11/11(月)未明、Nobel Academy のサイトで授賞式の模様を食い入るように見ていた。
Kazuo Ishiguroさんは、身体とたたずまいは日本人、言語と身体の動きはHalf British/Half Japanese のような感じで、穏やかでにこやかな表情で、楽しそうに嬉しそうに賞を受けた。喜ばしい瞬間だった。
でも、その前に平和賞を受賞した ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) のベアトリス事務局長(Beatrice Fihn)のスピーチが超過激、直截的・感動的で驚きだった。日本人被爆者Thurlow節子さんのスピーチも力強く、会場に感動を広げた。世界に声を拡げるものだったと思う(拍手) スピーチ原稿(こちら)
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2017 
Richard H. ThalerさんPhoto: University of Chicago/Anne Ryan
Kazuo Ishiguro – Banquet Speech
Kazuo Ishiguro’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, 10 December 2017.
Your Majesties, your Royal Highnesses, ladies and gentlemen.
I remember vividly the large face of a foreigner, a Western man, illustrated in rich colours, dominating the whole page of my book. Behind this looming face, to one side, was smoke and dust from an explosion. On the other side, rising from the explosion, white birds climbing to the sky. I was five years old, lying on my front on a traditional Japanese tatami floor.
Perhaps this moment left an impression because my mother’s voice, somewhere behind me, was filled with a special emotion as she told the story about a man who’d invented dynamite, then concerned about its applications, had created the Nobel Sho – I first heard of it by its Japanese name. The Nobel Sho, she said, was to promote heiwa – meaning peace or harmony.
This was just fourteen years after our city, Nagasaki, had been devastated by the atomic bomb, and young as I was, I knew heiwa was something important; that without it fearful things might invade my world.
The Nobel Prize, like many great ideas, is a simple one – something a child can grasp – and that is perhaps why it continues to have such a powerful hold on the world’s imagination. The pride we feel when someone from our nation wins a Nobel Prize is different from the one we feel witnessing one of our athletes winning an Olympic medal.
We don’t feel the pride of our tribe demonstrating superiority over other tribes. Rather, it’s the pride that comes from knowing that one of us has made a significant contribution to our common human endeavour. The emotion aroused is a larger one, a unifying one.
We live today in a time of growing tribal enmities, of communities fracturing into bitterly opposed groups. Like literature, my own field, the Nobel Prize is an idea that, in times like these, helps us to think beyond our dividing walls, that reminds us of what we must struggle for together as human beings. It’s the sort of idea mothers will tell their small children, as they always have, all around the world, to inspire them and to give themselves hope.
Am I happy to receive this honour? Yes, I am. I am happy to receive the Nobel Sho, as I instinctively called it when, minutes after receiving my astounding news I telephoned my mother, now 91 years old. I more or less grasped its meaning back then in Nagasaki, and I believe I do so now. I stand here awed that I’ve been allowed to become part of its story.
Thank you.
私たちは今日、部族間の憎しみがますます大きくなり、共同体が分裂して集団が敵対する時代に生きています。私の分野である文学と同じく、ノーベル賞は、こうした時代にあって、私たちが自分たちを分断している壁を越えてものを考えられるよう助けてくれ、人間として共に闘わねばならないことは何かを思い出させてくれる賞です。世界中で母親たちがいつも子どもを鼓舞し希望を与えてきたような、母親が小さな子どもに言って聞かせるようなものです。このような栄誉を与えられて、私はうれしいと思っているでしょうか? ええ、思っています。私は受賞の知らせを受けて直感的に、「のーべるしょう」と声に出し、その直後に、いま91歳の母親に電話しました。私は長崎にいた時、既に多少なりとも賞の意味を理解しており、今も理解していると思っています。ここに立って、その歴史の一部になることを許されたことに感動しております。ありがとうございます。
Kazuo Ishiguroさんの手紙 (長崎県知事あての手紙;礼状の見本に)字はあまり上手じゃないようだ。
Kazuo Ishiguro さんにノーベル文学賞
Kazuo Ishiguro, his Speech in Stockholm, 2017
2021/3/2 ノーベル賞受賞後初の小説発表。Kindleで(英文版)購入。ただし、この小説は受賞前から執筆したものという。
2021/3/31 小野正嗣のv文芸時評