのだから。Kumiと訪れたヨークシャー、この春の清々しい風景は私の記憶の宝物だ。
My York 【★London】 City of York ヨークシャーの青い空から。。。
Coldplay はイギリス ロンドン出身のロック・バンド。
この曲ALL MY LOVE は、2024年10月4日ににリリースされた10枚目のオリジナル・アルバムMOON MUSiC と同時リリースされた3枚目のシングル。
前作[Music of Spheres]は[Vol 1. From Earth with Love]というサブタイトルがつけられていたが、今回の[MOON MUSiC]の正式タイトルは前作の続編という位置づけで [Music of the Spheres Vol. II: Moon Music] 。前作は地球から宇宙へ愛を響かせる天球音楽で、今作は「月の音楽」とのこと。
Producer : Bill Rahko, Daniel Green, Max Martin, ILYA, Oscar Holter & Michael Ilbert
Writer : Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Moses Martin & John Metcalfe
[Verse 1]
We've been through low
Been through sunshine, been through snow
All the colours of the weather
We've been through high
Every corner of the sky
And still we're holding on together
You got all my love
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
You've got all my love
Whether it rains, it remains
You've got all my love
[Verse 2]
till I die
Let me hold you if you cry
Be my one, two, three, forever
'Cause you got all my love
Whether it rains or pours
I'm all yours
You've got all my love
Whether it rains, it remains
You've got all my love
La-la, la-la, la, lay
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
La-la, la-la, la, lay
That's all, all I can say
[Guitar Solo]
Ooh, you got all my love
Oh, for now and always
till the end of my days
You got all my love
You've got all my love
Eagles – Desperado
Komorebi karaokeにありそうな数少ない曲。練習しよう。
Apr. 17, 1973
[Verse 1]
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You've been out ridin' fences /for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one, but I know that/ you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you/ can hurt you somehow
Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you/ if she's able
You know the queen of hearts is always/ your best bet
Now it seems to me some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can't get
[Verse 2]
Desperado, woah, you ain't/ gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger,/ they're drivin' you home
And freedom, oh, freedom, well, that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walkin' through/ this world all alone
Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the nighttime/ from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feelin' goes
Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses? You’ve been out ridin’ fences for so long now Oh you’re a hard one, but I know that you got your reasons These things that are pleasin’ you can hurt you somehow | 「おい、デスペラード(ならず者)よ、 そろそろ自分の感覚に正直に戻ったらどうだ? キミは『見回りに出たきり』(って感じ)じゃないか、 長いことさ。(ride fencesはカウボーイ用語で、逃げた牛や狼がいないか「柵」をチェックしに見廻ること) 「おぅ、キミは手強い奴だな(こんな説教臭い俺の話を簡単に聞く輩じゃない)、でも俺にはキミにはキミの(こうなった)言い分があるってのもわかってるさ。 (だって)この手のお愉しみ(酒とか賭博とか女とか)ってのは、結局なんかしらキミをキズつけてるんだから・・・ |
Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy She’ll beat you if she’s able You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet Now it seems to me some fine things Have been laid upon your table But you only want the ones that you can’t get | (酒場のポーカー)「ダイヤ(モンド)のクイーンをドロー(引く)するなよ、若造、(つまり、マリリンみたいな美女ばかりを引こうとするな) 不意を突いて、彼女はキミをKOするぜ(お前の手には負えない) 『ハートの女王』がキミのお決まりのベスト・ベット(最高の賭け手)だったろ(ポーカーではダイヤよりハートが強い) (つまり、見た目でなく、ハートのあふれる女性を引け または一獲千金でなく、心の通った人間関係) 今、オレには、キミのテーブルに何枚か(そういう)良い手札があるように見えるぜ。でもキミは、キミじゃぁ手に入れられないものばかり欲しがる(高嶺の花)・・・ |
