4/8早朝NHKのオペラアワーでSamson et Dalilaを歌ったSeokJong Baekを知った。「またKorean!」と思ったけど、その素晴らしい輝かしく力強い美しい歌声に魅せられた こちらも 。Korean Artists(特に声楽)の実力は本物!
Samson et Dalila_ Vois ma misère, hélas! vois ma détresse – SeokJong Baek

SeokJong Baek has continued to draw international attention following his Royal Opera House debut in May 2022 as Samson in Richard Jones’s new production of Saint-Saëns Samson et Dalila, and is fast establishing himself as an artist of note, winning widespread praise for his arresting lirico/spinto sound and refined technical accomplishment.
2022/08/07 • ROYAL OPERA HOUSE5/14/22 1st Orchestra Rehearsal. At Royal opera house. Con. Antonio Pappano
‘Baek has a glorious young lyric-heroic tenor voice, wielded with technical perfection from stentorian battlecries to tenderest soft singing.’ The Arts Desk
“The South Korean tenor was not just making his Royal Opera debut, but it was also his role debut plus his debut as a tenor… Baek did a terrific job. There was plenty of plangent tone, fine French diction and lovely shaping of phrases…”
Bachtrack, May 2022
‘Baek sounds every inch the hero, his bright tenor cutting through above the dark orchestral sonorities.’ The Guardian