<5/28 京大前総長山極壽一氏> 6/1「広島サミット」 6/2 ミサイル発射時「PAC3は畳んでいた!」 6/20 「米国は台湾独立支持せず」 6/23 バイデン発言
(質問)「海外派兵は専守防衛に照らしてダメなのにミサイルはいいのはなぜか?」 (回答)防衛省 「ミサイル使用は海外派兵には該当しないから」 (2023.5.9参院外交防衛委員会)

※ NEXTGEN GALLERYへの写真のUploadの順番がワカラナイ!
5/28 京都大学前総長で総合地球環境学研究所所長の山極壽一氏:「私がすごく心配するのは…」と前置きし、「『自衛隊員の数を増強することはない』と書いてあるんだけど、戦争というのは兵士の数の問題ですから、ロシアとウクライナの問題を見ても分かるように」・・・「いずれは学生が動員されるんじゃないか、これはすごく私は不安です」と懸念。 「サンデーモーニング」 Yahoo News TEXT
「望みを打ち砕かれた」 G7広島サミット、被爆者から批判の声も
Asahi Shimbun
日本原水爆被害者団体協議会(日本被団協)の木戸季市事務局長(83)は「核抑止論をもって、戦争をあおるような会議になった。いちるの望みを打ち砕かれ、怒りに震えている」と語った。 核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン(ICAN)の川崎哲国際運営委員は「核軍縮の道を切り開けなかった」とした。「ロシアの核を抑止する一番の方法は、あらゆる国の核を非難することだ」と指摘し、「首脳らは被爆者と面会している。いかなる核も許されない、という具体的な文言を聞きたかった」と話した。被爆者のサーロー節子さんの言葉だ。広島大1年の岡島由奈さん(18)は「(核兵器廃絶へ)こんなに動かないんだ。こういうサミットは見たくなかった」ともらした。
6/2 Tweet:Jun 2, 2023 9,355Views
June 19 ブリンケン氏、米国は「台湾独立を支持しない」と発言。日本の報道はダンマリ。
Blinken says US ‘does not support Taiwan independence‘ during China visit
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US has ‘deep concern’ over some of the ‘provocative actions’ China has taken
By Andrew Mark Miller | Fox News
Rep. Mike Gallagher explains risk of renewed engagement with China
Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher joins Fox & Friends to discuss Secretary Blinkens surprise high-stakes meeting with President Xi Jinping.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated U.S. support of the “One China” policy on Monday, saying that the U.S. does not support Taiwanese independence following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“We do not support Taiwan independence,” Blinken said in a press conference on Monday. “We remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo by either side. We continue to expect the peaceful resolution of cross strait differences. We remain committed to continuing our responsibilities under the Taiwan Relations Act including making sure Taiwan has the ability to defend itself.”
Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pose for photographers in Beijing Monday June 19, 2023. (AP)
Blinken’s comment comes amid increased tensions between China and the United States related to Taiwan. Last week, Taiwan’s air force scrambled fighter jets after a group of 10 Chinese aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait for the second time in a matter of days. This month, the U.S. military released video of a close encounter between a Chinese navy ship and an American destroyer in the Taiwan Strait, and there have been several close calls between Chinese and U.S. military aircraft recently, including an air intercept by a Chinese fighter jet over the South China Sea in late May. China considers self-ruling Taiwan its own territory and has raised the prospect of annexing it by force. The U.S. maintains informal relations and defense ties with Taiwan even as it recognizes Beijing as the government of China.
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Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s two-day trip to China arguably went about as well as it could. The United States’ top diplomat said he had “constructive” and “substantive” conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his other interlocutors in Beijing, which included top foreign policy official Wang Yi and foreign minister Qin Gang. Both sides indicated their desire to stabilize a relationship that seems to be locked in a “downward spiral,” as Wang put it. They put out readouts of the many hours of discussion that spotlighted a shared desire to find ways to get along, despite the roiling ocean of tensions between the two countries.
日本の防衛費増額「私が説得」バイデン氏 大統領選にアピール 2023年6月23日 NHK(E)
Biden Commends Kishida for Japan’s Military Spending Boost (voa )

U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday commended Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for boosting Japan’s military spending and drastically changing its defense posture, and he called out threats from China, North Korea and Russia as reasons behind the two countries’ decision to ramp up their collective security. Biden conveyed this to Kishida in a White House meeting that underscored the deepening U.S.-Japan strategic alliance and Tokyo’s growing sense of vulnerability amid regional security threats, mainly from China, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“The United States is fully, thoroughly, completely committed to the alliance,” Biden said. “And more importantly, to Japan’s defense.”