Desperado oh you ain’t gettin’ no younger Your pain and your hunger, they’re drivin’ you home And freedom, oh, freedom, well, that’s just some people talkin’ Your prison is walkin’ through this world all alone | 「デスペラードよ、もう若くはないだろう (だんだん)キミの「痛み」と「空腹(さびしさ)」が、いやでもお前を「家home」に駆りたてる そして「自由」、ああ、「自由」か・・・ へッ、それは一部の奴らが口にしてるだけだぜ (キミは故郷やしがらみ、世間という檻から逃れているつもりでも、実は)キミ自身が、自分の檻を連れてこの世界をさまよってるだけさ、一人孤独にな。 |
Don’t your feet get cold in the wintertime? The sky won’t snow and the sun won’t shine It’s hard to tell the nighttime from the day You’re losin’ all your highs and lows Ain’t it funny how the feelin’ goes away? | 「冬がやって(不遇の時代の比喩)きて、足もとが寒く感じないか? 上を見げりゃ、太陽が輝かないどころか、雪すら降らない (空は灰色で)今が昼なんだか夜なんだかわかりゃしない キミはもはや、このところハイな喜びも落ち込みさえも全部なくしかけてる(”lose”には「失う」のほかに「負ける」という意味も) 感情そのものがどっかへ消えてしまったら、「笑え」ないだろ |
Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses? Come down from your fences, open the gate It may be rainin’, but there’s a rainbow above you You better let somebody love you (Let somebody love you) You better let somebody love you before it’s too late | 「(絶望してる)デスペラードよ、感覚に正直に戻れよ 登った「柵」から降りてきて(心の)「門」を開け(=受け入れろ) (今は)雨が降っているかもしれない、でも雨空には「虹」がかかってる そろそろ、キミを愛してくれる人とホームを築きな・・・ (誰かあなたを愛してる人にゆだねましょう) (身近にいる人の)愛を受け入れろ 手遅れになる前に・・・ |
Randy Meisener 好きだったなぁ!
6/29 6/30 7/7 7/14 7/21 7/28 8/4 8/11(final) ♪Further more
6/30 北鎌倉で
Came visited us again at Hakkei. We sang La Mer and 「海」in Japanese together. (see here)
★7/21 Chrisパパのお迎えなのに、わざわざ来るか?!
It should be ok if we keep a short visit. The girls are looking forward to seeing yyou and Nobu san. we are already on the train to Kanazawa hakkei, arriving at 11:42. we will rush. even a short visit is better than no visit.
They came with a routine of flower bouquets even it was less than an hour short visit!
★7/28 The family has a strong will to do what they plan!! I was so happy to see their father Chris here desapite his poor health condition. It was a big gathering with Ken’s staff member and her family!
★8/4 It becomes more and more like a happy family gathering, especially with Marie and Kumi. More relaxed and had so much fun together. Jessica said these were the happiest moments!
★8/11(final) Maybe the last visit of this summer. Ken told me that I might miss them a lot. Yes, or Not. I like them and got enormous enegy and inspiration during their stay. I am grateful fot it. Yes, I miss them!
Mirka Madeleine Mora (née Zelik) (18 March 1928 – 27 August 2018(aged 90)) was a French-born Australian visual artist and cultural figure who contributed significantly to the development of Australian contemporary art. Her media included drawing, painting, sculpture and mosaic.
City of Melbourne/@cityofmelbourne
Vale Mirka Mora, a true Melburnian. If you’re one of the one million people walking past Flinders Street station today, please keep a look out for the glorious mural Mirka painted there in 1986.
6/12 bridge over troubled waterは音域が合わずにカラオケは失敗。代わりの歌は<こちら> 次は The Rose だ!
