(Mail from Mr.Slo, Jan 4) It must have been very frightening to have been there at the time. I agree for elderly it is so very difficult. How sad.
But on a happier note we have been equally astonished and impressed by the JAL flight escape. A wonderful tribute to the Japanese people that they all stayed calm. There was a time when Britain was like that but now I wonder.
1/10 北陸電力は、石川県志賀町にある志賀原子力発電所で、今月1日の地震発生後、およそ1メートルから3メートルの津波が、複数回到達していたことが分かったと発表しました。いずれも敷地の高さを下回っていて、この津波による安全性への影響はないとしています。北陸電力は、志賀原発の取水口から海水を引き込んだ先にある水位計と、敷地前の物揚場(ものあげば)付近に設置した波高計のデータから津波の到達状況を分析し、9日、その結果を発表しました。それによりますと、取水口や物揚場付近には、今月1日の地震発生から25分後の午後4時35分ごろに、およそ1メートルの津波が到達したあと、1時間半余りたった午後5時45分ごろには、最大となるおよそ3メートルの津波が到達していたことが分かったということです。ほかにも複数回の津波が到達していたとみられ、北陸電力が分析を続けています。志賀原発では、海抜11メートルの敷地に高さ4メートルの防潮堤が設置されていて、今回の津波による原発の安全性への影響はないとしています。
Escaped passengers recall tense moments in Japan Airlines jet blaze
January 3, 2024 (Mainichi Japan) Passengers expressed their relief and recalled tense moments following their narrow escape from a Japan Airlines Co. jet that caught fire after colliding with a Japan Coast Guard airplane at Tokyo’s Haneda airport Tuesday. With an in-flight announcement calling on passengers to keep calm, the man, desperate to protect his daughter, kept her head close to the floor so that she would not breathe in the smoke, and the couple encouraged each other by saying, “Everything will be alright.“
(Mail to Mr.Sl Jan 7 from me)
How have you been? I was also very impressed by a wonderful performance of the JAL flight attendants.
Among them, I was interested in an idea of “10 people in circle rule” (it is not an official naming, I knew this idea from a newspaper article in Japanese). While JAL crew helped passengers escaping from flames, they asked passengers leaving the airplane “makes a circle in 10 people each, as it helps counting the number easier, and also helps building cooperative feeling!” Is this a good idea?
I have been concerning about the condition of the Shika Nuclear Power Plant in Noto Peninsula.