A funny Dutch video on Trump

昨日は北アイルランド出身の友人、今日はオランダ人のMonique Van Hoof のFaceBookで見た、笑えるYouTube Video アメリカを揶揄しながら、自国の弱さも自虐的に認め、その上でちゃっかり 「アメリカの次の2番目にしてね」 と言っている。(視聴回数 4,892,404 回) …わぁ2日で 9,813,562回に増えてきた。


・・・・trying to explain, defend and deflect the latest round of controversial statements by President Trump. Do they agree that as many as 5 million people voted illegally in November? Do they support a proposal to revive secret CIA prisons and possibly torture? What about a draft ban on resettling refugees? (By Paul Kane WP)



This Dutch video on Trump has gone viral!

“We totally understand it’s going to be America First — But can we just say ‘The Netherlands Second?'”

This is the Dutch plan for Trump’s presidency. 

The video is a spoof message by news satire show Zondag met Lubach to officially introduce Holland to Trump “in a way that will probably appeal to him the most”.  

“We speak Dutch. It’s the best language in all of Europe. We’ve got all the best words. All the other languages? Failed. Danish? Total disaster,” a voiceover says, mimicking Trump’s cadence. 

“German is not even a real language.”

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