I don’t like to post this topic on my blog, but I need to learn how BBC reported the topic and what has been happening in Japan.
Japan’s J-pop predator – exposed for abuse but still revered
- Published 6 March
By Mobeen Azhar BBC News, Tokyo
Update 7 September: This BBC report in March 2023 prompted other victims to publicly report their experiences of abuse by Johnny Kitagawa. It led to demands for an investigation into the agency and its founder’s acts. Now, the agency has acknowledged the abuse with the CEO resigning on Thursday.
Johnny Kitagawa was the architect of Japanese pop-idol culture. His male-only talent agency, Johnny & Associates, churned out hit-making boy bands and Kitagawa held the world record for the most number-one artists, the most number-one singles, and the most concerts produced by an individual.
It’s as if the allegations of Kitagawa’s sexual abuse have never really had an impact, despite the stories being around for decades. For a new BBC documentary, I’ve been looking at how denial and media silence allowed Japan’s most powerful pop music mogul to exploit teenage boys for decades.
Japan’s J-pop predator – exposed for abuse but still revered BBC site
(Text) Japan’s J-pop predator

メディアはひるんではならない (Written by Shinichi Takeda, former NHK announcer)
日本人記者たちの声<記者会見の空気 同調圧力への批判力を=金平茂紀ほか> 伊藤詩織さんが見たジャニーズ問題
ショパン ノクターン曲集 無料楽譜(関係ないけど、この日に探した。)
青木理のColumn(サンデー毎日) 2023/10/28