9/30 日本を猛烈な暴風雨を伴って通り過ぎた台風24号。10/1の大学は、夏のような陽射しと、銀杏の大樹の黄色い葉先が奇妙なコントラストを見せていた。地面をみると、突然の風で早めに落ちてしまった大量の銀杏の実が・・・。秋がどんどん近づく。



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ドイツ語で歌うのは O Holy nightではなく、「もみの木」だった。合計何曲歌うのかなぁ。上手かったら何曲でも歌いたいけど、練習が不十分なときの歌は、自分でも信じられない下手さだから・・・。ネットで歌詞と楽譜、You tubeで音源を「検索」。練習もちょっと。
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Wie treu sind deine Blätter!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen!
Wie oft hat schon zur Winterszeit
Ein Baum von dir mich hoch erfreut!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Dein Kleid will mich was lehren:
Die Hoffnung und Beständigkeit
Gibt Mut und Kraft zu jeder Zeit!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Dein Kleid will mich was lehren!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles!
You’re green not only
in the summertime,
No, also in winter when it snows.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles!O
Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
You can please me very much!
How often has not at Christmastime
A tree like you given me such joy!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,
You can please me very much!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
Your dress wants to
teach me something:
Your hope and durability
Provide comfort and strength
at any time.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
That’s what your dress should
teach me.
夏場だけはでなく 雪の降る冬でも青々としている
おお、モミの木よ、おお、モミの木よ  そなたの葉はなんと青々としていることか!
2.おお、モミの木よ、おお、モミの木よ  そなたはじつに私の気に入った!
冬場に、幾度となく そなたの木が私を深く喜ばせたことか!
おお、モミの木よ、おお、モミの木よ そなたはじつに私の気に入った!

NHK Eテレで放送された,Wagner Walkureですばらしい美声と迫力で聴衆を魅了した(らしい)フォークトさんに、だいぶ遅れて気づいた私。マティアス・ゲルネの「子どもの魔法の角笛」を録画して、ついでに太ったおばちゃんと歌っているのを聴いたら、ナント、そちらもすごかった。
2017/9/21(木) 会場:NHKホール (東京都)
R.ワーグナー(歌劇「タンホイザー」)[演出]ロメオ・カステルッチ [指揮]キリル・ペトレンコ [独奏・独唱]ゲオルク・ゼッペンフェルト / クラウス・フロリアン・フォークト / マティアス・ゲルネ / アンネッテ・ダッシュ / エレーナ・パンクラトヴァ [演奏]バイエルン国立管弦楽団 [合唱]バイエルン国立歌劇場合唱団 E席 25000円 、 F席 17000円

★1 “Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond” from DIE WALKÜRE

★2 “Morgenlicht leuchtend im rosigen”(朝はバラ色に輝き); Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg; R. Wagner

★3 Klaus Florian Vogt Des Baches Wiegenlied

★4 Ein Lied geht um die Welt  2013 in der Semperoper

歌劇「歌は世界をめぐる」 – 歌は世界をめぐる

★5 Vogt sings “Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond” from “Die Walküre” by Richard Wagner at ZDF Morgenmagazin February 06, 2012!

★6 Vogt sings “Dein ist mein ganzes Herz” from “Land des Lächelns” by Franz Lehár at Talkshow “3 nach 9” February 03, 2012! Piano: Kristina Ruge.

All of My Heart is Yours

★7 Ich bin nur ein armer Wandergesell (私はただの貧しい旅人)(Semperoper)
Silvesterkonzert 2013 in der Semperoper mit der Dresdner Staatskapelle unter der Leitung von Christian Thielemann
From the operetta “Der Vetter aus Dingsdaどこかの従兄弟” by Eduard Künneke

Festliches Adventskonzert aus der Dresdner Frauenkirche (2013)
Conductor: Markus Poschner
Soloist: Joyce DiDonato, Julia Lezhneva, Klaus Florian Vogt
Orchestra: Staatskapelle Dresden

O Holy Night in F. 49:11 in E. 51:00

Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond

Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond,
in mildem Lichte leuchtet der Lenz;
auf linden Lüften leicht und lieblich,
Wunder webend er sich wiegt;
durch Wald und Auen weht sein Atem,
weit geöffnet lacht sein Aug’: –
aus sel’ger Vöglein Sange süß er tönt,
holde Düfte haucht er aus;
seinem warmen Blut entblühen wonnige Blumen,
Keim und Spross entspringt seiner Kraft.
Mit zarter Waffen Zier bezwingt er die Welt;
Winter und Sturm wichen der starken Wehr:
wohl musste den tapfern Streichen
die strenge Türe auch weichen,
die trotzig und starr uns trennte von ihm. –
Zu seiner Schwester schwang er sich her;
die Liebe lockte den Lenz:
in unsrem Busen barg sie sich tief;
nun lacht sie selig dem Licht.
Die bräutliche Schwester befreite der Bruder;
zertrümmert liegt, was je sie getrennt:
jauchzend grüßt sich das junge Paar:
vereint sind Liebe und Lenz!


