Kazuo Ishiguro, his Speech in Stockholm, 2017

いよいよNobel Weekが近づいてきた。一番の楽しみはKazuo Ishiguroさんが何を話すか。日本人ではないけれど日本で生まれ、それを懐かしみ、日本にルーツがあることを誇りにする人。

Decent Manの見本のような人。

Kazuo Ishiguro ‘very touched’ by Japanese reaction to Nobel Win

DEC 7, 2017  JIJI, KYODO

LONDON – British author Kazuo Ishiguro, winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in literature, said Wednesday he was happy to learn that people in Japan celebrated his recognition.
Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki in 1954 and moved at age 5 to Britain, where he still lives and writes in English.

“I’ve been very touched … by the emotion with which people in Japan seem to have received this news,” he said at a news conference in Stockholm. “I hope the Japanese people can feel proud of this victory, just as people in Britain feel proud of this victory.”

Ishiguro said the Nobel prize “symbolizes something that people all around the world wish for, which is that human beings strive together, not in competition,” and “try and actually improve our civilization.”

The award ceremony is scheduled for Sunday in Stockholm.
Ishiguro said his mother was a victim of the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945, in the closing days of World War II.

“So in a way, I’ve grown up under the shadow of” the atomic bombing, he said.
“I hope that somehow we can continue to live in safety, although our world is becoming increasingly dangerous,” Ishiguro said.

He also said he was happy that the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), a coalition of international nongovernmental organizations, won this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

The award put a renewed spotlight on the nuclear issue, he said.
“I applaud this new generation of people who have created ICAN,” he said.
Following the end of the Cold War, Ishiguro said, people seemed to assume that nuclear weapons would disappear.

But “the weapons are there” and “seem to be moving around … in less controlled hands,” he said.

分断の時代、文学が声を カズオ・イシグロ氏がノーベル賞講演

◆「私の中の日本 創作の原点」日英揺れた幼少期

The text is here.

Nobel Laureate calls for more diverse for better literature

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) — Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature 2017 Kazuo Ishiguro appealed on Thursday that diversity is needed for better literature.
“If we are to play an important role in this uncertain future, if we are to get the best from the writers of today and tomorrow, I believe we must become more diverse,” said Kazuo Ishiguro, in the end of his Nobel Lecture at the Swedish Academy on Thursday.
In the end of his lecture titled “My Twentieth Century Evening — and Other Small Breakthroughs”, Ishiguro emphasized that the “diversity” he appealed was in “two particular senses”.
“Firstly, we must widen our common literary world to include many more voices from beyond our comfort zones of the elite first world cultures. We must search more energetically to discover the gems from what remain today unknown literary cultures, whether the writers live in far away countries or within our own communities,” he said.
“Secondly, we must take great care not to set too narrowly or conservatively our definitions of what constitutes good literature. The next generation will come with all sorts of new, sometimes bewildering ways to tell important and wonderful stories.” he added.
“We must keep our minds open to them, especially regarding genre and form, so that we can nurture and celebrate the best of them. In a time of dangerously increasing division, we must listen,” Ishiguro emphasized.
“Good writing and good reading will break down barriers. We may even find a new idea, a great humane vision, around which to rally,” he added.
The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2017 is awarded to Kazuo Ishiguro “who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world”, the Swedish Academy announced in early October.
Nobel Laureates in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics gathered in Stockholm this week attending a series of events during the annual Nobel Week, which culminates on Dec. 10, when the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony will be held at the Stockholm Concert Hall and the Nobel Banquet held at Stockholm City Hall.
Editor:Jiang Yiwei


2015.08.10 MON 16:40
カズオ・イシグロ・著 土屋政雄・訳 早川書房刊
何か大事なことが過去に起きたはずなのに、記憶にもやがかかっているようで思い出せない。そのもやの向こうにある「記憶」を探して老夫婦は旅に出る。旅するなかで夫婦が出会うのは、山の上に住むというドラゴンの秘密だった。その秘密の向こうに見え隠れする、無残な出来事の記憶。果たして、その記憶を取り戻すことは幸せを意味するのか? もしくは、それは新たな悲劇を意味するのか? 「忘れられた巨人」とはいったい何なのか? 当代きってストーリーテラー、カズオ・イシグロが、アーサー王伝説を下敷きにしながら贈る、異色のファンタジー・ノヴェル。
カズオ・イシグロは1989年に書いた『日の名残り』でブッカー賞を受賞した、文字通り世界で最も尊敬を集めている作家のひとりである。2005年には 『私を離さないで』を発表して世間を驚かせた。それは自分が臓器提供をするためにつくり出されたクローンであることを知ってしまった子どもたちを描いた、陰鬱な空想科学小説だったが、いまでは彼の代表作のひとつに数えられている。
一種のSFミステリーでもある『私を離さないで』や、ファンタジーをベースにした冒険譚である『忘れられた巨人』のような本は、近年出版が容易になってきているとイシグロは認める。2004年にデイヴィッド・ミッチェルが書いた『クラウド・アトラス』 がウォシャウスキー兄弟によって映画化されたのがいい例だが、若い世代の作家たちが、文学の世界で扱えるテーマの範囲を広げてくれているからだ。イシグロは『ビーチ』『28日後』といった作品で知られ、『Ex Machina』で自身でメガホンも撮ったアレックス・ガーランドと仲がよく、ガーランドのような若い世代がゲームやグラフィックノヴェルなどからの影響を隠し立てしないところに共感を覚える、と語る。
※ カズオ・イシグロのインタヴューは、『WIRED』日本版 Vol.19(11月10日発売予定)の「言語」特集でも掲載予定。
※ 前半のUS版『WIRED』によるインタヴューの原文は下。

Why Are So Many People Snobby About Fantasy Fiction?

