Jason Furman President Biden claiming Japan’s investment in an American steel company is a threat to national security is a pathetic痛々しい and craven臆病な cave to special interests that will make America less prosperous and safe. I’m sorry to see him betraying our allies while abusing the law.
This currently in-fashion trade buzzword has arrived out of recent economic crises and strains on global supply chains caused by various shocks to the global economy. These include the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.Essentially friendshoring refers to the rerouting of supply chains to countries perceived as politically and economically safe or low-risk, to avoid disruption to the flow of business.
The practice has stoked concern within the international community about the possibility of further geo-political fragmentation and deglobalization of the world’s economy – the decline of interdependence between nations, global institutions and enterprises.
The US government, for example, has stressed its intention to obtain components and raw materials from ‘friendly’ countries with shared values to increase security of domestic production.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen set out Washington’s new approach to trade last year: “Rather than being highly reliant on countries where we have geopolitical tensions and can’t count on ongoing, reliable supplies, we need to really diversify our group of suppliers,” she said.
“Friendshoring means… that we have a group of countries that have strong adherence to a set of norms and values… and we need to deepen our ties with those partners and to work together to make sure that we can supply our needs of critical materials.”
Tech giant Apple is one American company to have recently made friendshoring moves, relocating some of its iPhone production to India from China. Currently, only 5% of Apple products are made outside of China, but recent JP Morgan analysis suggests this could rise to a quarter by 2025, Reuters reports.
<ただ、野口教授の次のような意見もある。> これまでの経緯を振り返ると、次の通りだ。
隣国・韓国では尹錫悦(Yun Seok-yeol)大統領の拘束令状をめぐって内政が混乱、そして同盟国米国バイデン政権が、日本製鉄の米鉄鋼大手USスチール買収計画を禁じる命令、フランスで2024年6月に行われた欧州議会選挙では、RNの得票率が31.37%でトップとなり、マクロン大統領を支持する中道の「与党連合」(14.60%)に大差をつけて勝利。ドイツ連邦議会で12月16日、オラフ・ショルツ首相の信任投票が実施され、反対多数で否決された。この結果を受けてショルツ首相はシュタインマイヤー大統領に議会の解散を提案。2025年2月23日に20年ぶりとなる議会解散に伴う総選挙が実施される見通し。
<スターマー首相・関連> マスク氏は引き続き「X」で首相や労働党関係者を名指しで攻撃し続け、首相を「まったくおぞましい」と書いた。また、「グルーミング・ギャング」に対する全国的調査の要求を「極右行動主義」と首相が呼んだことについて、「まったくばかげた言い分だ」と反応した。
★ マスクの政治介入(こちら)Europe leaders criticise Musk attacks 1/8 日本でも石破がSon氏と会談したらしい。
Paul Kirby & Laura Gozzi
Few European leaders have felt the lash of Elon Musk’s social media outbursts more than Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The tech-billionaire owner of X has called him an “incompetent fool” and urged him to resign. On Thursday Musk will use his platform to host Alice Weidel, the head of Germany’s far-right, anti-immigrant AfD for a lengthy chat. For many German politicians it smacks of political interference, with the AfD running second in the polls ahead of federal elections on 23 February. “You have to stay cool,” says Scholz. “Don’t feed the troll.”