Winter Storms gave way to the Merry Moon

Winter storms gave way to the merry moon,
Springtime gleams in mild light;
On bland airs, gentle and lovely
He* sways by doing wonders;
Through woods and meadows blows his breath,
His eye laughs widely apart: –
He chimes from overjoyed bird’s sweet singing,
He exhales lovely fragrances;
Delightful flowers reflourish his warm blood,
Germ and sprout arise from his strength.
With tender weapon’s ornament he conquers the world;
Winter and storm gave way to the strong fight:
Even the rigid door
Which defiantly and rigidly seperated us from him
Had do give way to the brave strokes. –
He came here to his sister;
Love tempted springtime:
It** hided deeply in our bosom;
Now it smiles overjoyed at the light.
The brother unchained the bridal sister,
Whatever seperated them lies in ruins:
The young couple welcomes each other with jubilation:
Love and springtime are united!

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6/9(sat) ときどきSimon君に会いに行くことにしました。楽しみ!!
 Top Pageへ  つづく

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6/19 (火)この日はMariは週のうち唯一のフリーの日。ふたりとも歯医者さんだった。Simonは相変わらず話しかけてもなかなか返事せず、マンガに夢中。約束の「メガネを買いに」も「行かない」と。でも「Pokemon行く?」と言ったら急に反応、「行く!!」と。江戸川公園でPockemon, Simonはよその小さい子と砂場で遊んであげたりしていた(良い)。

 Top Pageへ  つづく

6/27   明日は仕事が忙しくて、行きたかったけど東京へは行けない。でも朗報あり。Simonは「池袋こども会」のキャンプに参加するとのこと。早稲田や家政大の学生がボランティアでやっている活動のようだ。Simonが思い切り、のびのび活動できる場であってほしいなぁと思う。それにしても東京はチャンスが多いところだ!!20180624221302741.jpeg

7/3(Tues)  歌の後、東京へ。図書館へとか、字の練習とかいろいろリクエストはあったけど、Simonたちと本を読んだり(いろはんほへと・・・を上手に読むのにはびっくり。〝おきつはるか” をおきっぱとか読むのでMariと大笑いした。MariとポケモンGoで散歩して、のど乾いたのでDenny’s でお茶したのも楽しかった。
クミちゃんのご飯は超速攻でおいしい! 次回は7/12(木) プールの日だ。

いろはにほへと ちりぬるを
わかよたれそ  つねならむ
うゐのおくやま けふこえて
あさきゆめみし ゑひもせすん
色は匂へど 散りぬるを我が世誰そ 常ならむ
有為の奥山 今日越えて浅き夢見じ 酔ひもせず


とりなくこゑす ゆめさませ/ みよあけわたる ひんかしを/ そらいろはえて おきつへに/ ほふねむれゐぬ もやのうち
鳥啼く声す 夢覚ませ/ 見よ明け渡る 東を/ 空色映えて 沖つ辺に/ 帆船群れゐぬ 靄の中

7/17 すこし間が空きましたが、今日もポケモンと散歩など。最初はかわいいMariからのSkype message
その後、Simonのお迎え。鍵盤pianoと袋物を振り回しながら気ままに歩くSimonはちょっと危なっかしいけど愛らしくかわいい!江戸川公園沿いの道をPokemon Goで帰りました。
一旦帰宅後、小日向方面へ散歩。喉が渇いたのとお腹がすいたのでおいしそうなベーカリーへ立ち寄りました。あとで、東京ガイドにも出てくる人気店とわかりました。Simonは急に機嫌が変わったりすることもなく、ごく普通に見えます。学校では「姿勢が悪くグテッとしてるけど、“これが終わったら本を読んでも良い”というと誰よりも早く答えを書いて出し、”それがちゃんと合っているんだなぁ”と先生が言った」とか。もしかしてKenが言ったようにKind of geniusかもしれませ

お散歩の途中の楽しいTea Time

有名なイタリアン・レストランも見つけました!それにしてもMariは街中(?)の人気者。歩いているとナント多くの子どもがMari! と親しげに呼び、話しかけてくることか!誰にでもやさしいMariは本当に幸せな子供だ。

9/26 「スマイル・ゼミ」ではSimonと私の一方通行のすれ違いコミュニケーション。





「夜をこめて 鳥のそらねは・・」Simonの朗読




「運動会 60m走の作文」


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We have been discussing the American Parliament system as, meaningfully, a two-party system. But I have been interested in some of current new movements and trends, as well. So this is just for my brief study notes.

What is DSA(Democratic Socialists of America) , a NGO which seeks more human orientated democracy? http://www.dsausa.org/

Who We Are & What We Do
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.

