Is it Oak?
参考「コナラの成長」 (オークはブナ科コナラ属の総称)
OAK Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages | a large tree which bears acorns and typically has lobed deciduous (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually. “sun-loving deciduous trees like aspenポプラ”)leaves. Oaks are dominant in many north temperate forests and are an important source of durable timber used in building, furniture, and (formerly) ships. | |
English oak | a medium-sized to large tree (Quercus robur) having glabrous(無毛の) leaves with very short petioles(葉柄) and rounded lobes(葉状). | |
red oak | a kind of North American oak (= a large, common tree whose oval nuts have an outer part like a cup): | |
☆Idioms | great/tall oaks from little acorns grow (saying) something large and successful often begins in a very small way |
maple | oak | birch | horse chestnut | beech (ビーチ) | ash(トネリコの木) | chestnut ブナ科/クリ属 |
楓 | 樫の木 ブナ科/コナラ属 | 白樺 カバノキ、カンバ、 | 西洋栃ノ木(マロニエ):トチノキは日本原産、マロニエはバルカン半島 | ブナ | a tree with silver-gray bark(tough protective outer sheath覆い of the trunk, branches) and compound leaves(複葉). | 栗 クリ、クリ(の木)、セイヨウトチノキ、 |
栗 【クリとは】
【分類】ブナ科/クリ属 落葉広葉/高木【漢字】栗(くり)【別名】シバグリ/ヤマグリ ニホングリ(日本栗)
【学名】Castanea crenata【英名】Chestnut tree
【分類】ブナ科/コナラ属 常緑広葉/高木
【別名】クロガシ/ホソバガシ カシ/ナラバガシ
【学名】Quercus myrsinifolia 【英名】Bamboo-leafed oak