We talked about: my dream of Ann calling for John this morning, John’s dinner menu, John’s Covid, very sick for 2 days, caughing, chills and…, recovery process of the Montpelier flood last July, my rehabilitation (“you look good!” they said to me), Japan’s Standard University Entrance Exam of Haruka, about Yohta going to master’s course, pretty Emily, still taking courses on philosophy, US presidential election:,Biden is a very good president but good chane for Trump to be next(怒), Ken’s work (is at Haneda Airport, going to Fukuoka), Montpelier’s shortage of Elevators, Post office problems, Simon will turn to be 22 tomorrow.

Talked about Yohta, Haruka, and Adri’s future goal! John told us about his happy life at Westwind with Herigan! I was so glad to know that John got used to it and became populer at his new apartment. Wonderful!!

★Oct 6th Adri’s future, US Election, Barbara, moving to two bed-rooms apartment (on Nov 1st), Vermont’s foliage, housing for homelesses in Sabin Pasture <650 thousand dollers, the price of the Sabin house 1億円>, Climate change with floodings, Halloween, the day of the death??, Japan’s ruling LDP’s two political scandals and so on. A lot of fun, makes me stronger and happier.

- Skype meetings with John, in 2020
- Skype meetings with John_2, in 2022
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