Current Campaigns

DSA and YDSA chapters organize around a variety of issues based on local priorities, especially labor solidarity and anti-austerity work. However, the national office provides resources and support for the main activist priorities of the organization as voted on by delegates to our national convention:

Medicare for All Click here

Strong Unions Click here

Electoral Power

Bernie Sanders launched a political revolution and we’re continue to build it, supporting democratic socialist candidates running for local and state office. We’re also grappling with how to build independent political power to hold candidates we elect, and others, accountable to their constituents rather than the donor class. Click here to go to our electoral website.
OP-ED: Restoring respectful discussion: A practical guide
  A recent article called for “wholehearted praxis” in how we interact with our comrades, and argued against “internal policing.” I think the intent was good, but the article did not offer a concrete analysis of what goes wrong in personal interactions where there are legitimate political disagreements, and only gave vague advice about what…
Climate Change Needs a Short-Term Plan and a Global One
The democratic left generally agrees that using renewable energy is necessary to defeat climate change and is becoming more focused on moving our nation to a renewable future. Yet we also know that climate change is a global problem. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest forecast gives us a hint of what we need to do globally.
Part Two, American Socialism Then and Now
Those of us who declare ourselves socialists must reaffirm our radicalism, envision a truly revolutionary anti-capitalist future, and understand that today, as in Gilded Age America, the our cause is increasingly that of a radical democracy struggling to be born.

Socialism is no longer a dirty word in the US – and that’s scary for some

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a rally in New York. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a rally in New York
Here’s a fun game to play with a right-leaning American: say the word “socialism” and count the number of seconds it takes for them to scream “VENEZUELA” in response. It is unclear how many conservative Americans could identify Venezuela on a map but, boy, they all seem keen to inform you that the beleaguered country is a shining example of why socialism will never work, certainly not in the US.
For a recent example of how Republicans go completely Caracas at the mere mention of the S-word, please see Meghan McCain, the daughter of the 2008 presidential candidate John McCain. Last week, Meghan McCain had a meltdown on the daytime television chatshow The View when the subject of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old Democratic Socialist who recently unseated a 10-term New York congressman, came up.

Why the Democratic Socialists of America are experiencing a boom

Bernie Sanders revived a political current that seemed dead in the US. But working-class Americans’ isolation from mainstream politics helped, too
For the Democratic Socialists of America, there has been a silver lining in this dark year dominated by Trump. Thanks to a post-election membership boom, the organization is now 25,000 people strong. The DSA has become the largest socialist organization since the heyday of Eugene Debs and the Socialist Party of America at the turn of the 20th century.
Most of the new members of the organization have been young people, whose affinity for socialist ideas – or at the very least for a rejection of capitalism – has been growing in recent years as the punishing blows of neoliberalism have placed them in a more precarious place than ever before.
This newfound energy was on display at their biennial convention last weekend in Chicago, where more than 1,000 attendees from dozens of chapters around the country gathered to debate resolutions, set priorities for the next two years, and elect people to serve on the National Political Committee.
So why has the DSA’s membership increased threefold since Donald Trump won? The first reason is the most obvious one: the Bernie Sanders effect.
While polls had shown a growing dissatisfaction with capitalism in the wake of the Great Recession, there had not been a national figure that was able to coalesce that disquiet into an alternative vision for society, politics, and economy.
It was thought that Barack Obama might be this person at one point, but disillusionment set in once it became clear that Obama was not keen on using his mandate for the kind of truly transformational change that had been promised throughout his 2008 campaign for president.
Sanders, previously a little-known “democratic socialist” independent senator from Vermont, was able to win more than 13 million votes and 43% of the Democratic primary electorate. But his biggest impact came in what he did for socialism in the United States.
Bernie Sanders managed to revive a political current that seemed all but dead in American politics. After decades of continual red-bashing from rightwing forces in media and politics, the notion that the people, not corporations, should own more of the wealth in this country suddenly became something worth discussing.
This feeling only accelerated after Trump’s elevation to the White House in January. While many Democrats saw the mass protests against Trump’s election as an aberration, leftists saw an opportunity to engage in building the base for socialist ideas around the country.
The DSA is the largest manifestation of this, but by no means is it alone: local organizations such as the Philly Socialists, the Mobile Bay Socialist Collective in Alabama, and the armed resistance group Redneck Revolt work alongside the DSA’s estimated 105 (and growing) chapters on projects ranging from tenants’ rights, reproductive justice, and labor rights, to justice for the victims of police brutality.

Oct 25, 2016  Sixty-one per cent of survey respondents say neither political party reflects their … About two in three Republicans believe voter fraud is a bigger … of Americans who see a very non-responsive political system to their situation.

