June 14, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)
TOKYO — Some experts say cross immunity is the reason for the low death rate among novel coronavirus patients in Japan and other parts of Asia compared to that in Europe and North America.
When viruses that an individual has never been infected with enter the human body, the body makes antibodies, or proteins that combat the foreign substances. The first antibody to appear is Immunoglobulin M (IgM), while Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is produced later. While IgM antibodies disappear fairly quickly, IgG antibodies remain for a prolonged period and continue to protect the body from the same viruses.
When a team of researchers including Tatsuhiko Kodama, leader of the cancer metabolism project at the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, studied the blood samples of coronavirus patients, IgG antibodies had increased in volume faster than IgM antibodies for some.
Kodama says this proves such people have immunity, since they were infected with a virus similar to the novel coronavirus that may have spread across Asia before. “Cross immunity may have worked when those people got infected with the new coronavirus,” he commented.
A team of researchers at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in the United States has also pointed out that cross immunity may have worked for some people. According to a paper released by the American scientific journal Cell, researchers found immune cells that reacted to the new coronavirus from about a half of the blood samples collected from 20 people in the United States between 2015 and 2018.
Meanwhile, a separate research team including Yasuhiko Kamikubo, a program-specific professor at Kyoto University, provided a different explanation. They say because Japan was slow in closing its borders, a type of novel coronavirus with weak pathogen spread, and some people were already immune when the virus with strong pathogen spread later — which was why the damage is smaller compared to other countries.
Atsuo Hamada, professor of infectious diseases at the Tokyo Medical University, said, “If we have a clear understanding of the reason why there are gaps in the number of deaths in different countries and areas, we can understand how to respond to this infectious disease. Cross immunity due to the spread of a similar virus, mutation of the novel coronavirus and other factors to do with the virus itself are worth considering.”
今から実行すべき「6 つの施策」
長谷部vs杉田の立憲主義論考 Aug, 28
朝日新聞 2020年7月25日 より
杉田敦・法政大教授 新型コロナウイルス対策として、政府は4月、特別措置法に基づく緊急事態宣言を出し、営業や外出の自粛を要請しました。今月に入り再び感染が広がっていることから、今度は自粛ではなく罰則付きの規制を求める声も出ていますが、経済活動や移動の自由を保障する日本国憲法との関係をどう考えたらいいでしょう。
長谷部恭男・早稲田大教授 憲法が求めているのは「権力的な手段は抑制的に使いなさい」ということで、特措法もそういう仕組みになっています。ただし、現憲法下では強制措置はとれないということではない。いわゆる「3密」のような、感染リスクが明らかに高い店を営業することは、そもそも憲法の保護の範囲外と考えられます。営業を禁止し、違反者に罰則を科しても憲法上は問題ありません。
杉田 明々白々に危険とまでは言えないような場合はどうですか。
長谷部 営業禁止は無理だとしても、たとえば、一度に入れる客数を罰則付きで制限することなどは可能でしょう。ただ、人は罰則があるから言うことを聞くわけではない。殺人がそう起きないのは殺人罪があるからではなく、みんなが人を殺すのはいけないと思っているからです。罰則や強制力の効果を強調しすぎるのはやめた方がいい。
杉田 いまの憲法は国民の権利を制限できないから、改憲して緊急事態条項を設ける必要があると言っている閣僚もいますが。
It’s so sad that I needed to say sudden forever good-bye to my dear friend. She passed away a week ago. She was such a wonderful woman with golden heart, always kind to EVERYBODY. It is just amazing. We had so much good time, not only among friends but also in person. I’ll never forget her tenderness, friendly smile and generous goodwill. Thank you Pyrrah. You were so precious and significant in presence. I loved the word “mellow” you said when you talked about one of your daughter. I want to see her. I want to know who she is!
Pyrrah became more concentrated to her own project.
I’ve never imagined that it was the last outing with Pyrrah. She was with Tanya. She looked a bit weaker than before, but looked fit and OK. They bought a big Miura radish at the farm and asked me how to cook. We had such a intimate good time together, then said good-bye when they changed the train to Yokosuka. I did not want to say forever “sayonara” to her that day!!!
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