Roger Mac Ginty
24 June at 05:28 ·
The fuckwits have actually gone and done it. Posh boy David Cameron calls an unnecessary referendum on EU membership. Loses it, causes economic disaster and anti-immigrant tension. And still remains an incredibly rich man. The rest of us face recession, job losses, further cuts to public services and a new government led by racists. Thanks Dave.
24 June at 17:06 ·
Looking towards Europe ⇒
24 June at 13:54 ·
The People’s Republic of Tweedyland declares itself pro-European(and far beyond), pro-migration, and pro-love.
Mat Whatley
Meanwhile the spotlight is also on the EU. They must come to terms with the many and various reasons why the Brits have node thus extraordinary decision. They must soul search. It is not only the swivel eyed loons of Britain who can see fundamental problems with the nature of the EU.
Other European countries will watch how the EU handles Britain now. A senior member of the EU. Paid its dues. Followed the rules. Contributed in enormous and various ways. Shouldered fair share of the burden. Now the EU should say thank you for all you have done. Sorry to see you go. Wish us luck. Help create a better future for all concerned. Anything less will be noticed with concer by eurosceptics in Holland and other countries, and will add oil to their flames.
Fay Ballard 
Ian Bostridgeさんは、ご自分のFaceBookカバーまでも変えてしまいました。「リキ」入ってます!私は、このIanさんのコメントにいちばん同意しました。
Ian Bostridge I didn’t have this contest. It was ha(r?)d for me. Imposed by a party with a small minority of the vote in order to solve their parochial ([視野]の狭い) problems and won by a smaller margin than they are demanding of trade union ballots. No other country in the civilised world would make such a major constitutional change in such a cavalier(むとんちゃくな,傲慢な) way. And it is not at all clear what the question answered means.
Ian Bostridge updated their cover photo.
Roger Mac Ginty
24 June at 08:17 ·
7AM emergency phone call from Professor Alp Ozerdem:
Alp: This is disastrous
Me: Yep, truly catastrophic
Alp: I really wonder about staying in the country
Me: At least I have an Irish passport
Alp: Can I marry you?
Me: er … well we can’t have two no votes in one day …. so Yes.
Alp: Great! And I am sure Mrs Mac Ginty won’t mind
Me: Oh yes …. Mrs Mac Ginty ….
25 June 2016 at 8:09am
More than two million sign petition for second referendum

More than two million people have signed a parliamentary petition calling for a second referendum of the UK’s membership of the EU.
An unprecedented surge of people trying to access the page briefly caused the official petition website to crash as many Britons shocked by the referendum result tried to engineer a re-run.
By Saturday morning more than one million people had signed – more than ten times the figure at which an issue is formally considered for a debate in parliament.

The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: “We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum.”
On Thursday 51.9% of votes were cast to leave the EU, versus 48.1% for remaining part of the bloc.
Meanwhile over 130,000 people signed a petition calling on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to declare the capital independent from the UK and apply to join the European Union.

However elections professor John Curtice said such online campaigns had no chance of success and that a million supporters was “chicken feed” compared to the seventeen million who backed Brexit in the referendum. (以下略)