The debates prompted by the Panama Papers, while usefully illuminating the extraordinary corruption of many foreign leaders, may have distracted us from the real problem in Britain. Unlike in Russia or China, the corruption in British politics does not stem from those in power abusing their position for personal enrichment. Instead, it comes from the structure of our decaying political system. Propped up by money from vested interests, the rigid two-party straitjacket has left the UK with a malfunctioning democracy and led to widespread public disillusionment.
It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s clear that people are looking for a new kind of politics that goes beyond traditional party lines: a politics first and foremost of engagement and transparency, not reducible to the old left-right divide.

Young and liberal in America: ‘It’s both hopeful and disturbing’
As part of the Ask America project, the BBC spoke to young activists at a political convention for progressives in New Orleans.
If you have story ideas or questions about the US you want us to explore please let us know. You can email askamerica@bbc.co.uk or use #BBCAskAmerica.
Video by Hannah Long-Higgins
  • 07 Aug 2018

    How socialism became the talk of the midterms
      SEP 11, 2018
    Socialism is getting more attention in American political races, with high-profile candidates embracing so-called socialist policies and groups like the Democratic Socialists of Americaswelling their membership ranks and openly backing congressional candidates like New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
    “I believe in health care for all, I believe in education for all, I believe in housing as a human right” said Ocasio-Cortez in an interview with DeRay McKesson on “Pod Save the People.” If people are going to call me a socialist for believing in those things, all right, call me a socialist, I don’t give a damn.”
    Ocasio-Cortez’s position is “quite a distance away from what socialism traditionally has meant,” said Frank Newport, editor-in-chief at Gallup. He points to Gallup polling during the Cold War, when the company found Americans defined socialism as “the things that we would have thought of 50 years ago, government ownership of the means of production and equal incomes.”
    At the time, communism was spreading across Eastern Europe, Western European governments were experimenting with socialism and U.S. government news reels were warning Americans to be on guard.
    “The theory of socialism may be exciting to the intellect of many people,” said one 1955 film. “Its glittering promises may seduce the judgment of millions.”
    But the film warned that socialism was a first step on the slippery slope to communism.
    That connection between socialism and communism has faded for some, said linguist Deborah Tannen at Georgetown University. She’s written several books on how words and their use can change over time.
    “I think young people are just so distant from [the Cold War] that those negative associations would no longer be taboo,” she said.
    Today, Gallup polling shows more than half of young people (18-29) have a positive view of socialism. Perhaps because rather than linking it to communism, they tend to associate it with a more accepted partner — democracy.
    “Democratic socialism means that in a democratic civilized society, the wealthiest people and the largest corporations must pay their fair share of taxes,” said Democratic presidential candidate and longtime Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2015.
    “Most older people thought this is the kiss of death,” said Georgetown’s Tannen. “If he says he’s a socialist, he’s dead in the water.”
    In fact, Sanders made it all the way to the Democratic convention, and now congressional candidates are weaving the ideas of democratic socialism into successful campaign platforms for the midterms.
    That said, Americans attitudes toward socialism haven’t changed much in recent years, according to Gallup’s polling. More than half of Democrats view socialism positively and have for years. Less than a quarter of Republicans feel the same. What’s really changed is the way people feel about capitalism.
    From the financial crisis to the Occupy Wall Street movement to the reaction to recent corporate tax cuts, capitalism has become, in some circles, the new villain. The percentage of Democrats who have a positive view of it has dropped 10 points in the last two years.
    “I think for a lot of people, the way that they use ‘socialism’ is maybe just to mean not capitalism,” said Benjamin McKean, a political theorist at Ohio State University.
    “If you’re a young person coming out of college, you’re seeing some people doing incredibly well,” he said. But, “you’re seeing most people, in an economy that’s supposed to be doing great, not doing any better than they were a few years ago, sometimes even doing worse.”
    Which may be part of the reason behind a 12-point drop in approval of capitalism among young people, in particular.
    But overall, 56 percent of Americans still view capitalism positively, compared to just 37 percent for socialism. So the current economic system isn’t likely going anywhere just yet.


2014年のiPhone6から4年。機種変更を待ちつつ、何かいいのが出たらと待っていた。6 Plusの時は画面が大きすぎると思って買わなかったが、今回は(それより大きいとは思えないが)スケジュールや、特にこの頃導入した楽譜アプリが見やすいことを期待して!
XS Maxと6の比較 (色調自動調節を解除した場合)
XS Maxが黄味を黄味を帯びて
My one of the vest fevorite applications


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部屋が異常に暗いので楽譜用ライトが必要か要チェック(?) どんなコスチュームで出ていいのか、微妙・・・・。(以上、感想など)
”La baie d’Hirakata” at 「ばおばぶ」
”La baie d’Hirakata” (練習曲)

9/30 一部メンバー交代か?再調整の可能性も・・・。

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(江戸川公園にて, 2018春)
“Simon Style” Amarfi in Kamakura




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