9/13は I Left My Heart in San Francisco
When you’re weary/ Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes/ I will dry them all/ I’m on your side
When times get rough/ And friends just can’t be found/ Like a bridge over troubled water/ I will lay me down
When you’re down and out/ When you’re on the street/ When evening falls so hard/ I will comfort you/ I’ll take your part/ When darkness comes/ And pain is all around/ Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down/ Like a bridge over troubled water/ I will lay me down
Sail on Silver Girl,/ Sail on by/ Your time has come to shine/ All your dreams are on their way/ See how they shine/ If you need a friend/
I’m sailing right behind/ Like a bridge over troubled water/ I will ease your mind/ Like a bridge over troubled water/ I will ease your mind
歌詞と曲名は、1960年代のアメリカで盛んに歌われた黒人霊歌・ゴスペル『Mary Don’t You Weep』のアレンジ版から影響を受けている。<1960年代のアメリカ公民権運動>
『Mary Don’t You Weep』はアーティストによって様々な歌詞で歌われており、サイモン&ガーファンクル『明日に架ける橋』に影響を与えたのは、スワン・シルバートーンズ(The Swan Silvertones)によるゴスペル版の次のような歌詞(上)。意味:「私を信じるならば、私は深い海に架かる橋になろう、マリア」この「bridge over deep water」の「deep」が「troubled」に差し替えられて、サイモン&ガーファンクルの『Bridge over Troubled Water』となった。歌詞の内容は、新約聖書「ヨハネによる福音書」に基づいており、兄ラザロの死で取り乱していたベタニアのマリアをイエスが慰める場面に基づく。なお、歌詞には旧約聖書「出エジプト記」の要素も含まれている(ファラオの軍のくだり)。
Oh Mary, don’t you weep,
don’t you mourn
Oh Mary, don’t you weep,
don’t you mourn
Pharoah’s army got drownded
Oh Mary don’t you weep
歌詞にある「Sail on Silver Girl」の「Silver Girl(シルバーガール)」については、単語を直訳しただけでは意味が分からない。BBC公式ウェブサイト内「The forgotten political roots of Bridge over Troubled Water」の解説では、この「Silver Girl」の意味・由来について次のように説明している。ポール・サイモンの後の妻ペギーパーパーは、初めて生えた白髪(シルバーヘアー)にがっかりしており、彼女へ向けたメッセージとして内輪ネタ的に盛り込まれたのがこの「Silver Girl」だという。
『ローズ』(The Rose)は、アメリカの女優・歌手ベット・ミドラー(Bette Midler/ 1945-)が1980年にリリースした楽曲。同名映画の主題歌で、ベット・ミドラーが主演した。by Amanda McBroom/1947-
Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed up
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching (eiking) need
I say love <up>, it is a flower
And you, its only seed
It’s the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It’s the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to live
<tune up>When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
🌸Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes 🌺the rose
Youtube with lyrics in J
【I Left My Heart in San Francisco】
The loveliness of Paris
It seems somehow sadly gay
The glory that was Rome
is of another day
I’ve been terribly alone and forgotten in Manhattan
I’m going home
To my city by the Bay..
I left my heart in San Francisco
High on a hill, it calls to me
To be where little cable cars
Climb halfway to the stars!
The morning fog may chill the air
I don’t care!
My love waits there in San Francisco
Above the blue and windy sea
When I come home to you, San Francisco,
Your golden sun will shine for me!
米映画界の最高峰、アカデミー賞を受賞した宮崎駿監督(83)の長編アニメ「君たちはどう生きるか」は、太平洋戦争中に火事で母親を亡くした少年の心の葛藤を描いた。「困難で激動の今の時代に対し、強く問いかける傑作だ」。米国でジブリ作品を研究する第一人者の米タフツ大のスーザン・ネイピア教授 Susan Napier(68)は、世界で戦争が続く中での受賞を「痛切な意義がある」と評した。2001年9月11日の米中枢同時テロ後の価値観の変化を指摘する。「残念だが、世の中はハッピーエンドでは終わらない、善人が勝つとは限らないという大きな警鐘になった」。9.11以降、宮崎監督が描き出す複雑で矛盾に満ちたリアルな世界観が若者を中心に共感を呼んでいるという。
宮崎監督が原作・脚本も務めたオリジナルストーリーで、タイトルは宮崎監督が少年時代に読んだという、吉野源三郎の著書「君たちはどう生きるか」から借りたもの。アメリカでも高い評価を得て、第81回ゴールデングローブ賞では日本作品で初めてアニメーション映画賞を受賞し、第96回アカデミー賞でも宮崎監督作およびジブリ作品として「千と千尋の神隠し」以来となる2度目の長編アニメーション賞受賞という快挙を成し遂げた。2023年製作/124分/G/日本 配給:東宝 (映画.com「オッペンハイマー」) Oppenheimer Official Site(日本語予告編)
In a ‘vast and limitless world’: the grieving Mahito Maki encounters some ‘beaky interest’ in The Boy and the Heron. by The Guardian
The Boy and the Heron review – overplotted Miyazaki still delights /This article is more than 2 months old
At 82, the revered director of Spirited Away and My Neighbour Totoro has made his most personal film yet – a sometimes unwieldy tale of a 12-year-old boy coming to terms with his mother’s death
