Referrendom in Okinawa, against the U.S. Base

3/5 辺野古、活断層の存在明確に 地層、隆起から専門家が判断
2019年3月5日 09:55

Japan PM says plan to expand US base will go ahead despite Okinawa residents voting overwhelmingly against

- Julian Ryall, tokyo
25 FEBRUARY 2019 • 9:02AMFollow
The Japanese government has vowed to push ahead with the expansion of a US military base in Okinawa despite more than 70 per cent of residents of the prefecture voting against the project in a referendum on Sunday.
Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, told reporters in Tokyo on Monday that while his government “sincerely” accepts the feelings of the people of Okinawa, moving US troops presently at Futenma Air Station, in the central part of the prefecture, to the enlarged US base at Henoko “cannot be postponed any further”.
The project was first agreed by the Japanese and US governments more than 20 years ago and is designed to reduce noise pollution and the threat of accidents involving US military aircraft in the town that surrounds Futenma.
The local government supports the closure of the Futenma base, but insists that the US troops should not merely be moved elsewhere in the prefecture.
Denny Tamaki, the governor of the prefecture, has stated that the rest of Japan should share the burden of US bases and that the 24,000 US troops in Okinawa should be moved to mainland Japan. That sentiment is shared by 71.7 percent of those who voted on Sunday.
The result of the referendum has no binding power, although Mr Tamaki is calling on the national governments of Japan and the US to respect the wishes of local people. He plans to travel to Tokyo and Washington in the coming weeks and to call for new talks on the base.
That request is likely to be largely ignored and work to reclaim land off the town of Henoko, in the sparsely populated north-east of the prefecture, will continue. A number of retaining sea walls have already been constructed and work is under way to reclaim nearly 400 acres of land for new runways for the US Marine Corps.
Mr Abe said the current plan is “the only solution” to the dangers and inconvenience to local people caused by the US troops at Futenma.
“We have been holding dialogue with the the people of Okinawa for a long time and we intend to keep doing so to seek their understanding”, the prime minister said.
サクラテラスの2階へ、牡蠣のお店に集合。楽しいひと時!みんな日に日に大きくなる。Simonは「成長著しい」と先生にも言われたとかで、「問題児」は卒業か!(ちょっと寂しくも ある)
Opera[金閣寺]日本初演 2/24
平成30年度文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(舞台芸術創造活動活性化事業) 2019都民芸術フェスティバル 参加公演 《フランス国立ラン歌劇場との共同制作》

オペラ全3幕 金閣寺
作曲:黛 敏郎
会場: | 東京文化会館 大ホール |
公演日: | 24日(日) 14:00 |
「金閣ほど美しいものはこの世にない」… 右手に障害を持つ溝口は、父から事あるごとにそう聞かされて育ち、やがて金閣寺に預けられることになる。
(評・音楽)二期会、オペラ「金閣寺」 疾風怒濤、演出のマジック

2/10 木村聡美さんソプラノコンサート at Aoki Studio
- 椿姫の「私はミミと呼ばれている」「O mio babbino caro」、オペラ座の怪人から「think of me」が良かった。感動で涙が出た。中島みゆきの「糸」も味わい吹深い曲だった!
Think Of Meアンドルー・ロイド・ウェバー
Think of me
think of me fondly, when
we’ve said goodbye
remember me
once in a while, please
promise me you’ll tryThen you find,
that once again you long,
to take your heart back and be free,
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me
We never said
our love was evergreen
or as unchanging as the sea…
but please promise me,
that sometimes
you will think of me!Think of me
think of me waking, silent
and resigned…
imagine me, trying too hard to
put you from my mind…Recall those days,
look back on all those times,
think of the things
we’ll never do…
there will never be a day when
I won’t think of you
Can it be,
Can it…
Lyrics for the song ‘Think of Me’ from the Phantom of the Opera. Sung by Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler
Violin, N響大宮さんの室内楽コンサート
その後N響のコンサートではいつも見てるし、TVではもっと身近だ。昨日はAll Beethovenの素敵なコンサートだった。でも、まだそんなに有名ではないのかな?ピアノに人もチェロの人もすばらしかった!サイン会は和やかな雰囲気。「鎌倉でもお会いしましたよ」というと「そう?」と。横浜生まれらしい、気取らない雰囲気。「次はいつですか?」と訊いたら「まだきまってないなぁ、ね?(と周りの人に)」と。。。
