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チャーリーとチョコレート工場 | 【あらすじ】 ウィリー・ウォンカ製のお菓子は世界中で大人気。その工場の中は完全非公開だが、ある日ウォンカは「チョコレートの中に5枚だけ金色のチケットを同封し、それを引き当てた子供は家族を一人同伴で工場を見学する権利を与える」と告知を出した。貧しい家の子チャーリーを含む5人の少年少女達はウォンカの工場へ招かれるが…。 |
ロアルド・ダールの児童絵本『チャーリーとチョコレート工場』をもとに、2012年にウェストエンドでミュージカル化された当作品は、人気を博して早4年。演出は『アメリカン・ビューティー』でアカデミー作品賞を受賞し、ロンドンでも『オリヴァー』『十二夜』『キャバレー』などの舞台を手掛けるサム・メンデス監督。多くのミュージカルが、公演短縮に追い込まれる中、根強い人気で公演の延長が続いています。 | |||||||
Les Contes d’Hoffmann
d’Hoffmann THE ROYAL OPERA |
The StoryThe great storyteller Hoffmann is losing himself to drink. His rival in love, Councillor Lindorf, claims that Hoffmann knows nothing of the heart, and so goads Hoffmann into telling the tales of his three great loves – each destroyed by a villain who bears an uncanny resemblance to Lindorf…Read more… (Contains spoilers) |
列車 ロンドン → ヨーク | | ||||||||
12:59 YORK14:51 LONDON KINGS CROSS 列車 GR532000 | 座席指定券 は含まれています。 | 1等 |
How to Get to Abbey Road Crossing in London |
The nearest Underground Station to Abbey Road is St. John’s Wood. There is only one exit at this station. When you exit the station, you will be on the northeast corner of Finchley Road and Grove End Road. Head west on Grove End Road for approximately 500 meters and make a right turn onto Abbey Road. The Studios – and the crossing – are right there. Use this Google Map for directions to the Abbey Road crosswalk. You could also take the 139 and 189 buses. |
Tour Information![]() |
Harry Potter Tours in LondonThis post is a guide to Harry Potter sights in London. We offer a guided tour of film locations as well as a self-guided tour to do on your own. Learn how to stay at a Harry Potter themed hotel or learn how to get to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour as well as other Potter sights outside of the nation’s capital. Join us on one of our guided tour of Harry Potter film locations in London Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. . |
Reservations:Where: Tour begins from outside Westminster Underground Station. Take EXIT 4 for the Houses of Parliament. Wait directly outside EXIT 4 of Westminster station just in front of the Cafe Nero.
TUBE: This tour uses the London underground- please make sure you have a prepaid ticket or oyster card to the value of a 1 day travel card and are ready to travel. Duration: Approximately 2 hours. |