It’s the film that the revered animator and co-founder of Studio Ghibli Hayao Miyazaki came out of retirement to make, and it’s arguably one of his most personal. The Boy and the Heron is a strikingly beautiful, densely detailed fantasy that revisits themes and devices familiar from previous films and ties them together with elements that have a clear autobiographical resonance for the director. The dream logic of the narrative seems to have been born from the untrammelled imagination of a child rather than that of a man in his 80s. The lush orchestral score, by regular Miyazaki collaborator Joe Hisaishi, is shimmering and exultant. All the elements are in place. So it seems almost churlish to note that this is middling Miyazaki at best.
Of course, a mid-level Miyazaki film is still a vastly superior entity to much of the more cynically commercial content served up by Hollywood animation studios. And it’s not as if the seductive spell has been entirely broken. But compared with, say, the beguiling simplicity of My Neighbour Totoro, or the richly realised world of Spirited Away, this sometimes feels heavy going. Some of that trademark Miyazaki magic has been stifled by overplotted, incoherent storytelling and an unwieldy final third act.
The backdrop, for some of the picture at least, before it slips into parallel realms, is early 1940s wartime Japan. The boy of the title is 12-year-old Mahito (voiced by Soma Santoki in the Japanese original version and Luca Padovan in the impressive English-language dub). Shortly before the main action takes place, Mahito loses his mother in a hospital fire after a bombing raid on Tokyo. The inferno engulfing the city has a disorientating, impressionistic quality that’s distinct from the precise visual style of the rest of the film, and this striking image of a burning city is one that Miyazaki has cited as one of his earliest childhood memories.
Mahito’s father is the boss of a factory that manufactures fighter planes (as was the director’s own father). He remarries, to his late wife’s younger sister Natsuko (Yoshino Kimura/Gemma Chan), and the still grieving Mahito is forced to relocate from Tokyo to the country estate where his mother and Natsuko both grew up. It’s a curious, cavernous place, populated by a staff of bickering, ancient crones; it comes with a lake and a bricked-up, semi-derelict tower in its grounds.It also has another resident: an insolent grey heron (Masaki Suda/Robert Pattinson) that seems to be taking a particular beaky interest in Mahito.
At the goading behest of the heron, Mahito enters the forbidden tower and finds himself drawn into a netherworld where timelines are knitted together and the infrastructure of the whole domain is controlled by some kind of high-stakes Jenga game. Fellow inhabitants of this world include Kiriko (Kô Shibasaki/Florence Pugh), a dashing sailor and fisherwoman who is skilled in magic, and the fire maiden Himi (Aimyon/Karen Fukuhara), as well as Mahito’s new stepmother, Natsuko, and a community of giant man-eating parakeets.For a director who is so famously preoccupied with the idea of flight, Miyazaki reveals an unexpectedly complicated relationship with birds in this picture. In addition to the monstrous parakeets that eye Mahito greedily, cutlery at the ready, there is also a flock of pelicans that feed on gentle floating creatures called the Warawara. And then there’s the heron, which soon loses its elegant avian form and morphs into one of Miyazaki’s less lovely creations, a wart-encrusted, goblin-like henchman in service to the ruler of this magic kingdom – an ageing wizard who, it turns out, has a connection to Mahito’s family. Ultimately, family – even a fractured, imperfect family scarred by loss – is elevated, forming the central spine of this picture, as it does in so many of Miyazaki’s movies.
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