Montpelier バーモント州モントぺリエ<州都です>(Click to enlarge the photos)

The City

155.JPG州議会議事堂前広場Capital House Garden

153.JPG州議会議事堂 The Capital House

141.JPG州議会議事堂内部 The Parliament

DSCF0029.JPGモントペリエの街並 Montpelier

DSCF0093.JPGメインストリートのレストラン Main St.

DSCF0189.JPG道端の草ばな・日本と同じ Roadside flowers


小学校(折り紙教室)Elementary School

116.JPGアンの家 Ann’s house

DSCF6238.JPGMy dear friend Ann

RIMG8085.JPGJohn and Simon

家のすぐ裏の草地・初秋 Backyard pasture in early fall



yy/mm the USjapan
1927The house was built
1996 or 7Ann came to Japan (Soon after she came, we met.)
1998Ann moved to the house (by Peter) (John: 1999)
200214 Jan 2002 Simon was born (age of 17?)
★ I saw Simon as an infant, milk baby!
2003-2004       ::Akemi in UK
2003Met Ann in Dublin (you help make my life more adventuresome and enriched. plus, i feel especially favored to have your friendship.)Dublin
20072007年9月15日(土)16:50発⇒18:35着 ワシントン/ダレス国際空港
⇒バーリントン(バーモント) 9/23
2011Summer Vacation in Maine, 2011Maine with Kumi
2012Travel to Vermont 2012Vermont
2015Vermont Visit, October 2015Vermont with Ken
2016Trip To London, Nov 2016London
2018Vermont Visit, Nov 2018Vermont 

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The White House

the whitehouse visit

Visited the White House with my friends in the U.S.. Very fortunate.
“Walk fast!” “Go straight!” Oh, I was so scared!

Inside, we were guided into about ten rooms only on the ground floor with a guide. Profiles of the Presidents, family members and other guests were interesting. The painting of John F. Kennedy on the corridor was different from others. He looked calm or sad, as he closed his eyes and looked down. That was so impressive. The guide explained the reason to me that the profile was painted after his sudden death so the painter was not able to draw his eyes.

WH tour map
tour guide
The National Archives of History was the place I was eager to visit, but I was not able to see any documents, because I haven’t prepared well enough to pass through the “researcher’s gate.” I regret it.