An Austrian Christmas Carol
Happy first Advent! “Es wird scho glei dumpa” – is special for someone like myself, who grew up in Bavaria and Tyrol, because these intimate Alpine Stubnmusi songs always get me in a festive mood and remind me of my childhood.

“Es wird scho glei dumpa” (“It will soon be dark”) is a Wiegenlied (“cradle song” or lullaby) in Austrian dialect. It first appeared in print in 1884. Also see a rare English version (“The Twilight Is Falling”) below. Learn more in “About this Carol.”
Note: Because this carol is in Austrian dialect, the spelling varies slightly from source to source. See the standard German version for the normal German spelling of each of the verses.
“Es wird scho glei dumpa”“It will soon be dark” | |
Deutsch (German) | English |
Musik: Volksweise Traditional melody | German lyrics: Anton Reidinger Literal English translation – HF |
Es wird scho glei dumpa, es wird scho glei Nacht, Drum kimm i zu dir her, mei Heiland auf d’Wacht. Will singa a Liadl, dem Liebling dem kloan, Du magst ja net schlafn, i hör die nur woan. – Hei, hei, hei, hei! Schlaf siaß, herzliab’s Kind! | It will soon be dark, It will soon be night; That’s why I come to you, My Savior who’s awake. I want to sing a little song To the dear little one, You don’t want to sleep, I hear you just cry. – Hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye, Sleep sweetly, dearest Child! |
Vergiss jetzt, o Kinderl, dein Kumma, dei Load, daß du da muaßt leidn im Stall auf da Hoad. Es ziern ja die Engerl dei Liagerstatt aus. Möcht schöna nit sein drin an König sei Haus. – Hei, hei, hei, hei! Schlaf siaß, herzliab’s Kind! | Forget now, little child, Your grief, your sorrow That you have to suffer In the stable, on the heath. Yes, the angels adorn Your manger, More beautifully Than a king’s house. – Hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye, Sleep sweetly, dearest Child! |
Ja Kinderl, du bist halt im Kripperl so schen, mi ziemt, i kann nimmer da weg von dir gehn. I wünsch dir von Herzen die süaßte Ruah, die Engerl vom Himmel, die deckn di zua. – Hei, hei, hei, hei! Schlaf siaß, herzliab’s Kind! | Yes, little child, you’re simply so beautiful in your crib it seems I can never leave you. I wish you from the heart the sweetest rest, the angels from heaven cover you up. – Hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye, Sleep sweetly, dearest Child! |
Schließ zua deine Äugerl In Ruh und in Fried, Und gib ma zum Abschied Dein Seg’n no grad mit! Dann wird a mein Schlaferl So sorgenlos sein, Dann kann i mi ruhig Aufs Niedaleg’n freut. – Hei, hei, hei, hei! Schlaf siaß, herzliabes Kind! | Close your little eyes in peace and quiet, and give me in parting also thy blessing! Then my sleep also will be without worry, then I can peacefully look forward to lying down. – Hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye, Sleep sweetly, dearest Child! |
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Advent is a Christian season of preparation for the Nativity of Christ at Christmas. It is the beginning of the liturgical year in Western Christianity. The name was adopted from Latin adventus “coming; arrival”, translating Greek parousia. In the New Testament, this is the term used for the Second Coming of Christ.
Wishing you all a very peaceful, healthy #Christmas! 🎄🎁 ✨
Heute Abend um 19:15 auf ZDF: “Weihnachten mit Jonas Kaufmann”, ein festliches Konzert an Heiligabend aus Erzgebirge.
The Berliner Philharmoniker wish you and your loved ones the happiest of holidays.
It is good this post turned colourful with TaeHyung’s new cover song!