Kazuo Ishiguro, who won the Booker prize in 1989 for his novel The Remains of the Day, is one of the literary world’s most respected novelists. It raised eyebrows in 2005 when he published Never Let Me Go, a dystopian science fiction novel about children who discover that they are clones destined to be harvested for their organs, though the book is now regarded as one of his best works. But when the literary world learned that his new book, The Buried Giant, is an Arthurian fantasy about the quest to kill a dragon, it didn’t just raise eyebrows—it made heads explode. Ishiguro was puzzled by the response.

“People are perfectly entitled to read my book and say they don’t like it,” he says in Episode 145 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “But if they’re saying, ‘I’m not going to read your book, despite having liked your previous books, because I hear there are ogres in it,’ well, that just seems to me classic prejudice.”

Ishiguro, who was born in Japan, was raised on samurai stories full of demons and shape-shifters, and avidly reads each new translation of The Iliad and The Odyssey, ancient tales of warriors, gods, and monsters. His longtime friend and mentor Angela Carter also wrote fiction full of myth and fantasy, and he thinks these various influences helped inspire him to write fiction that defies easy categorization.

“These are tools that have been used ever since people sat around the campfire as cavemen,” he says. “The Ancient Greeks used it, the Romans used it, Scandanavian folk tales, Japanese folk tales, European folk tales. We’ve used them all along. Why have we suddenly got rather snobbish and sneer-y about it in just the last few years?”

He admits that publishing books like Never Let Me Go and The Buried Giant has gotten easier in recent years, as younger authors—like David Mitchell, whose 2004 novel Cloud Atlas was filmed by the Wachowskis—have helped expand the range of subject matter that’s accepted in the literary world.

“It’s enabled older writers like myself, who perhaps grew up in a crustier, more prejudiced kind of atmosphere about what we could and couldn’t do if we considered ourselves to be literary authors, people like me have been liberated by a lot of the work that’s being done by writers who are a generation, or perhaps two generations, younger than me,” he says.

He’s still not sure why certain topics provoke such consternation among some readers, but suspects it may come down to insecurity. Readers who are most attached to the idea of literature as a status symbol, and who are most desperate to be seen as serious, may eschew books that seem like too much fun.

“When we’re teenagers we’re very prone to this, you know, ‘If you like that band you’re not cool, if you wear those sneakers you’re cool,’ but with reading we should grow out of that,” he says. “And for some reason books with dragons in them arouse some sort of fear on the part of a certain kind of insecure reader.”

Listen to our complete interview with Kazuo Ishiguro in Episode 145 of Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy (above), and check out some highlights from the discussion below.
Kazuo Ishiguro on “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”:

“There’s a tiny little bridge passage where the hero, the young Sir Gawain, rides from one castle to the other across an ancient Britain. And it’s only a stanza or so, but there’s a little description of what a terrible place Britain was back in those days. And the poet—it’s an anonymous poet—the poet says, ‘There were no inns or anything like this for him to stay at, he had to cling on to rocks to sleep, in the driving rain,’ which kind of puzzled me. I don’t know why he has to sleep on rocks rather than under a tree, but anyway, that’s what it says. And then the bit that really caught my imagination, it says that often he’ll be chased out of villages by wolves or wild boar or by panting ogres. And the panting ogres are never mentioned again, they’re just part of the landscape, like unfriendly bulls or something.”

Kazuo Ishiguro on Angela Carter:
“She was much more than just my tutor at university—when I was doing a writing program many years ago—she then went on to be kind of a mentor figure, and we continued to be friends right up until her early death at the age of 51. I don’t know if her writing had a direct effect on something like The Buried Giant, but generally she was an example of an author who didn’t think in categories, she didn’t think some things were not suitable for literary fiction and other things were. She was a pretty out-of-the-box kind of writer, and I think to some extent her career suffered while she was alive. I mean, she was quite a neglected writer during the time when she was alive. It was only later on that people have come to recognize what an important writer she was. But that’s when I first started to write, it was right at the beginning of my writing life, and I think maybe because of people like Angela, I’ve never really thought in terms of categories, or genre even.”

Kazuo Ishiguro on fantasy and reality:
“I like the coexistence of gods and the supernatural alongside the banal and the everyday. I was brought up on a lot of samurai stories as a child. Not just samurai folk tales, but I read a lot of manga-type stuff featuring samurai, and it may be true to say—maybe I’m generalizing falsely here—but in a lot of Japanese samurai tales fantastical elements like that seem to exist very easily and naturally. … In that landscape, it always seems to me the coexistence of oni, as they’d be called in Japanese folklore—which is a kind of a demon-cum-ogre, I guess—and foxes that are shape-changers, and things like that, are very, very common. And it seems to tap back into something ancient and profound, so that all comes fairly naturally to me.”

Kazuo Ishiguro on religion:
“In my book … one of the accusations the Anglo-Saxon warrior aims at the native Britons—the Christians—is to say, isn’t it convenient that you’ve created for yourselves a god who is infinitely merciful? All you have to do with your god—never mind what atrocities your armies commit—all you have to do is pray sincerely, and maybe atone, and commit a few pious acts of self-inflicted pain, and you believe that your god will forgive you, because you’ve created a god of infinite mercy. But from our viewpoint, he’s saying, this is just a way of condoning hideous, vicious behavior. … And it’s the Christian nations that rampaged around the globe, creating these empires, all over the world, and it’s an interesting thought as to whether that would have been quite so easy had they not had this god who would forgive them anything.”



Kazuo Ishiguro さんにノーベル文学賞


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